加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民626收到补料信,但是没有邮寄地址,大家讨论下
如题,刚刚收到补料信,但是补料信里面没说材料寄到哪里。参考me的同学,他们me后的材料寄到哪里信里也没有提到不知道是怎么回事?下面是信的全部内容: Dear ******This is in reference to your application for permanent residence in Canada. In order for us to continue the processing of your application, a visa officer requires the following information and documents. Please submit your documents as a single package. In order for us to match your package with your application, please include a copy of this letter in the package. for yourself : Detailed ResumeTo download form go to http://www.international.gc.ca/world/embassies/china/forms/ECU-327-Resume-E.pdf The above information/documents must be received in our office within 45 days from the date of this letter. Failure to do so could result in the refusal of your application. Please quote your complete application number on your correspondence and address your correspondence to the Embassy at the address indicated below.Please keep this office apprised of any change of mailing address, telephone number or email address by submitting an updated IMM008 Generic application form accompanied by an updated IMM5476 Use of Representative form if you have a representative.If your mailing address is in China, you should provide us with four (4) address labels with your complete name and address written clearly in Chinese characters.Please note that we respond only to correspondence in English or French.Thank you for your attention to this matter.This letter is a computer-generated letter which requires no signature. Citizenship and Immigration Canada 是不是系统出错了?这么大的事情不应该这么儿戏吧?请各位前辈给个主意。还有,寄出的邮箱是:[email protected]
回复: 626收到补料信,但是没有邮寄地址,大家讨论下通讯地址:加拿大使馆签证处中国北京市朝阳区东直门外大街19号邮编:100600
回复: 626收到补料信,但是没有邮寄地址,大家讨论下如果没有写让你体检,就仅仅是补料信,不是儿戏
回复: 626收到补料信,但是没有邮寄地址,大家讨论下根据上下文 多次提及our office 况且你交的是北京使馆 当然寄给东直门外大街19号了 其实信的格式跟大家的ME都一样。。。ME信还让交护照和申请费呢 难道会有人寄到cio么。。。
回复: 626收到补料信,但是没有邮寄地址,大家讨论下哦?流沙什么时间收到的补料信啊?周五晚上???我记得你也是IP没有ME的,是吧
2010-08-23 妥投 2010-09-08 汇票解付2010-12-10 RN 2011-03-16 CIC: Ip不等于ME 2011-04-26:电话背调 2011-04-27:电子ME到;2011-07-30:MER,同时地址栏消失;2011-11-18 DM 超赞 赏 S sunflower767 0$(VIP 0) 1292011-03-25#6 回复: 626收到补料信,但是没有邮寄地址,大家讨论下奇怪,为什么只让补个简历呢,italove好像也是让补resume的,你的经历复杂么??
2010-08-23 妥投 2010-09-08 汇票解付2010-12-10 RN 2011-03-16 CIC: Ip不等于ME 2011-04-26:电话背调 2011-04-27:电子ME到;2011-07-30:MER,同时地址栏消失;2011-11-18 DM 超赞 赏 爱 爱睡觉的兔子 0$(VIP 0) 7272011-03-26#7 回复: 626收到补料信,但是没有邮寄地址,大家讨论下里面提到了visa officer,CIO的应该不是这么叫吧,可见应该是北京。何况已经IP了,材料应该早到北京了。
·生活百科 我被骗了,对吗? (水管工/热水器。)
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