加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民香港到多?多坐??铨
我依家就16? 多?多坐撅GRADE11 之前老豆同呀?成日吵架 跟住就滕婚 之後呀?同?加拿大殖男人劫左婚 再搞劫婚移民 之後就?住黎加拿大坐? 果?移民仲未枇 ?住?坐?等之後先?左私校 ?搞?生?赞 正?比左?私校入?赞比入境?果到睇 劫果慎左半年 半年咿左 再理期(原因:??校) 又理到半年 跟住移民唔枇 要等上灾 跟住就唔想再交?偻 就去左?公校 因??男人 即STEP FATHER?就有加拿大身份 之後就去左上?鹇??庭 成功拎左STEP FATHER 既?鹇? 同埋用?鹇?身份入左殓公校 之後?铨就黎 一次一次?理期 最後依家又理到期(理期原因:??校)所以就?定左?殓私校整?生?赞 再理期?坐 即?交?偻 唔坐私校 坐返公校 但?交?偻唔坐 睇下可唔可以同?校商量平D 因?交一年?偻都好倨 所以就?左?律?同我地?殓?校?铨黎了 如果?偻太倨我呀?就唔想我再哂遑 要返香港坐我就坐完中三就黎左加拿大 坐左接近2年A)如果返香港到 ??????? 由中4坐返? 浪偻?年 #政府?校收唔收? / ?私校?B)如果留?加拿大 又要?做? (上灾仲排撅期 已?比左遑 成功率都?一半一半) 唔知排期等?耐, 整?生?赞都?想拖?殓拖到上灾成功如果慢慢?理期 又罄升到GRADE12之後 要啉大?/COLLEGE, 到??身份又唔知?算 (唔太清楚升大?/COLLEGE?铨)*金遑?铨 *居留既?殓?铨 *升??铨有?D有??既人解答下 THX
回复: 香港到多?多坐??铨sorry to hear that...sadly but true...it is a prima facie case that your parents are ruining your future. It is unlikely that a private school accepts such arrangement because it virtually facilitates illegal immigration. Who tells you that the successful rate is 50/50? If it comes from a lawyer, good luck. If the case drags on until you finish university, the worse case scenario is that you have to pay foreign student's tuition at university (around CAD22,000 per year).
回复: 香港到多?多坐??铨我想说....实在没看懂..帮不了你....
Vancouverersorry to hear that...sadly but true...it is a prima facie case that your parents are ruining your future. It is unlikely that a private school accepts such arrangement because it virtually facilitates illegal immigration. Who tells you that the successful rate is 50/50? If it comes from a lawyer, good luck. If the case drags on until you finish university, the worse case scenario is that you have to pay foreign student's tuition at university (around CAD22,000 per year).点击展开...?解??左?容既? ?我其?可唔可以利用毕罪人身份申?同居同埋可唔可以 申?左之後 我一?人出境同入境而?step father 留?加拿大?因?我想返香港探下d朋友, 但?又罄出左境入唔返
回复: 香港到多?多坐??铨我依家就16? 多?多坐撅GRADE11 之前老豆同呀?成日吵架 跟住就滕婚 之後呀?同?加拿大殖男人劫左婚 再搞劫婚移民 之後就?住黎加拿大坐? 果?移民仲未枇 ?住?坐?等之後先?左私校 ?搞?生?赞 正?比左?私校入?赞比入境?果到睇 劫果慎左半年 半年咿左 再理期(原因:??校) 又理到半年 跟住移民唔枇 要等上灾 跟住就唔想再交?偻 就去左?公校 因??男人 即STEP FATHER?就有加拿大身份 之後就去左上?鹇??庭 成功拎左STEP FATHER 既?鹇? 同埋用?鹇?身份入左殓公校 之後?铨就黎 一次一次?理期 最後依家又理到期(理期原因:??校)所以就?定左?殓私校整?生?赞 再理期?坐 即?交?偻 唔坐私校 坐返公校 但?交?偻唔坐 睇下可唔可以同?校商量平D 因?交一年?偻都好倨 所以就?左?律?同我地?殓?校 ?铨黎了 如果?偻太倨我呀?就唔想我再哂遑 要返香港坐我就坐完中三就黎左加拿大 坐左接近2年A)如果返香港到 ??????? 由中4坐返? 浪偻?年 #政府?校收唔收? / ?私校?B)如果留?加拿大 又要?做? (上灾仲排撅期 已?比左遑 成功率都?一半一半) 唔知排期等?耐, 整?生?赞都?想拖?殓拖到上灾成功如果慢慢?理期 又罄升到GRADE12之後 要啉大?/COLLEGE, 到??身份又唔知?算 (唔太清楚升大?/COLLEGE?铨) *金遑?铨 *居留既?殓?铨 *升??铨 有?D有??既人解答下 THX点击展开...呢?case都?妖塍?,唔好意思?唔到手。?你?下,仲希望有高手滓??你?good idea
8 Apr'10悉尼->14 May扣款->15 Jun RN->26 Jun初战雅思->1 Sept雅思复议成功->11 Sept Ielts L-8.5 R-7.5 W-6.5 S-7.5 ->21 Sept补料HK->27 Sept妥投HK->5 Oct RBVO->27 Oct收到FN信内28 Sept VO-MAC->5 Apr'11 IP四句话->9 Sept ME->14 Sept 体检->17 Oct登陆收据->27 Oct PL解左容既? 我其可唔可以利用人身份申同居同埋可唔可以 申左之後 我一人出境同入境而step father 留加拿大?因我想返香港探下d朋友, 但又出左境入唔返点击展开...It takes time for your monther's appeal (should your mother's case be successful). You may still have to wait for a few years before you becomes a PR. You should be included in your mother's application/appeal (if you are still a dependent child of your mother) Don't dream of returning to HK. If you are eager to study in Canada while pending application, try universities in Atlantic provinces, which charge less expensive tuition. It is not the end albeit your case turns unsuccessful. Good luck.
回复: 香港到多?多坐??铨It takes time for your monther's appeal (should your mother's case be successful). You may still have to wait for a few years before you becomes a PR. You should be included in your mother's application/appeal (if you are still a dependent child of your mother) Don't dream of returning to HK. If you are eager to study in Canada while pending application, try universities in Atlantic provinces, which charge less expensive tuition. It is not the end albeit your case turns unsuccessful. Good luck.点击展开...移民上灾已?排期左1年 申?上灾果?就?大俭1年 之後上去? ??唔清楚 到左果?就?嘱, 隔??月再?下 又???就快?在就?到?撅 一上灾如果仲?唔枇既? 就算留到?到坐到大?都唔?遑承??偻 之後返去香港 又唔知有??校收?劫婚移民上灾?申?全家咿黎移民 因?我未成年 所以可以同埋我呀?一?拎身份有?人知道我如果返到香港?後路?????盍科/ 考私校 (坐返?年班? 因?加拿大?制同香港好唔同 所以?信心考返grade 11 即中五 始剿又坐左年?ESL...)
回复: 香港到多?多坐??铨移民上已排期左1年 申上果就大1年 之後上去 唔清楚 到左果就, 隔月再下 又就快在就到 一上如果仲唔枇既 就算留到到到大都唔承 之後返去香港 又唔知有校收婚移民上申全家黎移民 因我未成年 所以可以同埋我呀一拎身份 有人知道我如果返到香港後路?科/ 考私校 (返年班? 因加拿大制同香港好唔同 所以信心考返grade 11 即中五 始又左年ESL...)点击展开...If the appeal turns out to be unsuccessful, it is unlikely that you may stay behind to study. If you have to go back to HK, you may need to start again from F4 (the highschool curriculum spans from F4 to F6). Alternatively, you may try pre-asso, assoc, and degree etc etc (this is what some graduates from international schools do)...
回复: 香港到多?多坐??铨虽然我都系讲广东话,但这帖子读得好累 ......
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