加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请问投北京的话,必须要公证工作合同或经历么?
如题,愁死我了。 人户分离, 档案与实际工作不符合, 人事外包, 像本杂志一样的工作合同, 等等等等 我要长白头发了。
回复: 请问投北京的话,必须要公证工作合同或经历么?E37155北京第7条和E37019香港第9条工作经验中各自有详细说明,摘录北京第7条中要求“Proof of personal income taxes and social insurance paid by the principal applicant for each employment position held in the 10 years prior to the date of application until present and which is listed on the application form, issued by thebureau responsible for collecting these fees.”
a sense of belonging to a group. 超赞 赏 frankpenn 0$(VIP 0) 6762011-07-11#3 回复: 请问投北京的话,必须要公证工作合同或经历么?有困难就别申请北京嘛.
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