加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请版主和诸位有经验的同学们帮我参详一下北京签证处对清华认证的回复
因为我要申请的职业是重灾区,而清华认证又邮件回复我说,我的学校已经放假了,需要暑假后才能公证出,所以我给北京签证处发了个邮件,对方是这样回答的: 请大家帮我看看,如果我就这样把公证的研究生及本科证书交过去,并附一张解释,会被退回来么? Before you start your application, print out the application kit and read the instructions carefully. There is a checklist in the kit, use this checklist to make sure your application is completed correctly. Our office cannot provide applicants with individual guidance; this is to ensure that all applicants receive consistent advice. In response to your question we recommend that you: -Attach a separate sheet of paper if you need more space and indicate the letter or number of the question you are answering; -If you do not have the exact document that is requested you must provide either documentation that contains the equivalent information, or a written explanation as to why the document has not been provided; -Answer all questions. If any sections do not apply to you, answer N/A; Applications which are not fully completed or do not enclose required documents will normally be refused or returned. Yours sincerely,Visa and Immigration Section Canadian Embassy, Beijing19 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chaoyang DistrictBeijing, 100600, People's Republic of China 另外请教一下,作为副申,毕业后的第一份工作在外地的,只有半年的时间,无法顺利获得工作证明和推荐信。是将这段经历隐去,写在家待业好呢?还是附一份说明书好呢?
回复: 请版主和诸位有经验的同学们帮我参详一下北京签证处对清华认证的回复没用模板对付你,VO已经很够意思了.如果是我就会忽略掉副申的这段经历.
NOC2151,BJ,2011-0606二申妥投,0617BD扣款,0716地址栏消失,0803PER,0811ERC,0813地址消失,0823恢复,0829地址消失并RBVO,0916E-ME,0920IP,0923地址回归,1014体检,1018护照妥投,1103地址消失并MER,1111地址回归,1209-10地址失而复得,2012-0128地址消失,0223出签,0228DM,0303地址回归,0308毕业!20120705登温,0824PRcard 超赞 赏 zhangddk 0$(VIP 0) 3652011-07-07#4 回复: 请版主和诸位有经验的同学们帮我参详一下北京签证处对清华认证的回复副申的问题 当然是解释信了 我始终觉得因为怕麻烦而撒谎或者作假是最愚蠢的事情 这样的思维模式很有问题清华认证 这个应该只能碰运气了 楼主赶的话只能先寄材料 之后补认证 会不会退 真不好说
回复: 请版主和诸位有经验的同学们帮我参详一下北京签证处对清华认证的回复弱问副申的工作证明信包括从毕业到现在所有的工作吗?那是提供劳动合同呢还是找原公司出具证明即可,有格式要求吗?谢谢
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