加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民以为没有消息,却是DM了
今天的论坛静悄悄,想想还是查一下吧,结果decision made 六句话,没有关于体检的,但愿这最后不会是拒信吧 We received your application for permanent residence on March 15, 2010. We reviewed your application and sent you a letter on May 10, 2010. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us. Your application and supporting documents were received by the Beijing office. They are pending review. We transferred your application to the Beijing office on May 18, 2010. The Beijing office may contact you. Your application was reviewed and we started processing on October 15, 2010. A decision has been made on your application. The office will contact you concerning this decision.
2010----1.23 鸭熟;3.15 EMS 妥投;2011----1.17变12;4.14 贝雕;7.26 visa,8.1订票;10.1 抵卡2012----Linc 学习,学车2013----ESL 学习,专业英语MRU,中医入学 超赞 赏 gaoshouzaina 0$(VIP 0) 2,9372011-07-05#2 回复: 以为没有消息,却是DM了严重恭喜!
2.9 ME, 8.28 DM, 9.20 VISA!! http://canadameet.sinaapp.com/ 超赞 赏 店 店小二 0$(VIP 0) 1372011-07-05#3 回复: 以为没有消息,却是DM了楼主体检了吗?
回复: 以为没有消息,却是DM了恭喜恭喜,沾沾喜气。 今天目前唯一报告变状态的。
回复: 以为没有消息,却是DM了Congratulations!
回复: 以为没有消息,却是DM了楼主体检了吗?点击展开... 看我的签名。当时只在北京的网站上查到收到体检信息,8,,12 什么的。后来就没有消息了。
2010----1.23 鸭熟;3.15 EMS 妥投;2011----1.17变12;4.14 贝雕;7.26 visa,8.1订票;10.1 抵卡2012----Linc 学习,学车2013----ESL 学习,专业英语MRU,中医入学 超赞 赏 青 青菜叶儿 0$(VIP 0) 5502011-07-05#7 回复: 以为没有消息,却是DM了谢谢,各位TX动作真快啊,看来227并没有停,说不定VO加班在发呢,所以晚些,我也是刚刚看到。
2010----1.23 鸭熟;3.15 EMS 妥投;2011----1.17变12;4.14 贝雕;7.26 visa,8.1订票;10.1 抵卡2012----Linc 学习,学车2013----ESL 学习,专业英语MRU,中医入学 超赞 赏 C Captains 0$(VIP 0) 3082011-07-05#8 回复: 以为没有消息,却是DM了恭喜LZ 去医院体检了吗?日期?
2010-01-13 妥投/2010-04-29 FN/ 2010-12-09 体检/ 2011-09-27 DM/ VO:ROD 超赞 赏 Aftertears梅亚查的猫精灵 0$(VIP 0) 1,8472011-07-05#9 回复: 以为没有消息,却是DM了GXGX
入籍,策划回流中。。 超赞 赏 nasdaq回归家园:) 0$(VIP 0) 1,5832011-07-05#10 回复: 以为没有消息,却是DM了恭喜啊,今天到目前唯一的好消息,呵呵!!
09/12/03初审妥投悉尼,10/2/24 RN,10/4/17烤鸭熟,10/6/11补料妥投北京,10/6/24 FN,10/11/5 变5(10/11/9 CIC IP),10/11/14 ME信,10/11/20体检(交登陆费、邮寄护照),10/11/30 变8,11/1/14变12,11/08/16 DM,11/08/21 大信封 “我毕业咯!” 19/01/16,宣誓入籍! 超赞 赏 angel.c 0$(VIP 0) 9272011-07-05#11 回复: 以为没有消息,却是DM了恭喜青菜叶儿,登录的时间正好前半段跟你的进度相似。沾沾喜气,吼我的大信封
超赞 赏 3 32616952 0$(VIP 0) 1,1462011-07-05#12 回复: 以为没有消息,却是DM了恭喜楼主!粘粘喜气!
回复: 以为没有消息,却是DM了恭喜恭喜!
专职地产经纪,买卖房屋请联系 。微信:Peter492925281 电话: 647-708-5857多伦多好学区购房:http://forum.iask.ca/threads/多伦多好学区购房记.464699/page-13#post-11598378 超赞 赏 woailiyayun 0$(VIP 0) 1402011-07-05#14 回复: 以为没有消息,却是DM了恭喜楼主!也帮自己吼吼
回复: 以为没有消息,却是DM了恭喜LZ 去医院体检了吗?日期?点击展开... 10月份拿到的me信,11月底体检的
2010----1.23 鸭熟;3.15 EMS 妥投;2011----1.17变12;4.14 贝雕;7.26 visa,8.1订票;10.1 抵卡2012----Linc 学习,学车2013----ESL 学习,专业英语MRU,中医入学恭喜青菜叶儿,登录的时间正好前半段跟你的进度相似。沾沾喜气,吼我的大信封点击展开... 您也会心想事成的,
2010----1.23 鸭熟;3.15 EMS 妥投;2011----1.17变12;4.14 贝雕;7.26 visa,8.1订票;10.1 抵卡2012----Linc 学习,学车2013----ESL 学习,专业英语MRU,中医入学 超赞 赏 F franco 0$(VIP 0) 2,0442011-07-05#17 回复: 以为没有消息,却是DM了看了LZ的帖子一查,也DM了,而且也是没有MER的。在这儿顶了!
RN=10年0128,FN=10年0531,IP=10年0621,二次补料妥投=10年0712,。。ME=11年0321,。。登陆=11年1005(国庆)登陆多人多!! 超赞 赏 小 小庭萱 0$(VIP 0) 1,6182011-07-05#18 回复: 以为没有消息,却是DM了恭喜!恭喜!
超赞 赏 shiwilliam 0$(VIP 0) 1,6552011-07-05#19 回复: 以为没有消息,却是DM了在此强烈恭喜叶子和FRANCO顺利毕业,祝你们早日拿到大信封!!!
回复: 以为没有消息,却是DM了今天的论坛静悄悄,想想还是查一下吧,结果decision made 六句话,没有关于体检的,但愿这最后不会是拒信吧 We received your application for permanent residence on March 15, 2010. We reviewed your application and sent you a letter on May 10, 2010. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us. Your application and supporting documents were received by the Beijing office. They are pending review. We transferred your application to the Beijing office on May 18, 2010. The Beijing office may contact you. Your application was reviewed and we started processing on October 15, 2010. A decision has been made on your application. The office will contact you concerning this decision.点击展开...强烈恭喜!
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