加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民魁省技术移民 - 问高手:职业高中对应的学历是什么?
Type of educationDescriptionSecondary educationHigh school diploma obtained after elementary school and before college, university, or other formal training.Trade/ ApprenticeshipDiploma completed in a specific trade, such as carpentry or auto mechanics. Non-university certificate/diplomaTraining in a profession that requires formal education but not at the university level (for example, dental technician or engineering technician). 职业高中对应是?
回复: 问高手:职业高中对应的学历是什么?个人见解学历分6分
回复: 问高手:职业高中对应的学历是什么?不是问分数,是问对照英文用哪个?
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