加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民Skilled worker faces three-year wait for immigration


Skilled worker faces three-year wait for immigrationPublished On Tue Apr 26 2011 Three years ago, Ottawa overhauled the federal skilled worker program, touting that the changes would cut processing time down to less than a year.But prospective migrant Pedram Yousefi was shocked to find out recently that there is a two-year delay in his application to immigrate to Canada under the program.“I am disappointed, ultra-disappointed,” said the IT manager in Tehran. “When you spend lots of hours investigating the best way to get a better life, count every day and assume to get results in a year, suddenly an official says they are working on files received two years ago. How do you feel?”The Conservative government changed the criteria for the skilled worker program in 2008 to reduce a backlog of 900,000 immigration files.“We expect new federal skilled-worker applicants . . . to receive a decision within six to 12 months compared with up to six years under the old system,” Immigration Minister Jason Kenney said at the time. “(These changes) will help ensure that Canada remains competitive internationally and responsive to labour market needs domestically.”Under the new regulations, 38 eligible occupations were created, including jobs in the fields of health, skilled trades and the financial sector. Skilled workers whose occupations are on the list are to be fast-tracked for acceptance as permanent residents. Those who do not meet the eligibility criteria will not be processed and the application fee will be refunded.These control mechanisms now appear insufficient.“The number of applications we received exceeded our ability to process them in a timely way,” Citizenship and Immigration Canada spokesperson Kelli Fraser said in a recent email.Fraser said the department in June restricted the qualifying occupations from 38 to 29, and capped an annual quota to process 20,000 applications, including no more than 1,000 applications per job category.Yousefi, 33, who has 10 years experience in IT, submitted his application in May 2010. A February letter from the Damascus visa post informed Yousefi that it was still processing new applications dated March 2009.“A simple calculation shows that my file, along with many others, is not going to be processed prior to 2013,” said Yousefi. “It’s unacceptable.”While acknowledging the wait in Damascus stated on the immigration department’s website is longer than the nine months, immigration officials say it does not reflect the situation across the board, and that the first applicant under the June 2010 selection criteria got the decision in five months.“Factors which can influence why processing may take longer from one visa office to another include the number of applications received, particularly if there is an existing inventory which has to be processed,” said Fraser. “We are committed to reducing processing times.”Other visa posts experiencing longer than expected wait times include the Ivory Coast, Egypt, Kenya, Israel, Hong Kong, South Korea, Russia, Guatemala, Jamaica and the United States (Buffalo).http://www.thestar.com/news/investi...-worker-faces-three-year-wait-for-immigration

8 Apr'10悉尼->14 May扣款->15 Jun RN->26 Jun初战雅思->1 Sept雅思复议成功->11 Sept Ielts L-8.5 R-7.5 W-6.5 S-7.5 ->21 Sept补料HK->27 Sept妥投HK->5 Oct RBVO->27 Oct收到FN信内28 Sept VO-MAC->5 Apr'11 IP四句话->9 Sept ME->14 Sept 体检->17 Oct登陆收据->27 Oct PL 超赞 赏 aokilindaMontréal,QC 0$(VIP 0) 8,4892011-04-30#2 回复: Skilled worker faces three-year wait for immigration因职业而异,因程序而异,因地域使馆而异,目前就是这样的状况。。。。。。。

。。。。。。[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]。。。。。。。​ 超赞 赏 S snowden8225 0$(VIP 0) 7452011-04-30#3 回复: Skilled worker faces three-year wait for immigration你现已毕业,又怎能体会我们这种心情。永远生活在TBD的状态中。

8 Apr'10悉尼->14 May扣款->15 Jun RN->26 Jun初战雅思->1 Sept雅思复议成功->11 Sept Ielts L-8.5 R-7.5 W-6.5 S-7.5 ->21 Sept补料HK->27 Sept妥投HK->5 Oct RBVO->27 Oct收到FN信内28 Sept VO-MAC->5 Apr'11 IP四句话->9 Sept ME->14 Sept 体检->17 Oct登陆收据->27 Oct PL 超赞 赏 B beidiao 0$(VIP 0) 3,4182011-04-30#4 回复: Skilled worker faces three-year wait for immigration移民部无需负任何责任

回复: Skilled worker faces three-year wait for immigration只是说现在是两年的等待过程了, 但是估计会想办法改善吧.

EDMONTON 找工作中QQ群:106955715你现已毕业,又怎能体会我们这种心情。永远生活在TBD的状态中。点击展开...你错了,我的心情跟所有申请者是一样的,这个历程对任何一个申请者都是一个炼狱的过程。 我想说的就是这个新闻其实不是什么新闻,目前或者很久之前的目前就已经是这个状态了。看问题不能只看消极的方面,文章中提及的处理地域也许比我们这边情况更严峻。 不过就事论事罢了!无须上纲上线,耸人听闻,然后针对个人攻击的。。。。。。。

。。。。。。[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]。。。。。。。​ 超赞 赏 binary淘汰男 0$(VIP 0) 3,3782011-04-30#7 回复: Skilled worker faces three-year wait for immigration我华丽丽的看到了HONG KONG...

04AUG2008 上海 EMS 北京 -> 20AUG2008 FN -> 15DEC2009 非38退档 -> 14FEB2010 退费28JAN2010 Sydney G.MILLER签收->16MAR2010 RN->07JUL2010 FN VO:MAC->15FEB2011 山寨IP->15SEP2011 IP->16NOV2011 ME->19APR2012 PL->08MAY2012 VISA->15MAY2012 DM->22OCT2012 PR你错了,我的心情跟所有申请者是一样的,这个历程对任何一个申请者都是一个炼狱的过程。 我想说的就是这个新闻其实不是什么新闻,目前或者很久之前的目前就已经是这个状态了。看问题不能只看消极的方面,文章中提及的处理地域也许比我们这边情况更严峻。 不过就事论事罢了!无须上纲上线,耸人听闻,然后针对个人攻击的。。。。。。。点击展开...我怎么对你个人攻击了?我说什么了?似乎你太敏感了

8 Apr'10悉尼->14 May扣款->15 Jun RN->26 Jun初战雅思->1 Sept雅思复议成功->11 Sept Ielts L-8.5 R-7.5 W-6.5 S-7.5 ->21 Sept补料HK->27 Sept妥投HK->5 Oct RBVO->27 Oct收到FN信内28 Sept VO-MAC->5 Apr'11 IP四句话->9 Sept ME->14 Sept 体检->17 Oct登陆收据->27 Oct PL我怎么对你个人攻击了?我说什么了?似乎你太敏感了点击展开...

。。。。。。[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]。。。。。。。​ 超赞 赏 S snowden8225 0$(VIP 0) 7452011-04-30#10 回复: Skilled worker faces three-year wait for immigration这就是攻击了 这气量

8 Apr'10悉尼->14 May扣款->15 Jun RN->26 Jun初战雅思->1 Sept雅思复议成功->11 Sept Ielts L-8.5 R-7.5 W-6.5 S-7.5 ->21 Sept补料HK->27 Sept妥投HK->5 Oct RBVO->27 Oct收到FN信内28 Sept VO-MAC->5 Apr'11 IP四句话->9 Sept ME->14 Sept 体检->17 Oct登陆收据->27 Oct PL这就是攻击了 这气量点击展开...论事实就是事实,上升到什么人的什么心情做什么? 心情是很个人的东西,我的心情,我的毕业状况如何并不影响我对以上这段新闻的评论。 我论的始终是基于以上这段新闻,与个人感情无关,请LZ calm。。。。。。 另外,不要再发悄悄话,我不会再回应,谢谢!

。。。。。。[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]。。。。。。。​ 超赞 赏 aokilindaMontréal,QC 0$(VIP 0) 8,4892011-04-30#12 回复: Skilled worker faces three-year wait for immigration以上评论那个句子,哪个词涉及到个人?何来针对? 我不会再回应,谢谢你,知道什么帖子是不能进去的,也是不能说话的。

。。。。。。[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]。。。。。。。​ 超赞 赏 ASURA无明 0$(VIP 0) 8,3212011-04-30#13 回复: Skilled worker faces three-year wait for immigration向两年的炼狱迈进中

回复: Skilled worker faces three-year wait for immigration12生肖里没有属猫的何必轻抚一下 就进入警备状态?两位都过度反应了

beidiao 说:12生肖里没有属猫的何必轻抚一下 就进入警备状态?点击展开...大家都是难兄难弟,何不珍惜,兀自自扰。

回复: Skilled worker faces three-year wait for immigration因职业而异,因程序而异,因地域使馆而异,目前就是这样的状况。。。。。。。点击展开...是的。

我不再批判文化,因为你们已经没有希望。 超赞 赏 yangsarah 0$(VIP 0) 3392011-05-01#17 回复: Skilled worker faces three-year wait for immigration“Factors which can influence why processing may take longer from one visa office to another include the number of applications received, particularly if there is an existing inventory which has to be processed,” 我的KYH班主任不是辞职了吧.5555555

骏马奔腾因职业而异,因程序而异,因地域使馆而异,目前就是这样的状况。。。。。。。点击展开... 花儿美眉说的就是很现实的话--实际情况就是如此。现实总让人沉重、焦虑、难以面对。。。。。。

回复: Skilled worker faces three-year wait for immigrationWK!这么说227是要等"三年"了?我还是先洗洗睡吧。明天醒来抓紧办美国签证吧。

回复: Skilled worker faces three-year wait for immigration反正都等了一年多了,也不在乎了。。。。。

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