加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民第二次递交申请,还要全套材料么?
下面是上次咨询的CIO回复。个人理解是不是重新递交申请的话,只要提供新的英语成绩、推荐信、无犯罪证明。 我新的雅思成绩在3天后出来。如果分数够就要递交新的申请了。求权威或有经验人士解答。 Good Morning,Your application was assessed and it was determined that the application met ministerial instructions. It was placed into processing and failed on selection due to insufficient points; therefore, no refund will be issued.Applications and supporting documents are part of the permanent record for a client and must remain on file. The instruction guide for Federal Skilled Workers directs applicants to make a photocopy of the application for their records. Therefore, original documents submitted in support of the application are part of the permanent record and are not returned to the applicant. In rare circumstances our office will returned certain ORIGINAL documents.Applicants are now permitted to submit a clear photocopy of their language test results with a new Federal Skilled Worker (FSW) application only when: a previous FSW application (with the original test result form) was submitted on or after June 26, 2010; and the application and original test result form were not returned to the applicant by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC); andthe tests results are still no more than two years old at the time the new FSW application is submitted. Photocopies of test results will only be accepted when they are accompanied by a photocopy of the refusal letter from CIC and an explanation that CIC retained and currently holds the original test result form. Every photocopy that is submitted will be verified online to ensure its authenticity. Applicants must continue to provide original reference letters and police certificates when submitting a new application. Applicants should obtain multiple originals of these documents so they are prepared if they need to submit a new application.Please confirm the following; Mailing address to which your returned documents are to be sent. Confirm the specific documents you wish returned.Please note: All returns are sent via regular post to the mailing address you provide. There is no tracking number. Requests for other methods of delivery cannot be actioned. Once a document package leaves our office, it becomes the responsibility of the postal service and is beyond the control of this office. Upon receipt of the information above, your request will be actioned.Thank you.
2011.7.22-一投悲剧2011.11.08二投妥投2012.5 二投杯具2013.5.27转技工 超赞 赏 psd1179I A 0$(VIP 0) 2,4112011-10-02#2 回复: 第二次递交申请,还要全套材料么?要提交全套材料,别想了。信里写的很清楚,雅思成绩若提供复印件,要提供CIO的拒信,还有确保原件存档的信。你的红色字是说,推荐信要原件,复印件无效
漫游温哥华 INSPIRING VANCOUVER要提交全套材料,别想了。 信里写的很清楚,雅思成绩若提供复印件,要提供CIO的拒信,还有确保原件存档的信。你的红色字是说,推荐信要原件,复印件无效点击展开... 看到你的签名,果然很有说服力。请问你当时收到退信是被拒多久后?我到现在还没有收到资料。
2011.7.22-一投悲剧2011.11.08二投妥投2012.5 二投杯具2013.5.27转技工 超赞 赏 J justin_jxb 0$(VIP 0) 9282011-10-07#5 回复: 第二次递交申请,还要全套材料么?要交全套的,原版的,复印件都不可以的。
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