加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民在国际论坛上看到的,大家讨论下


MESSAGE RECEIVED FROM MY IMMIGRATION CONSULTANT:Dear Client, This is an update on the processing of Federal Skilled Worker applications submitted after the new CAP was announced on July 1, 2011. Out of the list of 29 open occupations, one (1) has reached the CAP of 500 and another is almost there, as follows: 1122 ? Professional Occupations Business Services to Management ? CAP reached on August 22, 2011 3152 ? Registered Nurses ? CAP almost reached. Stands at 473 on September 13, 2011 What does this mean?Well, this date is very misleading as it only shows when the office in Canada registered or opened new applications and that the number they opened reached 500. The Program Manager of this Central Intake Processing Office located in Nova Scotia, Canada, Mr. Randy Orr, at a recent seminar for consultants held in Toronto, confirmed that they had received 34,000 applications so far in all categories. Given the small number of applicants shown in other categories, we can assume that most of this number was for the occupation listed above and others that are almost at 500 or high up in number. The PM also confirmed that over half had already been sent back by regular mail after a delay of 2 or more months for review or are in the process of being sent back due to the CAP being reached or for the reason of a small issue such as not checking a box or not providing the correct document as per their requirement, which for the most part given their new checklists which are very ambiguous, is not at all difficult to do. These are all tools to refuse applications and keep numbers down, which have been built into the system. To say the least, Canada's current way of processing applications and treating applicants has much to be desired. However, given the demand for entry into Canada, they can afford to adopt such an attitude and business model. The only remedy is to challenge them in Federal Court, which for most is not really an option given the cost, time and no guarantee of positive outcome. While this is not reassuring to our clients or provides any sort of clarification we will advise you individually once we have any update on your application. While the issues discussed, would generally apply only to occupations with high CAP numbers, we are hopeful that the ones showing lower numbers will not be effected and files will be accepted. While I can understand your frustration at not knowing the outcome or where things stand, I am only able to provide information that is available. For all of us, we are in unchartered waters so to speak and are learning as we go. We will do our best to give you the best possible options to move forward and work diligently to achieve your goals. Kindly acknowledge receipt of this email. Thank you. Yours very truly,

回复: 在国际论坛上看到的,大家讨论下The Program Manager of this Central Intake Processing Office located in Nova Scotia, Canada, Mr. Randy Orr, at a recent seminar for consultants held in Toronto, confirmed that they had received 34,000 applications so far in all categories. Given the small number of applicants shown in other categories, we can assume that most of this number was for the occupation listed above and others that are almost at 500 or high up in number.

回复: 在国际论坛上看到的,大家讨论下34000,太恐怖了

回复: 在国际论坛上看到的,大家讨论下唉

test 超赞 赏 tony9721Moderator 0$(VIP 0) 5,8672011-09-20#5 回复: 在国际论坛上看到的,大家讨论下今年就是大家拼运气,运气好,上船了,运气不好,下来了,估计明年的竞争更激励,这两个职业和投资有的一拼了。34000,按照20000是1122的,如果2%的人重头,那么都有400人事档案完备的唉!

test 超赞 赏 天 天行健72 0$(VIP 0) 422011-09-20#6 回复: 在国际论坛上看到的,大家讨论下20000是1122的,这个数据怎么来的呢?

回复: 在国际论坛上看到的,大家讨论下我瞎猜的,估计有这个数

test 超赞 赏 天 天行健72 0$(VIP 0) 422011-09-20#8 回复: 在国际论坛上看到的,大家讨论下差不多,主要是印度阿三和中国人

回复: 在国际论坛上看到的,大家讨论下差不多,主要是印度阿三和中国人点击展开...护士现在没有满,估计没有那么多人,恩,1122的印度和中国的特别多,我的中介一次就又10多个,你说北京有多少个中介,中国有多少,所以肯定快点

test 超赞 赏 天 天行健72 0$(VIP 0) 422011-09-20#10 回复: 在国际论坛上看到的,大家讨论下3152已经满了,听朋友说很多菲律宾人早就准备好了资料坐等71

回复: 在国际论坛上看到的,大家讨论下3152中国人不多,主要是雅思挡路了

回复: 在国际论坛上看到的,大家讨论下3152已经满了,听朋友说很多菲律宾人早就准备好了资料坐等71点击展开...1122也是这样,其他人都是准备好了等的,我是被中介告知71材料不好前不投递,出了问题概不负责,他们忙的连帮我买汇票都没有人,(主要是忙投资的,因为投资也是71),汇票我是自己买的说应该帮我去买,但是等71后他们有人有时间,我哪等得起啊,最主要的是我运气不错,那周没有出差,想想都后怕,出差没有时间备料,就我71前那周都没上班,专门干这个

test 超赞 赏 天 天行健72 0$(VIP 0) 422011-09-20#13 回复: 在国际论坛上看到的,大家讨论下看来你的中介没白请,有些1122同学是被中介误导了,还在等新表

回复: 在国际论坛上看到的,大家讨论下1122这个中介我绝对花钱花的值


2008撤案91,227北京-1111, 2010-4-30投妥, 2010-11-26FN,2010-7-7日4句IP,无背调,2012.2.21 ME,同日变IP5句。2013.1.28贴签证。2013.2.6DM。2013.2.9短登温哥华。2013.5.12长登多伦多。2014.3找到本专业工作,移民终于成功了! 超赞 赏 coffeedonkey 0$(VIP 0) 7422011-09-21#16 回复: 在国际论坛上看到的,大家讨论下当时看到今年由20000/1000变成10000/500时,我还很高兴的跟中介说,这是个好消息,审理速度肯定比去年快。中介说,风险也挺大的,很有可能递不上材料。当时我还没认真,觉着没有那么夸张。现在才知道到底有多可怕。。。

May登陆,Sept 通过CLBA和Sait数学考试,Oct报名Sait NDT专业,Nov. 14 Mysait状态 offered seatJan. 21 大宝Joshua出生卡城流水账:http://forum.canadameet.cc/showthread.php?p=8146199#post8146199 超赞 赏 gaoshouzaina 0$(VIP 0) 2,9372011-09-21#18 回复: 在国际论坛上看到的,大家讨论下恭喜

2.9 ME, 8.28 DM, 9.20 VISA!! http://canadameet.sinaapp.com/也来表扬一下我的中介。我是626的1122,虽然那会儿有1000的名额,但是也是中介及时提醒我不要等清华,直接递北京(那会儿北京还不要求清华),否则估计也赶不上626了。找到好的中介,其实还是很有帮助的。点击展开...看来找中介也要看职业的如同1122,这人特多的,中介还是能起到一定的作用的同理 3152估计也会有点帮助,恭喜lisa毕业

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