加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民保守党哈伯再次连任,对以后的移民政策有何影响?



回复: 保守党哈伯再次连任,对以后的移民政策有何影响?坏影响!

2012年8月6日长登温哥华Shanghai --Vancouver--?? 超赞 赏 A anxioustogetmoving 0$(VIP 0) 3,0392011-05-03#3 回复: 保守党哈伯再次连任,对以后的移民政策有何影响?08年以来的政策变化都是哈珀政府所为,因此大选结果无所谓影响,只会让移民政策按照哈珀政府希望的那样继续走下去。不会趋松,也不会趋紧,就是按照C50后227/626逻辑地后续发展而已。欢迎拍砖,与TX们共勉。

回复: 保守党哈伯再次连任,对以后的移民政策有何影响?Where the parties stand on immigration ​ With an election looming, many readers have been wondering where Canada's major political parties stand on immigration. There has been a lot of speculation, though not always based on fact, that other parties might scale back immigration numbers or make it more difficult for certain categories of people to enter the country. ​ To make it easier to understand how each party might tackle the issue of immigration if they came to power, we have compiled overviews of each party, and their officially stated policy, drawn from their own websites, policy manuals or from leaders' speeches.​ Liberal Party of Canada (leader and Prime Minister: Paul Martin) - [FONT=宋体]自由党[/FONT]​ About the Party: The Liberal Party is a centre orientated, nationally based political party. The party tends to pursue policies that are between right-wing conservatism and left-wing socialism. The Liberals have been in power in Canada for most of the 20th century, and remained in power into the 21st century. Throughout their leadership, they have focused on policies such as the welfare state, bilingualism, patriation of the constitution, free trade, and multiculturalism.​ Immigration Policy: The Liberals plan to encourage more active recruitment of immigrants to meet Canada's labour and research needs. They recently pledged $1.3 billion over five years to improvement settlement services for new immigrants. ​ The Liberals want to improve language training and the process of upgrading and recognizing credentials of skilled professionals such as foreign-trained doctors to make it easier for them to work in Canada.​ [FONT=宋体]关键内容:鼓励更为积极地吸引移民以满足劳工和研发方面的需求,计划在未来[/FONT]5[FONT=宋体]年投入[/FONT]13[FONT=宋体]亿美元用于改善新移民的服务,包括语言培训,技能提升和专业认证等。[/FONT]​ The Conservative Party of Canada (leader: Stephen Harper) [FONT=宋体]保守党[/FONT]​ About the Party: The Conservative Party was born in December 2003 following a merger between the Canadian Alliance Party and the Progessive Conservative Party. It was set up in an attempt to “unite the right” and provide a viable alternative to the Liberal Party. The Conservative Party maintains broad-based right-wing policies, focusing on a balance between fiscal accountability and progressive social programs. While the two original parties are closely tied on some policy issues, there is potential for division within the merged party on issues such as immigration, multiculturalism, and social issues.​ Immigration Policy: The Conservatives believe new immigrants should not receive national government-funded assistance, but do say they would ensure adequate long-term funding to the provinces to help immigrants settle in Canada. With respect to choosing immigrants, the party believes immigration should be merit-based, with the main criteria being Canada’s economic needs. ​ They say they would streamline the process of validating refugee claims and toughen laws against illegal immigrants. They would also reverse the policy of separating married couples while application of non-status partner is processed.​ The Tories want to establish a new system for assessing the credentials of foreign-trained professionals with a view to granting equivalent Canadian professional status.​ [FONT=宋体]关键内容:保守党人认为新移民不应获得国家级的政府资助,但又表示要确保省一级为新移民提供长期的资助以帮助其在加拿大落户。在选择移民方面,该党认为移民政策应以加拿大的经济需求为基础;同时,还应该建立新的系统以便评估国外专业人士的资质,并授予对称的加拿大行业资格。[/FONT]​ New Democratic Party of Canada, or NDP (leader: Jack Layton) [FONT=宋体]新民党[/FONT]​ About the Party: The NDP are a left-wing, ideologically driven, and nationally based political party. The party advocates social democratic policies and tends not to drastically alter its policies with changes in public attitudes. The party is nationally orientated with support across the country. Human rights issues and cultural diversity have always been cornerstones of their party policy. Progressive policies regarding the environment, health care, education, and culture are all included in the basis of the NDP's socialist democratic policies.​ Immigration Policy: The NDP has said that family reunification should be the core principle of Canadian policies on immigration and refugees. They support the following proposals:​ Bring real immigration levels up to one per cent of the population ​ Improve recognition of foreign credentials of professionals ​ End the head tax on immigrants ​ Enact a once-in-a lifetime provision to enable Canadian citizens and permanent residents to sponsor one relative to reunite families​ [FONT=宋体]关键内容:该党认为家庭团聚应为加拿大移民政策的核心原则。[/FONT]​ Bloc Quebecois (leader: Gilles Duceppe) - [FONT=宋体]魁北克地区联盟[/FONT]​ About the Party: The Bloc is a left-wing orientated, ideologically driven, and regionally based political party. The Bloc tends to supports social democratic principles and Quebec nationalist policies. The party is orientated towards Quebec with little or no support outside the region. ​ Immigration Policy: The Bloc would like to see more money transferred to the provinces, specifically Quebec, to oversee their own immigration strategies. They would also like to create an appeal office for refugees. The Bloc promises that if Quebec gains independence, they would promote immigration to attract immigrants to all regions of Quebec. They would promote cultural diversity through the creation of a national institution.​ [FONT=宋体]关键内容:该联盟希望有更多的资金进入魁北克区域,移民策略自主。该党还希望能为难民建立上诉办公室。该联盟还许诺,如果魁北克获得独立,将推进移民方面的工作以吸引更多的移民到魁北克的各区域。[/FONT]​

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]毕业了! 超赞 赏 X xuefengyuan 0$(VIP 0) 1,1622011-05-03#5 回复: 保守党哈伯再次连任,对以后的移民政策有何影响?oh, my god!

回复: 保守党哈伯再次连任,对以后的移民政策有何影响?估计也没什么好的消息。

回复: 保守党哈伯再次连任,对以后的移民政策有何影响?以626的进度看,还是应该支持harper,换了其他人也不知道有啥后果

漫游温哥华 INSPIRING VANCOUVERWhere the parties stand on immigration ​ With an election looming, many readers have been wondering where Canada's major political parties stand on immigration. There has been a lot of speculation, though not always based on fact, that other parties might scale back immigration numbers or make it more difficult for certain categories of people to enter the country. ​ To make it easier to understand how each party might tackle the issue of immigration if they came to power, we have compiled overviews of each party, and their officially stated policy, drawn from their own websites, policy manuals or from leaders' speeches.​ Liberal Party of Canada (leader and Prime Minister: Paul Martin) - [FONT=宋体]自由党[/FONT]​ About the Party: The Liberal Party is a centre orientated, nationally based political party. The party tends to pursue policies that are between right-wing conservatism and left-wing socialism. The Liberals have been in power in Canada for most of the 20th century, and remained in power into the 21st century. Throughout their leadership, they have focused on policies such as the welfare state, bilingualism, patriation of the constitution, free trade, and multiculturalism.​ Immigration Policy: The Liberals plan to encourage more active recruitment of immigrants to meet Canada's labour and research needs. They recently pledged $1.3 billion over five years to improvement settlement services for new immigrants. ​ The Liberals want to improve language training and the process of upgrading and recognizing credentials of skilled professionals such as foreign-trained doctors to make it easier for them to work in Canada.​ [FONT=宋体]关键内容:鼓励更为积极地吸引移民以满足劳工和研发方面的需求,计划在未来[/FONT]5[FONT=宋体]年投入[/FONT]13[FONT=宋体]亿美元用于改善新移民的服务,包括语言培训,技能提升和专业认证等。[/FONT]​ The Conservative Party of Canada (leader: Stephen Harper) [FONT=宋体]保守党[/FONT]​ About the Party: The Conservative Party was born in December 2003 following a merger between the Canadian Alliance Party and the Progessive Conservative Party. It was set up in an attempt to “unite the right” and provide a viable alternative to the Liberal Party. The Conservative Party maintains broad-based right-wing policies, focusing on a balance between fiscal accountability and progressive social programs. While the two original parties are closely tied on some policy issues, there is potential for division within the merged party on issues such as immigration, multiculturalism, and social issues.​ Immigration Policy: The Conservatives believe new immigrants should not receive national government-funded assistance, but do say they would ensure adequate long-term funding to the provinces to help immigrants settle in Canada. With respect to choosing immigrants, the party believes immigration should be merit-based, with the main criteria being Canada’s economic needs. ​ They say they would streamline the process of validating refugee claims and toughen laws against illegal immigrants. They would also reverse the policy of separating married couples while application of non-status partner is processed.​ The Tories want to establish a new system for assessing the credentials of foreign-trained professionals with a view to granting equivalent Canadian professional status.​ [FONT=宋体]关键内容:保守党人认为新移民不应获得国家级的政府资助,但又表示要确保省一级为新移民提供长期的资助以帮助其在加拿大落户。在选择移民方面,该党认为移民政策应以加拿大的经济需求为基础;同时,还应该建立新的系统以便评估国外专业人士的资质,并授予对称的加拿大行业资格。[/FONT]​ New Democratic Party of Canada, or NDP (leader: Jack Layton) [FONT=宋体]新民党[/FONT]​ About the Party: The NDP are a left-wing, ideologically driven, and nationally based political party. The party advocates social democratic policies and tends not to drastically alter its policies with changes in public attitudes. The party is nationally orientated with support across the country. Human rights issues and cultural diversity have always been cornerstones of their party policy. Progressive policies regarding the environment, health care, education, and culture are all included in the basis of the NDP's socialist democratic policies.​ Immigration Policy: The NDP has said that family reunification should be the core principle of Canadian policies on immigration and refugees. They support the following proposals:​ Bring real immigration levels up to one per cent of the population ​ Improve recognition of foreign credentials of professionals ​ End the head tax on immigrants ​ Enact a once-in-a lifetime provision to enable Canadian citizens and permanent residents to sponsor one relative to reunite families​ [FONT=宋体]关键内容:该党认为家庭团聚应为加拿大移民政策的核心原则。[/FONT]​ Bloc Quebecois (leader: Gilles Duceppe) - [FONT=宋体]魁北克地区联盟[/FONT]​ About the Party: The Bloc is a left-wing orientated, ideologically driven, and regionally based political party. The Bloc tends to supports social democratic principles and Quebec nationalist policies. The party is orientated towards Quebec with little or no support outside the region. ​ Immigration Policy: The Bloc would like to see more money transferred to the provinces, specifically Quebec, to oversee their own immigration strategies. They would also like to create an appeal office for refugees. The Bloc promises that if Quebec gains independence, they would promote immigration to attract immigrants to all regions of Quebec. They would promote cultural diversity through the creation of a national institution.​ [FONT=宋体]关键内容:该联盟希望有更多的资金进入魁北克区域,移民策略自主。该党还希望能为难民建立上诉办公室。该联盟还许诺,如果魁北克获得独立,将推进移民方面的工作以吸引更多的移民到魁北克的各区域。[/FONT]​点击展开...这是竞选语言,各党派政纲的简单列举。就移民政策而言,各党派并无本质不同。只是为选举张目而已。既然哈珀政府连选连任,那么移民政策肯定会符合逻辑地保持稳定性。即使变化,也是有迹可循的,是227/626的逻辑延续。

回复: 保守党哈伯再次连任,对以后的移民政策有何影响?626会出升级版本!对个别职业的语言,年龄等都会限制!我该庆幸再等也挤进末班车啦!

超赞 这是竞选语言,各党派政纲的简单列举。就移民政策而言,各党派并无本质不同。只是为选举张目而已。 既然哈珀政府连选连任,那么移民政策肯定会符合逻辑地保持稳定性。即使变化,也是有迹可循的,是227/626的逻辑延续。点击展开... 正解。 保守党能继续坐稳位置有它的道理。各政党的竞选和施政纲领往往为了获取选举效果,会制造一些趋向性的选择;但是,在我看来,基本上都是换汤不换药,至多老政策上做加法;颠覆性的作法基本不会出现。

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]毕业了! 超赞 赏 爱 爱加小兵 0$(VIP 0) 9112011-05-03#11 回复: 保守党哈伯再次连任,对以后的移民政策有何影响?关注!

回复: 保守党哈伯再次连任,对以后的移民政策有何影响?等待看626会不会有什么变化吧。

回复: 保守党哈伯再次连任,对以后的移民政策有何影响?据说今年下半年开始a类noc和大部分b类noc雅思的要求是至少是达到4h。

回复: 保守党哈伯再次连任,对以后的移民政策有何影响?不觉得有大的影响。

===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake 超赞 赏 枫叶红棉 0$(VIP 0) 3,3842011-05-03#15 回复: 保守党哈伯再次连任,对以后的移民政策有何影响?会廷续一直贯的移民政策,不会有意料之外的变化,也就是投资移民为主。

美国运通金卡:AMEX Gold ,开卡送25000积分(价值250刀以上),首年销卡无任何费用,成功批核后本人再额外多给Cash Bonus感谢。同时主推 AMEX SPG 酒店卡,开卡送20,000 SPG点,可以兑换最高6晚美国喜来登酒店住宿,总价值可超600刀。详情请PM(此外还有Business Gold ,感谢力度与 Gold一致)。Tangerine (ING) Orange Key: 41710691S1 (本人同样额外返点)。。。既然哈珀政府连选连任,那么移民政策肯定会符合逻辑地保持稳定性。即使变化,也是有迹可循的,是227/626的逻辑延续。点击展开...您指的逻辑,是逻辑,还是中国逻辑?


回复: 保守党哈伯再次连任,对以后的移民政策有何影响?对已经申请的有利,还未申请的无利。。

2.9 ME, 8.28 DM, 9.20 VISA!! http://canadameet.sinaapp.com/ 超赞 赏 S sob1976Guest 0$(VIP ) 2011-05-03#19 回复: 保守党哈伯再次连任,对以后的移民政策有何影响?保守党在加拿大的渊源是可以追溯到十九世纪的。。。开始担心新政府会否推出对父母团聚不友好的新移民政策。

回复: 保守党哈伯再次连任,对以后的移民政策有何影响?您指的逻辑,是逻辑,还是中国逻辑?点击展开...是逻辑,不是中国逻辑。影响是指发展、变化、后果……等。大致的意思是 the development of being consistent with logic, or the logical consequence based on developing from 227 through 626.

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