加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民准备投71新政的朋友请注意,加拿大时间7月4日会实行新的评分标准,请做好准备
今天中午2 点 我查询cic 官网,点击 Federal Skilled Worker 、、 结果变成HTTP Error 404 Not FoundWe apologize we cannot locate the web page you are attempting to access. Please check the URL as the page may have been moved or archived.You can try the following options:Hit ‘Back’ in your web browser’s toolbar to return to the last web page you visited;Review the main menu on our Home page; orSearch our website.Please update your bookmarks and/or links accordingly.We are sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.Thank you. 有可能官方在上传新的打分表,请做好准备
回复: 准备投71新政的朋友请注意,加拿大时间7月4日会实行新的评分标准,请做好准备??cannot see the photos.
回复: 准备投71新政的朋友请注意,加拿大时间7月4日会实行新的评分标准,请做好准备看不到
回复: 准备投71新政的朋友请注意,加拿大时间7月4日会实行新的评分标准,请做好准备好像什么都没变
回复: 准备投71新政的朋友请注意,加拿大时间7月4日会实行新的评分标准,请做好准备我刚才试了也是打不开,估计到早上11点应该就有变化了
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