加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民从北京91处转的帖子:从外国论坛上看来的,91案子2年内不会开始审理
一个英国伦敦申请人给那边的使馆写信所得到的回信。大家参考一下。发贴时间是2011年5月份的,很新This is the reply some applicants have received recently from CIC London which has led to the above conclusion:"to mqhb:i am a nov 2007 applicant this is the reply i have had from chc london for my email enquiry any clues friendsDear Sir/Madam,This is in response to your enquiryFor Federal Skilled Worker applicants who applied before February 27, 2008.We have received enough Federal Skilled Worker applications since February 27, 2008 to reach our immigration levels for the next two years. Because they reflect Canada's current labour market needs, applications under the most recent set of ministerial instructions are processed on a priority basis. Therefore, few Federal Skilled Worker applications received before February 27, 2008 will be processed this year or next.The exception is the small number of cases where federal skilled worker applicants have already received instructions to undergo their medical examinations. These applicants should receive a final decision within 12 months of completing their medical examination.The Action Plan for Faster Immigration has helped reduce application backlogs and wait times. Before the Action Plan was introduced, Canada had a backlog of over 640,000 people in the federal skilled worker category waiting as long as six years to be processed. In just three years, we've been able to get more than 300,000 people out of the lineup - that's close to half those who were waiting.When a Federal Skilled Worker application is due for assessment, our office will send a letter asking the applicant to submit updated information in support of the application. This new information will be reviewed by an immigration officer who will determine if you meet the requirements for immigration.Please wait until you receive this letter before providing any new information relating to changes in your personal circumstances, additional dependents, new employment, education or new identity documents.Our office sends immigration decisions and information requests by post or by email to the mailing and email addresses provided in the application. Therefore, it is important that our office be notified immediately of any change of address and contact details.We thank you for your patience and for keeping your correspondence to a minimum.Yours sincerely,Client Service UnitImmigration and Medical Services Division | Direction de l'immigration et des services médicauxCanadian High Commission | Haut-commissariat du Canada38 Grosvenor StreetLondon, W1K 4AA | Londres, W1K 4AAUnited Kingdom | Royaume-Uni "
超赞 赏 sunny6710候补中将 0$(VIP 0) 3,6052011-06-02#2 回复: 从北京91处转的帖子:从外国论坛上看来的,91案子2年内不会开始审理灾难啊
2010.10.29.----登陆多伦多皮尔逊机场2010.11.27.----枫叶卡------------------------------------------------老婆的博客http://blog.sina.com.cn/maggiecanada 超赞 赏 gogo2008 0$(VIP 0) 4302011-06-02#3 回复: 从北京91处转的帖子:从外国论坛上看来的,91案子2年内不会开始审理当头一棒
回复: 从北京91处转的帖子:从外国论坛上看来的,91案子2年内不会开始审理全球一起申诉吧
回复: 从北京91处转的帖子:从外国论坛上看来的,91案子2年内不会开始审理唉投错胎了
回复: 从北京91处转的帖子:从外国论坛上看来的,91案子2年内不会开始审理当年的91新政现在看来就是一个大陷阱!
回复: 从北京91处转的帖子:从外国论坛上看来的,91案子2年内不会开始审理帖子是我发的,我把那个外国论坛的url放这里吧,大家以后可以去那个论坛参考一下http://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/-t71441.0.html
07年12月10号Fn, 10年1月S2, 10年3月底变12,一直至今,继续等待ME 超赞 赏 W wyf_wn 0$(VIP 0) 4312011-06-02#8 回复: 从北京91处转的帖子:从外国论坛上看来的,91案子2年内不会开始审理到底还处理91的吗?
另一段全新生活即将开始了! 超赞 赏 F fairyzhang 0$(VIP 0) 1,6812011-06-02#9 回复: 从北京91处转的帖子:从外国论坛上看来的,91案子2年内不会开始审理那配额给谁呢?HK227,626,就政的明年就没有人了?2年之内没有移民配额了?再说了9.1没有开始申理只是HK,北京早就开始了。2年之内是只是HK吗?
回复: 从北京91处转的帖子:从外国论坛上看来的,91案子2年内不会开始审理这说的是伦敦的,HK的情况不清楚
回复: 从北京91处转的帖子:从外国论坛上看来的,91案子2年内不会开始审理楼上的楼上,别泄气,我发那个帖子是为了告诉大家,全球都一个德行。。那个信是伦敦申请人收到的,他们也在等。包括我们北京的也在等,不存在谁比谁快的问题,91的都是大杯具。。。咱们能凑个大茶几了都
07年12月10号Fn, 10年1月S2, 10年3月底变12,一直至今,继续等待ME 超赞 赏 B bluechipyan 0$(VIP 0) 362011-06-02#12 回复: 从北京91处转的帖子:从外国论坛上看来的,91案子2年内不会开始审理这是指伦敦的吧
回复: 从北京91处转的帖子:从外国论坛上看来的,91案子2年内不会开始审理又没说不处理!
All because of love! 超赞 赏 F fairyzhang 0$(VIP 0) 1,6812011-06-02#14 回复: 从北京91处转的帖子:从外国论坛上看来的,91案子2年内不会开始审理还是配额最关键。如果今年给HK4万技术移民,什么9.1啊227啊626啊,今年都走了。
回复: 从北京91处转的帖子:从外国论坛上看来的,91案子2年内不会开始审理还好我们撤了重投,否则,还不等得满头白发。
从小学生做起。 超赞 赏 F fairyzhang 0$(VIP 0) 1,6812011-06-03#17 回复: 从北京91处转的帖子:从外国论坛上看来的,91案子2年内不会开始审理态度?要是有40000的配额,什么态度今年也轮到我了,要是配额0,什么态度也轮不到你。
回复: 从北京91处转的帖子:从外国论坛上看来的,91案子2年内不会开始审理我记得刚发布626新政的时候是说227的和227前的同步审理,结果还是227的优先。
回复: 从北京91处转的帖子:从外国论坛上看来的,91案子2年内不会开始审理我记得刚发布626新政的时候是说227的和227前的同步审理,结果还是227的优先。点击展开...
2007年10月22日FN(BJ); 2008年12月13日雅思 L6.5/R7/W6.5/S6,平均6.5; 2009年10月27日S2; 2010年1月6日补料投妥; 2010年1月18日变12. 2011年5月15日查CAIPS,40天后收到结果,72分. 2012年11月28日收到ME信。2013年2月13日DM。我记得刚发布626新政的时候是说227的和227前的同步审理,结果还是227的优先。点击展开...哪里看到的,有链接吗?
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