加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民魁省技术移民 - 准备明天拿公证件递料,列一下清单,大家帮忙看一下还有补充没有?
CHECKLIST 1. Payment of fees required CAD$699 2. Application Forms2.1. Application for Selection Certificate Principal applicant2.2. Application for Selection Certificate Spouse2.3. Contract respecting financial self-sufficiency2.4. Declaration by spouse or de facto spouse2.5. Application for permanent residence in Canada (imm0008) Principal applicant2.6. Application for permanent residence in Canada (imm0008) Spouse 3. Curriculum vitae3.1. Curriculum vitae (English version) Principal applicant3.2. Curriculum vitae (English version) Spouse 4. Studies and training4.1. Notarized university graduation certificate Principal applicant4.2. Notarized bachelor’s degree Principal applicant4.3. Sealed university transcript Principal applicant4.4 Notarized College diploma Principal applicant4.5 Sealed College transcript Principal applicant4.6 Notarized Technical secondary school graduation certificate Principal applicant4.7 Sealed Technical secondary school transcript Principal applicant4.8 The renamed proof Principal applicant4.9 The copy and the translation of high school graduation certificate - principal applicant 4.10 Notarized College diploma Spouse4.11 Sealed College transcript Spouse4.12 Notarized Technical secondary school graduation certificate Spouse4.13 Sealed Technical secondary school transcript Spouse 5. Work experience acquired over the last five years5.1. Notarized employment experiences Principal applicant5.2. Letter of recommendation from the employer Principal applicant5.3. Notarized employment experiences Spouse5.4 An explanatory letter for the new certificate of employment.--Spouse5.5. Letter of recommendation from the employer Spouse 6. Proficiency in French or English1. Certification of French Class Hours (310 hours) -- principal applicant2. Reading proof on Jinan French league (80 hours) -- principal applicant3. A certificate of French Class hours (224 hours) -- spouse4. An explanatory letter for French study -- principal applicant and the spouse7. Statutory documents7.1. Notarized marriage certificate7.2. Notarized certificate of birth Principal applicant7.3. Notarized certificate of birth Spouse7.4. Notarized certificate of birth Son7.5. Notarized certificate of "Hukou" register of households 7.6. Photocopy of passport Principal applicant7.7. Photocopy of passport Spouse7.8. Photocopy of passport Son 8. Photographs Principal applicant, Spouse & SonAddress label (Both in English and in Chinese character)
回复: 准备明天拿公证件递料,列一下清单,大家帮忙看一下还有补充没有?户口公证是必须一人一份还是可以做在一起?我做的是户口本公证,主副申在一个公证件上,需要放两个公证件在材料里吗?
2011.03.31上海递料2011.04.04香港签收2011.04.07寄出FN2011.04.15收到FN 超赞 赏 清 清风小雨 0$(VIP 0) 742011-03-22#3 回复: 准备明天拿公证件递料,列一下清单,大家帮忙看一下还有补充没有?呵呵,这个我红字标出来就是因为明天才能看到公证件,我也是做的户口本公证。
回复: 准备明天拿公证件递料,列一下清单,大家帮忙看一下还有补充没有?CHECKLIST1. Payment of fees required ? CAD$6992. Application Forms 2.1. Application for Selection Certificate ? Principal applicant 2.2. Application for Selection Certificate ? Spouse 2.3. Contract respecting financial self-sufficiency 2.4. Declaration by spouse or de facto spouse 2.5. Application for permanent residence in Canada (imm0008) ? Principal applicant 2.6. Application for permanent residence in Canada (imm0008) ? Spouse3. Curriculum vitae 3.1. Curriculum vitae (English version) ? Principal applicant 3.2. Curriculum vitae (English version) ? Spouse4. Studies and training 4.1. Notarized university graduation certificate ? Principal applicant 4.2. Notarized bachelor’s degree ? Principal applicant 4.3. Sealed university transcript ? Principal applicant4.4 Notarized College diploma ? Principal applicant4.5 Sealed College transcript ? Principal applicant4.6 Notarized Technical secondary school graduation certificate ? Principal applicant4.7 Sealed Technical secondary school transcript ? Principal applicant4.8 The renamed proof ? Principal applicant4.9 The copy and the translation of high school graduation certificate - principal applicant 4.10 Notarized College diploma ? Spouse4.11 Sealed College transcript ? Spouse4.12 Notarized Technical secondary school graduation certificate ? Spouse4.13 Sealed Technical secondary school transcript ? Spouse 5. Work experience acquired over the last five years5.1. Notarized employment experiences ? Principal applicant5.2. Letter of recommendation from the employer ? Principal applicant5.3. Notarized employment experiences ? Spouse5.4 An explanatory letter for the new certificate of employment.--Spouse5.5. Letter of recommendation from the employer ? Spouse 6. Proficiency in French or English1. Certification of French Class Hours (310 hours) -- principal applicant2. Reading proof on Jinan French league (80 hours) -- principal applicant3. A certificate of French Class hours (224 hours) -- spouse4. An explanatory letter for French study -- principal applicant and the spouse7. Statutory documents7.1. Notarized marriage certificate7.2. Notarized certificate of birth ? Principal applicant7.3. Notarized certificate of birth ? Spouse7.4. Notarized certificate of birth ? Son7.5. Notarized certificate of "Hukou" register of households ? Principal applicant7.6. Notarized certificate of "Hukou" register of households ? Spouse & Son7.7. Photocopy of passport ? Principal applicant7.8. Photocopy of passport ? Spouse7.9. Photocopy of passport ? Son 8. Photographs ? Principal applicant, Spouse & Son Address label (Both in English and in Chinese character)点击展开...老兄 你在哪个公证机构公证的?推荐下 多谢了
-------------------------------2011 01 18 痛下决心/2011 01 23 法语启蒙2011 03 22 官网评估通过/2011 09 23 递料2011 09 26 签收 2011 11 21 FN签收 超赞 赏 清 清风小雨 0$(VIP 0) 742011-03-23#5 回复: 准备明天拿公证件递料,列一下清单,大家帮忙看一下还有补充没有?呵呵,我是在济南,就是在齐鲁公证处,原来的省公证处公证的,离这个近点就去的这里。你在哪里呀,当地都会有公证处的
回复: 准备明天拿公证件递料,列一下清单,大家帮忙看一下还有补充没有?今天下午递,不知道照片后面要不要写上名字呢,看有的写了,有的说不写呢
回复: 准备明天拿公证件递料,列一下清单,大家帮忙看一下还有补充没有?我写名字了!人家官看了才方便嘛!
2011-03-21 10:55:58 派件已签收户口公证是必须一人一份还是可以做在一起?我做的是户口本公证,主副申在一个公证件上,需要放两个公证件在材料里吗?点击展开... 按照材料清单,建议一对一放进去。也就是几个人,放几本户口公证文书,尽管你们可能做在同一本公证书里面。这样比较清晰。
回复: 准备明天拿公证件递料,列一下清单,大家帮忙看一下还有补充没有?是的,我们是公证前刚把我们一家三口的户口单独整到一个本上,所以公证户口薄其实就是我们一家。
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