加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民91SAP起诉的童鞋请注意,有两个新进展
1、请填表的同学要附上手写签名在委托书上面,弄好之后把附有手写签名的委托书扫描发给我。2、律师表示费用有再降低的可能性。3、Chen Huimin委托书填写不完全,请注意填写邮件地址。以下是律师回复全文:Dear XXX,I've revised the retainers and dated those yet to be signed as October 3rd. The date really doesn't matter but I just wanted to make it easier for everyone. They may sign in Chinese characters. It does not matter.I also changed the payment amount to reflect the lower amount I quoted to Jieren after he said that the lower fee should generate a lot more litigants.Please be sure that the visa-posts are correct. I have to put the visa post in the notice of application so that both the Court and Department of Justice know where to find the file. Hong Kong's territory includes Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi and Fujian, but some of the litigants are outside that area but their files are identified as being in Hong Kong. Also, I only count 19, not 22, participants. Except for Chen Huimin, email address were provided for the rest, and I have created a separate group for your group.Regards,Tim
回复: 91SAP起诉的童鞋请注意,有两个新进展支持 顶一下
回复: 91SAP起诉的童鞋请注意,有两个新进展请大家抓紧时间把带有手写签名的委托书发给我,谢谢!
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