加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民谢谢大家!谢谢家园!!马上毕业了!!!
因为体检快要过期,昨天实在忍不住再写了一封信给大使馆。今天吃完饭后随便刷了下邮件,没想到收到以下回复 Dear XXXX :Please be advised that your application has been finalised and that you will receive the visa(s), passport(s) and other documents by EMS in the coming weeks to the mailing address on your file. Please be patient and wait for the mail to arrive. Please note that if you are represented by an agent it is our department's policy to use the agent's mailing address for all official documents such as Medical Instructions and Visa(s).If we have provided you with an EMS number you may track the mail, please visit the Express Mail Service website: http://www.ems.com.cn/chinese-main.jsp (it is normal for the EMS number to be activated on line only after it reaches the processing centre, this can take 24-48 hours).For information on arrival in Canada please consult the CIC publication A Newcomer’s Introduction to Canada at: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/publications/guide/index.asp and the publication Welcome to Canada: What you should know at http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/publications/welcome/index.aspOn behalf of the Department of Citizenship and Immigration, we extend our best wishes to you and your family for a happy and prosperous life in Canada.Yours sincerely,Visa and Immigration SectionCanadian Embassy, Beijing19 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chaoyang DistrictBeijing, 100600, People's Republic of China From: Sent: May 10, 2011 10:17 AMTo: BEJING (IMMIGRATION)Subject: [FONT=微软雅黑, sans-serif]Dear Sir/Madam,I am sorry to distube you but I really appreciate your kindly help if it is possible.[/FONT] [FONT=微软雅黑, sans-serif][/FONT][FONT=微软雅黑, sans-serif]I did my physical examination at 19 June,2010 and it will be expried very soon but I did not hear any information from you. I just wonder if there is any possiblity that I will get my Visa before the due day so that I can have the landing once get it.I am sorry again and thank you so much for your reply![/FONT][FONT=微软雅黑, sans-serif][/FONT][FONT=微软雅黑, sans-serif]My Immigration File Number is B0572XXXXX and my name is XXXXXX.My date of birth is XXXXXXX.XXXXXX[/FONT]
2009-12-3 FN, 2010-6-19 ME, 2011-4-26 地址栏第一次消失, 2011-4-29 地址栏回来, 2011-5-3 地址栏第二次消失,2011-5-4 地址栏回来,2011-5-17 DM,2011-5-23 大信封到,2011-6-13 短登,2012-5-7 长登 超赞 赏 反馈:zongying1997 和 moni6666 S skydogwang 0$(VIP 0) 562011-05-11#2 回复: 谢谢大家!谢谢家园!!马上毕业了!!!gx
回复: 谢谢大家!谢谢家园!!马上毕业了!!!恭喜楼主!
100218使馆受理;4月补料北京;7月5状态12;11月7状态5(要求补料,体检);11月14体检结束;11月16邮寄护照登陆费12月3状态8;11年1月12状态12;7月12日地址栏消失;8月16日DM; 超赞 赏 反馈:sam_liangsun xyxx1121 0$(VIP 0,#548) 9842011-05-11#4 回复: 谢谢大家!谢谢家园!!马上毕业了!!!恭喜!北京喜讯到山寨!请问,你CIC上还没有DM?
感谢那些事、感谢那些人 感谢那一段段奇妙的缘分恭喜!北京喜讯到山寨!请问,你CIC上还没有DM?点击展开... 谢谢大家!CIC上还没有。估计下周变态。
2009-12-3 FN, 2010-6-19 ME, 2011-4-26 地址栏第一次消失, 2011-4-29 地址栏回来, 2011-5-3 地址栏第二次消失,2011-5-4 地址栏回来,2011-5-17 DM,2011-5-23 大信封到,2011-6-13 短登,2012-5-7 长登 超赞 赏 F futureca 0$(VIP 0) 3302011-05-11#6 回复: 谢谢大家!谢谢家园!!马上毕业了!!!gxgx!
回复: 谢谢大家!谢谢家园!!马上毕业了!!!gxgx!
回复: 谢谢大家!谢谢家园!!马上毕业了!!!gx lz
BJ 227 妥投: 2010-06-07; 烤鸭:2010-07-17; RN :2010-10-27; 补料妥投:2010-12-25; FN: 2011-02-07; IP: 2012-02-22; ME email: 2012-02-27; 港澳中心体检:2012-03-05; MER:2012-03-19; 2013-01-29: 使馆email告知ems已发出;2月8号vancouver;3月15,枫叶卡,5月16,road test 超赞 赏 反馈:sam_liangsun aokilindaMontréal,QC 0$(VIP 0) 8,4892011-05-11#9 回复: 谢谢大家!谢谢家园!!马上毕业了!!!gx
。。。。。。[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]。。。。。。。 超赞 赏 反馈:sam_liangsun M moni6666无头衔 2$(VIP 0,#284) 1,1092011-05-11#10 回复: 谢谢大家!谢谢家园!!马上毕业了!!!恭喜!
回复: 谢谢大家!谢谢家园!!马上毕业了!!!gx
回复: 谢谢大家!谢谢家园!!马上毕业了!!!恭喜!!!
2010年5-26RN,北京,6-4FN6-17到家;11月4号变6;11月9号ip;11月25号变12; 2011年2-11电子ME;2-14变5;2-20上午体检,2-21邮寄护照;DM:2011101820111028~~VISA到,。。。。 超赞 赏 反馈:sam_liangsun sam_liangsun 0$(VIP 0) 1542011-05-11#13 回复: 谢谢大家!谢谢家园!!马上毕业了!!!谢谢大家,正在定机票。加航直飞上海多伦多的要过万。不过图方便。
2009-12-3 FN, 2010-6-19 ME, 2011-4-26 地址栏第一次消失, 2011-4-29 地址栏回来, 2011-5-3 地址栏第二次消失,2011-5-4 地址栏回来,2011-5-17 DM,2011-5-23 大信封到,2011-6-13 短登,2012-5-7 长登 超赞 赏 N nancyget 0$(VIP 0) 1832011-05-11#14 回复: 谢谢大家!谢谢家园!!马上毕业了!!!终于看到楼主的好消息了。恭喜啊!
回复: 谢谢大家!谢谢家园!!马上毕业了!!!恭喜LZ! 顺便沾沾喜气。比LZ晚大半个月FN。
腹有诗书气自华,儿童教育从阅读开始。加拿大儿童中文书 http://www.nabooks.com终于看到楼主的好消息了。恭喜啊!点击展开... 谢谢了!谢谢大家的祝福!
2009-12-3 FN, 2010-6-19 ME, 2011-4-26 地址栏第一次消失, 2011-4-29 地址栏回来, 2011-5-3 地址栏第二次消失,2011-5-4 地址栏回来,2011-5-17 DM,2011-5-23 大信封到,2011-6-13 短登,2012-5-7 长登 超赞 赏 cwz161992 0$(VIP 0) 3842011-05-12#17 回复: 谢谢大家!谢谢家园!!马上毕业了!!!gxgx! 使馆给的时间太少了!
回复: 谢谢大家!谢谢家园!!马上毕业了!!!楼主你好;我是5月3号第四次地址栏消失4号恢复,10号下午查CIC显示DM,等待大信封
回复: 谢谢大家!谢谢家园!!马上毕业了!!!您好:非常恭喜您。等了这么久,最后的好消息令人振奋!想请问一下您申请的是那种签证?是在那里首先申请的?能大概说说吗?想学点经验。谢谢!!!
中山区、大连、中国 超赞 赏 反馈:sam_liangsun C C大调 0$(VIP 0) 982011-05-12#20 回复: 谢谢大家!谢谢家园!!马上毕业了!!!恭喜加分哦
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