加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民魁省技术移民 - csq后递联邦的材料要求问题
csq后递联邦,Application for Permanent Residence?Skilled Worker?Visa Office Specific Instructions,Beijing,中规定APPLICATION FOR PERMANENT RESIDENCE IN CANADA (IMM 0008)Check that it is completed and signed by:• the principal applicant; and• spouse or common-law (whether accompanying you or not).可是在Application for Permanent Residence Guide for Quebec-Selected Applicants中规定:Application for Permanent Residence in Canada (IMM 0008)To be completed by:•You, as the principal applicant为何在官网上,对于imm 0008 的填写要求不一致啊,请高人指点
回复: csq后递联邦的材料要求问题008表,夫妻都要
回复: csq后递联邦的材料要求问题一开始是两个人都申请的,就两个人还都填和签名呗。
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