加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民今天递档寄香港(含全部文件目录清单)
忙了一个多月,终于全妥了,今天下午就寄香港,以此贴记念,希望4月4日代表着事事如意。 在此贴出我的文件目录,大家伙帮着看看还有没有遗漏的,也给后来者做个参考。 1[FONT=宋体]、[/FONT] FORMS - Application for Permanent Residence in Canada (IMM0008) (completed and signed by me) 6 Photos each of my daughter's, my spouse's and mine in an envelope 8 Address labels- Schedule 1: Background Declaration (completed and signed by my spouse and me) Addendum I to Schedule 1: my personal history Addendum II to Schedule 1: my addresses Addendum III to Schedule 1: my spouse’s personal history- Supplement to Schedule 1: Background Declaration (completed and signed by my spouse)- Schedule 3: Economic Class-Federal Skilled Workers (completed and signed by me) - Additional Family Information (IMM5406) (completed and signed by my spouse and me) 2[FONT=宋体]、[/FONT] IDENTITY AND CIVIL DOCUMENTS - A notarized certificate copy for my family Household Registers (HUKOU) - A notarized certificate copy of my birth - A notarized certificate copy of my spouse’s birth- A notarized certificate copy of my daughter’s birth- A notarized certificate copy of my marriage certificate- A copy of my spouse’s personal ID and its English translation- A copy of my personal ID and its English translation 3[FONT=宋体]、[/FONT] EDUCATION/TRAINING/QUALIFICATIONS - A CADGEDC credentials report of my bachelor degree - A CADGEDC credentials report of my university diploma - A CADGEDC credentials report of my transcript - A CADGEDC credentials report of my spouse’s university diploma - A CADGEDC credentials report of my spouse’s transcript Note: After we receive your file number, we will notify the CADGEDC authority send you another original credentials reports upon your request. - A notarized certificate copy of my university diploma and bachelor degree - A notarized certificate copy of my spouse’s university diploma - My university transcript in a university-sealed envelope- My spouse’s university transcript in a university-sealed envelope 4[FONT=宋体]、[/FONT] WORK EXPERIENCE - A notarized certificate copy of my work experience from 1990 to 2006- A Letter of reference introducing my work experience from 1990 to 1996 - A business card of the person who signed the above reference letter- A Letter of reference introducing my work experience from 1996 to 2004- A business card of the person who signed the above reference letter- My explanation letter for the above reference letter- Documents about my work experience in Hong Kong- Documents about my work experience in Germany- A Letter of reference introducing my work experience from 2004 to 2006 - A business card of the person who signed the above reference letter- A notarized certificate copy of my spouse’s work experience from 1991 to 2006 5[FONT=宋体]、[/FONT] PROOF OF LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY - An original IELTS report form 6[FONT=宋体]、[/FONT] SETTLEMENT FUNDS - An original Certificate of Deposit 7[FONT=宋体]、[/FONT] POLICE CETIFICATES AND CLEARANCES - A notarized certificate of my non-criminality in China- A notarized certificate of my spouse’s non-criminality in China- A Certificate of Good Conduct and its English translation copy for my experience in Germany- A Certificate of Good Conduct and its English translation copy for my spouse’s experience in Germany- Original envelope sent from the authority of Germany concerning Certificate of Good Conduct- Copies of my spouse’s and my Application Forms for Certificate of Conduct issued by General Consulate of Germany in Shanghai, China Note: After I receive your instruction letter, I will apply and ask the Hong Kong authority send you my Certificate of Good Conduct for my experience in Hong Kong upon your request. 8[FONT=宋体]、[/FONT] FEE PAYMENT- Method of Payment form with my signature (Application payment by my Visa credit card) 9[FONT=宋体]、[/FONT] OTHER DOCUMENTS- Self-assessment form - Checklist- A copy of my passport - A copy of my spouse’s passport - A copy of my daughter’s passport
DIY技术移民 - 2009年7月登陆加拿大FN:2006/05/24 (VO:TCY) ME:2008/09/30 DM:2009/04/01PL:2009/04/14 超赞 赏 反馈:stoneyjoy, josephineyim1977, waitingca 和 77 其他人 点点 0$(VIP 0) 6,5942006-04-04#2 恭喜恭喜
06年7月12日,DHL寄出,205元;06年7月13日下午2:45分,HK签收;06年7月25日下午2:04分,招行信用卡划款,1005美元 ;06年9月27日FN;接下来,等待吧…… 超赞 赏 反馈:小猪爸爸 N nellychan 0$(VIP 0) 2772006-04-04#4 我再顶一下,就满50贴了,争取送出鲜花
06年7月12日,DHL寄出,205元;06年7月13日下午2:45分,HK签收;06年7月25日下午2:04分,招行信用卡划款,1005美元 ;06年9月27日FN;接下来,等待吧…… 超赞 赏 反馈:ivychen 弄花香满衫撒满游神§大愚若 0$(VIP 0) 13,4202006-04-04#5 恭喜小猪爸爸^_^祝一切顺利啊~~~
Tree New Bee 超赞 赏 反馈:小猪爸爸 和 irene999 B betsuni 0$(VIP 0) 3822006-04-04#6 恭喜恭喜~~~~
疑问:小猪爸爸的清单里,为什么只列了spouse的学位认证和公证呢?学历认证和公证不需要么?我看HK说明里,要求For you and your spouse啊。
06年7月12日,DHL寄出,205元;06年7月13日下午2:45分,HK签收;06年7月25日下午2:04分,招行信用卡划款,1005美元 ;06年9月27日FN;接下来,等待吧…… 超赞 赏 Y yoreart 0$(VIP 0) 2272006-04-04#9 恭喜啊,祝福好运气!!
天空没有翅膀的痕迹,而我已飞过~~ 超赞 赏 反馈:小猪爸爸 irene999反面典型 0$(VIP 0) 10,5882006-04-04#11 我也有疑问哦,初级的 ,我在清华认证的表单中怎么没有找到学历的公证?只有学位和成绩单,难道是选“其他证书”?
天空没有翅膀的痕迹,而我已飞过~~ 超赞 赏 wozaisuzhou 0$(VIP 0) 2,8992006-04-04#12 恭喜!
天空没有翅膀的痕迹,而我已飞过~~ 超赞 赏 小猪爸爸 0$(VIP 0) 9962006-04-04#15 谢谢楼上各位了,SW送上。
DIY技术移民 - 2009年7月登陆加拿大FN:2006/05/24 (VO:TCY) ME:2008/09/30 DM:2009/04/01PL:2009/04/14 超赞 赏 小猪爸爸 0$(VIP 0) 9962006-04-04#16 没有哪位大佬帮着看看缺不缺材料?
DIY技术移民 - 2009年7月登陆加拿大FN:2006/05/24 (VO:TCY) ME:2008/09/30 DM:2009/04/01PL:2009/04/14我也有疑问哦,初级的 ,我在清华认证的表单中怎么没有找到学历的公证?只有学位和成绩单,难道是选“其他证书”?点击展开... 选其他证书,在纸张版的申请表中填清楚证书名称就可以了。
06年7月12日,DHL寄出,205元;06年7月13日下午2:45分,HK签收;06年7月25日下午2:04分,招行信用卡划款,1005美元 ;06年9月27日FN;接下来,等待吧……还有一个初级提问,别笑我哦,我第一次申请认证,没有FN,接收单位填什么?我可能以前选过加拿大(北京)使馆,使领馆档案号一栏是“B04”,难道是默认?都请指教!不好意思了。点击展开... 同问,我也很疑惑阿。
06年7月12日,DHL寄出,205元;06年7月13日下午2:45分,HK签收;06年7月25日下午2:04分,招行信用卡划款,1005美元 ;06年9月27日FN;接下来,等待吧…… 超赞 赏 irene999反面典型 0$(VIP 0) 10,5882006-04-04#19 小猪的材料好全哦, 羡慕中,我是已经看不出缺什么了 。恭喜加祝福!
天空没有翅膀的痕迹,而我已飞过~~ 超赞 赏 Y yeahoo 0$(VIP 0) 5522006-04-04#20 恭喜+佩服!!我的文件是通过中介准备的,中介通知我准备个什么材料我都烦得要命,所以一拖四年。小猪爸爸可真厉害,DIY做得那么好。要是我是VO的话,立马PASS!!佩服佩服!!
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