加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民魁省技术移民 - 关于进度移民局回的邮件原文-大家尽情讨论


Biq Hkong 发送至 我显示详细信息 12:26 (22 小时前) Bonjour, We double checked the address you provided, it matches with the one in our record. As we don't have practice of sending letters to the same address again, please find the attached standard letter. For your reference, your ind. no. is and your new file no. is .With continued increase in intake of skilled worker application since August 2010, we are now experiencing backlog at stage of preliminary studies. If you have submitted your file before mid. Jan. 2011 and has obtained a file reference from us already, you may hear from us with regard to decision on evaluation of your file at preliminary stage before end of 2011. For all those submitted afterwards, you are welcome to contact us if you have any updated documents to furnish us. Otherwise, please be patient and take necessary follow up action only when you receive our further advice. Yours truly,Joyce CHIU Salutations distinguées/Sincerely, Bureau d'immigration du Québecc/o Consulate General of Canada10/F, Tower 1, Exchange Square8 Connaught Place, Hong KongTéléphone : (852) 2810-7183Télécopieur : (852) 2845-3889Site web: www.immigration-quebec.gouv.qc.ca NOTE: Ce message et ses annexes sont confidentiels; s'ils vous ont été transmis par mégarde, veuillez les détruire et nous en aviser immédiatement. Merci. / This message and its attachments are confidential. If this message was inadvertently sent to you, please destroy its contents and advise us immediately. Thank you.

回复: 关于进度移民局回的邮件原文-大家尽情讨论没啥讨论的,就是一个字,慢

好好研究一下为啥融入那么难啊,华裔投票率真低,大家都不关心自己的权利(完了,保守党大胜,走魁省的人更多了)到底是要开始实行白名单了11年3月13号低调的递了,15号签收(SF挺快),3.31FN 超赞 赏 S sugar5211314 0$(VIP 0) 302011-07-22#3 回复: 关于进度移民局回的邮件原文-大家尽情讨论感觉说话很客气,也很耐心~态度挺好的~就是慢啊……越来越慢啊……

回复: 关于进度移民局回的邮件原文-大家尽情讨论1月份以后的,看来得等明年了啊。。。

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