加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民晕:原来撒谎是CPC们的“普世价值”?---哈珀用空头支票买选票
今天早上刚打开680,就看到了这个大标题: Harper promises a $2.5B tax break for families哈珀许诺为选民家庭减税25亿 心想原来这老哈珀也有以民为本办实事的时候,不只是整天玩弄权术糊弄老百姓。于是点击进去一看: TORONTO, On. - The first few promises were made on the federal election campaign trail, with party leaders talking tax breaks, transit and ethics on Monday. Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff told Torontonians transit is a priority, while Conservative leader Stephen Harper promised a $2.5-billion tax break for families.保守党领袖哈珀许诺为选民家庭提供总共25亿的减税。There is a catch, though. The tax break wouldn't come into effect until the budget is balanced by 2015. Harper said spouses with children under 18 would be able to divide their household incomes up to $50,000 in order to fall into lower tax brackets. 但这里有一个陷阱:在2015年实现财政收支平衡前,这个减税计划将不会实施。 估计到2015年,老哈珀早该退休下台了。何况F-35的价码天天涨,谁知道他2015年能否实现收支平衡啊?这不是典型的空头支票是什么?
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