加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民急求hope姐帮忙,大使馆怀疑我雅思造假,我怎么办?
北京大使馆的信如下:While reviewing the IELTS test results you have provided, we noted discrepancies between the photograph you provided with the application and the photograph on the IELTS test. As such, I have concerns that you used an impostor to sit the IELTS exam. We are providing you with an opportunity to take a second IELTS test in order to alleviate our concerns. <SPAN style="COLOR: black">
回复: 急求hope姐帮忙,大使馆怀疑我雅思造假,我怎么办?Please register for another IELTS test within 21 days, at the earliest available General Training session. Once registered, please send us a copy of the registration confirmation indicating where and when the test will be taken. Please register as soon as possible for the test as no extensions will be granted. If you do not provide proof of registration within 21 days, a final decision will be taken on your application with the information currently on file.
回复: 急求hope姐帮忙,大使馆怀疑我雅思造假,我怎么办?帮顶!
回复: 急求hope姐帮忙,大使馆怀疑我雅思造假,我怎么办?1楼2楼是北京大使馆发的邮件原文
回复: 急求hope姐帮忙,大使馆怀疑我雅思造假,我怎么办?想知道你考了多少分,值得VO怀疑,他不是给你机会让你重考一次嘛,我觉得你这回考试要用上次递交使馆的照片最保险
回复: 急求hope姐帮忙,大使馆怀疑我雅思造假,我怎么办?While reviewing the IELTS test results you have provided, we noted discrepancies between the photograph you provided with the application and the photograph on the IELTS test. As such, I have concerns that you used an impostor to sit the IELTS exam. We are providing you with an opportunity to take a second IELTS test in order to alleviate our concerns. <SPAN style="COLOR: black">
回复: 急求hope姐帮忙,大使馆怀疑我雅思造假,我怎么办?还有这样的事情啊?我理解,大使馆要求你重考,这样好像只能重考了。
Be the change that you wish to see in the world. 超赞 赏 S sally-99 0$(VIP 0) 2882011-03-22#8 回复: 急求hope姐帮忙,大使馆怀疑我雅思造假,我怎么办?Please register for another IELTS test within 21 days, at the earliest available General Training session. Once registered, please send us a copy of the registration confirmation indicating where and when the test will be taken. Please register as soon as possible for the test as no extensions will be granted. If you do not provide proof of registration within 21 days, a final decision will be taken on your application with the information currently on file.
回复: 急求hope姐帮忙,大使馆怀疑我雅思造假,我怎么办?还是乱码。再考一次就好了,分数要求高么?
。。。。。。[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]。。。。。。。 超赞 赏 nasdaq回归家园:) 0$(VIP 0) 1,5832011-03-22#10 回复: 急求hope姐帮忙,大使馆怀疑我雅思造假,我怎么办?以前看到家园里有同学跟楼主一样,结果还是重考了。。。
09/12/03初审妥投悉尼,10/2/24 RN,10/4/17烤鸭熟,10/6/11补料妥投北京,10/6/24 FN,10/11/5 变5(10/11/9 CIC IP),10/11/14 ME信,10/11/20体检(交登陆费、邮寄护照),10/11/30 变8,11/1/14变12,11/08/16 DM,11/08/21 大信封 “我毕业咯!” 19/01/16,宣誓入籍! 超赞 赏 aokilindaMontréal,QC 0$(VIP 0) 8,4892011-03-22#11 回复: 急求hope姐帮忙,大使馆怀疑我雅思造假,我怎么办?21天之内报名再考一次,把报名的确认信给使馆;关键是要考到多少分,如果很高的分数是很难一时半会儿如愿的。。。。。。。。。。
。。。。。。[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]。。。。。。。 超赞 赏 S sally-99 0$(VIP 0) 2882011-03-22#12 回复: 急求hope姐帮忙,大使馆怀疑我雅思造假,我怎么办?不高,不算雅思成绩60分
回复: 急求hope姐帮忙,大使馆怀疑我雅思造假,我怎么办?不高,不算雅思成绩60分点击展开...那就是说亚斯分数有7分就可以,easy啦,每一个单项上5.5就有8分,去考就是啦。。。。。
。。。。。。[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]。。。。。。。 超赞 赏 S sunflower767 0$(VIP 0) 1292011-03-22#14 回复: 急求hope姐帮忙,大使馆怀疑我雅思造假,我怎么办?七分不难的,加油
2010-08-23 妥投 2010-09-08 汇票解付2010-12-10 RN 2011-03-16 CIC: Ip不等于ME 2011-04-26:电话背调 2011-04-27:电子ME到;2011-07-30:MER,同时地址栏消失;2011-11-18 DM 超赞 赏 风间 0$(VIP 0) 1,3342011-03-22#15 回复: 急求hope姐帮忙,大使馆怀疑我雅思造假,我怎么办?我和你一样,不算雅思60分,7分真的不难,3M1L。复习一年后我考了12分。
2009/01决定移民 9/28第一次烤鸭 2010/1/22初表妥投 3/20第二次烤鸭 5/25FN 11/2变5 12/20二次补料妥投、24日主动补料妥投 2011年8/19小孩补料 2012/02/21变5句话3/6 电子ME!9/27 毕业风间的雅思心得 风间的G牌心得 超赞 赏 L liangpoon 0$(VIP 0) 62011-03-22#16 回复: 急求hope姐帮忙,大使馆怀疑我雅思造假,我怎么办?7分不难。那么只能赶快报名。时间有限!祝成功!
回复: 急求hope姐帮忙,大使馆怀疑我雅思造假,我怎么办?这个通知是电子邮件还是平信啊?最后状态是什么?IP?IP后多久收到信的?准备一些证明英语水平的材料,同时尽快注册报名。
回复: 急求hope姐帮忙,大使馆怀疑我雅思造假,我怎么办?别人带考了,如果不是,没有问题,再考一次,7分还不是白玩儿,呵呵,别紧张!
回复: 急求hope姐帮忙,大使馆怀疑我雅思造假,我怎么办?同意楼上各位说的,还是别大意,认真复习复习,多做做题,因为应该只有一次机会。另外那个TX说用上你上次的照片也是比较不错的选择,让使馆知道你没有作假。
钢琴基本功扎实,做事认真负责。寻找钢琴陪练及乐团钢琴演奏工作。 778-242-7878 超赞 赏 charleshui 0$(VIP 0) 5882011-03-22#20 回复: 急求hope姐帮忙,大使馆怀疑我雅思造假,我怎么办?忘了祝好运!
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