加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民我的亲身体验:加拿大的警察有多可怕!真的是害怕。。
致亲爱的正在考虑移民加拿大的朋友们: 请三思! 你们不知道,加拿大其实是一个非常可怕的国家。这个国家的警察,可以在街上,在机场,在任何地方,随意的,任意的,使用暴力攻击任何受到他们怀疑的公民,移民,或其他人等。这是一个可怕的地方,真的。特别是作为中国人,更容易成为加拿大警察攻击的目标。 加拿大警察的暴力是体制性的(systematic), 就像他们可以系统性的棒杀可爱的小海豹一样,想到这些海豹,就可以理解这个国家了。 以下为部分证言:Lou Cypher (Ottawa_Ontario) wrote: I cannot express my outrage at this incident. My heart goes out to the family of this poor unfortunate man, coming to the land milk and honey only to be savagely beaten, Tazed and killed by the very people paid to protect him. I can say that this is an ongoing trend within the police forces across Canada. Since 2001, the police have found themselves in a new position of power, running around in there swat outfits, beating people down, and sometimes killing them, with little being done to reprimand them for there actions. But even before that, the police have taken any opportunity to abuse the powers we the citizens of this great country give to them. Back in 1997, I was walking to friends house in Victoria B.C. (is there a trend here?) minding my own business, when 2 squad cars came racing up beside me, Jumped up on the curb and the officers jumped out of there cars. Without a word being said or a question asked, 3 officers proceeded to throw me on the ground and hand cuff me, whil;e a young rookie stood and watched. They were so aggressive, it was amazing. They kept on saying to each other, we got him, we got him. They were pulling my hair and repeatedly throwing me against the wall. I kept asking what I had done, and they threw me on the ground while one officer kept his foot on the back of my neck. Then one officer said "the perp has a full beard, not a goatee. With that, I was uncuffed and they all jumped back into there cars. I asked one of the officers if i could have there name. He told me to forget this happened, and they sped away. I read later the next day, that a woman was stabbed and that the perp was caught without incident. I guess I was in the wrong place at the wrong time and was the only incident that night. I thank god they didn't have Tazers. Who knows if I would be writing this posting as I have a heart problem and would have surely suffered the same fate as that poor man in the Vancouver airport. Posted November 16, 2007 06:59 AMjohn (Victoria_BC) wrote: I am a Chinese immigrant who experienced similar nightmare with the local police. Actually the police applied unnecessary force to me without giving me a chance to tell my side of the story. Even after they found out that I was TOTALLY innocent they refused to say a sorry to me. To make things worse they lied about the facts in the incident report with the story they made up. At first they took advantage of my unawareness of local culture and law by saying their action was based on the 911 tape that recorded my sound, but when I requested to access a copy of the tape, they claimed that tape was gone due to "technical problem". In the whole process not only a single officer lied, it was a system-level corruption. I used to live in USA where Canadians I met told methey are "different from cool-blooded Americans" asCanadians are nicer and honest. I did move to Canada with admiration for the values of Canadian society. But at the moment I was greatly bullied by the native Canadians, I was scared of this great country.When I became a Canadian citizen, a politician said, "welcome to the best place in the world, an open, free and civilized country with fairness and opportunities". In addition, Canadian government often arrogantly criticizes other nations for "bad human rights records", I wonder if they should have a mirror to check themselves up first". Nevertheless I still trust most Canadian people are friendly and open-minded. I am happy to see so many objective and fair comments on the Polish immigrant's case here.I just wonder why there are still many shameless dishonest people who are trying hard to help hiding the faults of their government. Posted November 16, 2007 06:52 AM 链接:http://news.163.com/07/1116/16/3TEDCOIV0001121M.htmlhttp://news.163.com/07/1116/16/3TEDCOIV0001121M.html http://www.cbc.ca/news/yourview/bc/2007/11/whats_your_reaction_to_this_vi.html http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNe.../airport_taser_071114/20071114?hub=TopStories
来点小乐子:http://www.google.com/ig/adde?moduleurl=http://gadgets.from.googlepages.com/dj.xmlhttp://www.notcanada.com加拿大不是褚?克,而是一堆碎玻璃。五?六色但也很危胝,一不小心就能刺破倪跟。 天安门母亲致亲爱的正在考虑移民加拿大的朋友们: 请三思! 你们不知道,加拿大其实是一个非常可怕的国家。这个国家的警察,可以在街上,在机场,在任何地方,随意的,任意的,使用暴力攻击任何受到他们怀疑的公民,移民,或其他人等。这是一个可怕的地方,真的。特别是作为中国人,更容易成为加拿大警察攻击的目标。 加拿大警察的暴力是体制性的(systematic), 就像他们可以系统性的棒杀可爱的小海豹一样,想到这些海豹,就可以理解这个国家了。 以下为部分证言:Lou Cypher (Ottawa_Ontario) wrote: I cannot express my outrage at this incident. My heart goes out to the family of this poor unfortunate man, coming to the land milk and honey only to be savagely beaten, Tazed and killed by the very people paid to protect him. I can say that this is an ongoing trend within the police forces across Canada. Since 2001, the police have found themselves in a new position of power, running around in there swat outfits, beating people down, and sometimes killing them, with little being done to reprimand them for there actions. But even before that, the police have taken any opportunity to abuse the powers we the citizens of this great country give to them. Back in 1997, I was walking to friends house in Victoria B.C. (is there a trend here?) minding my own business, when 2 squad cars came racing up beside me, Jumped up on the curb and the officers jumped out of there cars. Without a word being said or a question asked, 3 officers proceeded to throw me on the ground and hand cuff me, whil;e a young rookie stood and watched. They were so aggressive, it was amazing. They kept on saying to each other, we got him, we got him. They were pulling my hair and repeatedly throwing me against the wall. I kept asking what I had done, and they threw me on the ground while one officer kept his foot on the back of my neck. Then one officer said "the perp has a full beard, not a goatee. With that, I was uncuffed and they all jumped back into there cars. I asked one of the officers if i could have there name. He told me to forget this happened, and they sped away. I read later the next day, that a woman was stabbed and that the perp was caught without incident. I guess I was in the wrong place at the wrong time and was the only incident that night. I thank god they didn't have Tazers. Who knows if I would be writing this posting as I have a heart problem and would have surely suffered the same fate as that poor man in the Vancouver airport. Posted November 16, 2007 06:59 AM john (Victoria_BC) wrote: I am a Chinese immigrant who experienced similar nightmare with the local police. Actually the police applied unnecessary force to me without giving me a chance to tell my side of the story. Even after they found out that I was TOTALLY innocent they refused to say a sorry to me. To make things worse they lied about the facts in the incident report with the story they made up. At first they took advantage of my unawareness of local culture and law by saying their action was based on the 911 tape that recorded my sound, but when I requested to access a copy of the tape, they claimed that tape was gone due to "technical problem". In the whole process not only a single officer lied, it was a system-level corruption. I used to live in USA where Canadians I met told methey are "different from cool-blooded Americans" asCanadians are nicer and honest. I did move to Canada with admiration for the values of Canadian society. But at the moment I was greatly bullied by the native Canadians, I was scared of this great country.When I became a Canadian citizen, a politician said, "welcome to the best place in the world, an open, free and civilized country with fairness and opportunities". In addition, Canadian government often arrogantly criticizes other nations for "bad human rights records", I wonder if they should have a mirror to check themselves up first". Nevertheless I still trust most Canadian people are friendly and open-minded. I am happy to see so many objective and fair comments on the Polish immigrant's case here.I just wonder why there are still many shameless dishonest people who are trying hard to help hiding the faults of their government. Posted November 16, 2007 06:52 AM 链接:http://news.163.com/07/1116/16/3TEDCOIV0001121M.html http://www.cbc.ca/news/yourview/bc/2007/11/whats_your_reaction_to_this_vi.html http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=139464点击展开...
回复: 我的亲身体验:加拿大的警察有多可怕!真的是害怕。。这种事情在我们国家应该更多吧.
Life is ours to be spent, not to be saved. 超赞 赏 ..恶魔 0$(VIP 0) 1,3922007-11-16#4 回复: 我的亲身体验:加拿大的警察有多可怕!真的是害怕。。本来我也不想说这些,也没想到要提起这个话题,但是看到刚刚发生的这个在温哥华机场,手无寸铁的,无助的,可怜的刚刚抵达的新移民,对警察没有任何反抗的情况下,被4个警察大汉毫无理由的在光天化日下公开殴打至死的情景(旁人偷拍的录像,163的新闻也可以看到),我觉得我必须说出来。一些碎片连成了线,我开始明白这一切都是制度性的。加拿大警察毫无犹豫的使用暴力,似乎都不需要经过大脑,因为他们已经太习惯了,因为他们一直都是这么做的!我想起以前亲眼看到的,在温哥华街道边发生的非常类似的场景。当时以为也许是什么重大犯罪分子被制服,但现在看来也许未必!也许就是一个普通人,仅仅被他们任意的怀疑而已。加拿大警车可以整夜呼啸扰民,如入无人之境。加拿大警察可以使用接近Racist语言招呼华人移民!亲耳听到!我自己也有过在街边走,无来由的被开车的加拿大警察盯上的经历,creepy。想起来后怕!
来点小乐子:http://www.google.com/ig/adde?moduleurl=http://gadgets.from.googlepages.com/dj.xmlhttp://www.notcanada.com加拿大不是褚?克,而是一堆碎玻璃。五?六色但也很危胝,一不小心就能刺破倪跟。 天安门母亲这种事情在我们国家应该更多吧.点击展开... 我不是没在中国住过,怎么没有碰到过,甚至只是看到过,这样的中国警察? 也许你可以举出最近广州的那个例子,但那人是在半夜凌晨4点多开假牌车(假军牌,还遮住),在警察查车过程中,试图驾车逃逸并冲挂警察。在此情况下警察开枪就不为过。不幸被打死只能说是事故,最多是遗憾。 我想,中国的警察,一般情况下是不配枪的。甚至都没有携带警棍。半夜巡逻时才会佩枪吧,而且是在广州这个一般被认为是国内治安差不多是最不好之列的城市,那是针对严重犯罪的。
来点小乐子:http://www.google.com/ig/adde?moduleurl=http://gadgets.from.googlepages.com/dj.xmlhttp://www.notcanada.com加拿大不是褚?克,而是一堆碎玻璃。五?六色但也很危胝,一不小心就能刺破倪跟。 天安门母亲 超赞 赏 Y yuqun 0$(VIP 0) 392007-11-16#6 回复: 我的亲身体验:加拿大的警察有多可怕!真的是害怕。。天哪, 中国的警察不配枪,那还能叫警察!!!
回复: 我的亲身体验:加拿大的警察有多可怕!真的是害怕。。致亲爱的正在考虑移民加拿大的朋友们: 请三思! 你们不知道,加拿大其实是一个非常可怕的国家。这个国家的警察,可以在街上,在机场,在任何地方,随意的,任意的,使用暴力攻击任何受到他们怀疑的公民,移民,或其他人等。这是一个可怕的地方,真的。特别是作为中国人,更容易成为加拿大警察攻击的目标。点击展开... 你在这里严重误导. 你没出错, 警察一根毫毛都不敢碰你. 出错了, 人家要抓你,你只能配合. 事后找法官说理去. 这就是游戏规则. 哈帕都不例外的游戏规则.
坛子里有一些喜欢做新移民生意的RESP经纪,大家要小心他们的言行误导。详见拙作http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=241498 超赞 赏 又见飞刀 0$(VIP 0) 4,1272007-11-16#8 回复: 我的亲身体验:加拿大的警察有多可怕!真的是害怕。。This is also kind of culture difference. You need to learn how to deal with police in Canada/Western country in certain situations, when is the time and how to discuss with police, How to cooperate with police, and don't let police feel you are dangerous.
回复: 我的亲身体验:加拿大的警察有多可怕!真的是害怕。。在一个洋奴盛行的论坛发这种帖子真是找抽啊.
2005年7月6日登陆多伦多.在一个洋奴盛行的论坛发这种帖子真是找抽啊.点击展开... Here is "洋奴论坛".
回复: 我的亲身体验:加拿大的警察有多可怕!真的是害怕。。谢谢恶魔,让我们知道了加拿大的一些黑暗面!
http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=386790 超赞 赏 S StrayHawk 0$(VIP 0) 4352007-11-16#13 回复: 我的亲身体验:加拿大的警察有多可怕!真的是害怕。。
回复: 我的亲身体验:加拿大的警察有多可怕!真的是害怕。。中国公安入编警察是配枪的(不配枪的,可能是协管员或治安人员),为了随时防治罪犯,而法院、检察、司法部门的警察不配(但有些入警珩就配),配枪者要视如已命严格保护好,一般别在腰上,胸部和小腿上,在其假期间要交回警署保管,因此有些警察在洒吧喝酒,疯起来就可能要你的……点击展开... 你说的前半部分也许正确,但最后这句话应该只是想像,臆测而已。给你看看这个要做成大字牌匾悬挂在每个公安局的大厅墙上的公安部五条禁令。如果你是中国警察,天天看到这个你会有何感想?你还敢随便用枪吗?现在公安警校的毕业生也不包分配,不是毕业就能当上警察的,他们工作不想要了?(说实话当时我看到这些墙上的禁令的时候,反而觉得当警察也挺可怜的。这要开除那要开除的。) 中国的警察除了执行任务的特警,负责重案的刑警办案时有需要而携带佩枪。(或者一些治安差的城市为了作秀也罢,夜间巡逻佩枪的。)一般警察即使有配枪都是锁在局里的。有佩枪不等于出门就要携带枪支。这是两个概念。谁喜欢拿自己的公职开玩笑?没人没事带把枪玩,或者带回家的。 我可以负责任的告诉你,在枪械管理方面,中国的警察是很严格的。(包括军队。)你有见过武警没事带冲锋枪上街玩的吗?或者解放军?你在街上看到哪个军人带枪了?枪是有,但是锁在部队枪柜里。 --------------------------- 一、严禁违反枪支管理使用规定,违者予以纪律处分;造成严重后果的,予以辞退或者开除。 二、严禁携带枪支饮酒,违者予以辞退;造成严重后果的,予以开除。 三、严禁酒后驾驶机动车,违者予以辞退;造成严重后果的,予以开除。 四、严禁在工作时间饮酒,违者予以纪律处分;造成严重后果的,予以辞退或者开除。 五、严禁参与赌博,违者予以辞退;情节严重的,予以开除。 民警违反上述禁令的,对所在单位直接领导、主要领导予以纪律处分。民警违反规定使用枪支致人死亡,或者持枪犯罪的,对所在单位直接领导、主要领导予以撤职;情节恶劣、后果严重的,上一级单位分管领导、主要领导应引咎辞职或者予以撤职。对违反上述禁令的行为,隐瞒不报、压案不查、包庇袒护的,一经发现,从严追究有关领导责任。-----------引文:公安部:05年539人因违反“五条禁令”受到追究 2006-02-26 21:02 公安反腐重点查官 十五大以来已拿下2375名领导 中国公安机关最近五年来反腐败力度不断加大 广东奖惩公安执法质量2年不达标领导辞职或免职 记者在26日全国公安机关反腐倡廉暨第二次警务督察工作会议上了解到,全国公安机关坚持不懈地贯彻执行“五条禁令”,2005年共查处违令案件469起、539人,其中开除、辞退353人,追究领导责任118人。 公安部纪委副书记、副督察长谢模乾代表公安部纪委所作的反腐倡廉工作报告中说,我国公安机关坚持执法为民思想和从严治警方针,不断加大反腐倡廉工作力度,着力推进有公安特色的惩防体系建设,为公安机关履行重大政治和社会责任提供强有力的纪律保证。------------公安反腐重点查官 十五大以来已拿下2375名领导 2002-10-31 15:57 中国公安机关最近五年来反腐败力度不断加大 02-10-31 十五大以来反腐成效明显78万人受党政纪处分 02-10-14 湖南反腐重大举措:财政支出从国库直接支付 02-10-07 来自公安部纪委的消息说,自十五大以来的5年,各级公安机关反腐败斗争力度不断加大,保持了健康发展的态势,取得了明显的阶段性成效。5年来,全国公安机关因违反党风廉政建设责任制而受到追究处理的领导干部有2375人,其中县市公安局长以上领导干部685人。 5年来,全国各级公安机关重点查处了一大批县市公安局长以上领导干部和民警中违反政治纪律、以权谋私、贪赃枉法、玩忽职守、参与走私护私、包庇放纵犯罪、刑讯逼供、滥用枪支警械、滥用强制措施、涉黑涉恶等违法违纪案件,严肃了纪律,惩治了腐败,教育了民警,纯洁了队伍。 经过各级公安机关的共同努力,公安队伍中腐败现象滋生蔓延的势头得到有效遏制,民警违法违纪案件呈逐年下降趋势。据统计,去年全国公安民警违法违纪案件比1997年度下降8·8%,今年上半年又比去年同期下降22·8%,特别是刑讯逼供、滥用枪支警械、滥用强制措施3类案件下降的幅度更大。
来点小乐子:http://www.google.com/ig/adde?moduleurl=http://gadgets.from.googlepages.com/dj.xmlhttp://www.notcanada.com加拿大不是褚?克,而是一堆碎玻璃。五?六色但也很危胝,一不小心就能刺破倪跟。 天安门母亲 超赞 赏 ..恶魔 0$(VIP 0) 1,3922007-11-17#15 回复: 我的亲身体验:加拿大的警察有多可怕!真的是害怕。。若是根据中国的公安禁令,温哥华的警察局长,估计该撤职了。让我们关注,其还安在否?‘民警违反规定使用枪支致人死亡,或者持枪犯罪的,对所在单位直接领导、主要领导予以撤职;情节恶劣、后果严重的,上一级单位分管领导、主要领导应引咎辞职或者予以撤职。’
来点小乐子:http://www.google.com/ig/adde?moduleurl=http://gadgets.from.googlepages.com/dj.xmlhttp://www.notcanada.com加拿大不是褚?克,而是一堆碎玻璃。五?六色但也很危胝,一不小心就能刺破倪跟。 天安门母亲 超赞 赏 O oops自杀用户 0$(VIP 0) 3,8122007-11-17#16 回复: 我的亲身体验:加拿大的警察有多可怕!真的是害怕。。说起来都有阴暗面,这次加拿大警察做的是比较过分了,而且死者身份是新移民所以引起大家比较强烈的反映。不过总体来说,西方国家的司法体系还是比较健全,这其中也包括执法的方式,总好过国内的初级阶段,很多法律不健全而是靠人脑去灵活运用。举个例子给大家看看:深圳市有段时间不知道政法委头头那根筋不对了,公布了一个对于打砸抢分子可从严处理,包括对于暴力拘捕袭警者可以当场击毙,本身这个措施对于保护警察的人身安全,尤其在深圳这个地方,还是很有效的。问题是执行者过于灵活运用了这个政策,好多打砸抢分子不好好学习政策,遇到警察不是拘捕和袭警,而是拼命逃跑,然后被警察开枪打死。因为警察也烦啊,因为这些人太麻烦了,今天费半天劲儿跑的气喘吁吁的抓住,大不了抓进去打一顿你还得放了,后天他又犯事儿了你还得抓。这下好了,有了上面的政策,老子掏枪毙了你,回头大伙儿统一口径就说Y的拘捕和袭警,多简单,为民除了害,还是永久性的。当时因为这个被打死的人不在少数啊,说实在的,这帮混混们干的事儿也确实很缺的,有时候抢人包还要在脑袋上来一砖头,弄死他们对社会治安是有好处,问题是国家法律规定这些人命不该死啊,那警察作为执法者,就更不应该随意的处置了。
回复: 我的亲身体验:加拿大的警察有多可怕!真的是害怕。。你在这里严重误导. 你没出错, 警察一根毫毛都不敢碰你. 出错了, 人家要抓你,你只能配合. 事后找法官说理去. 这就是游戏规则. 哈帕都不例外的游戏规则.点击展开... 我不明白你为何喜欢为加拿大的警察辩护。明明他们做错了,错得很明显,只要不是白痴的人都可以看出来的。 我都懒得说你了,有空自己去看看其他加拿大人用英文是如何评论这一事件的。事实上从2003年到目前,加拿大警察已经使用电击枪杀死了17人。最近这个倒霉蛋只不过是17个之一而已。死都死了17个,伤的呢?不计其数了吧。 以前你都不知道吧?这个案例只是因为有偷拍录像才得以曝光,不然? 如果你抱这种事不关己的心态,也许要等到你自己碰到的那一天,才会悔悟吧。 关键是:这个新移民受害者根本就没有不配合,根本就没有任何抗拒行为。你还能说什么?警察一上来二话不说第一件事就是开枪干倒他。你喜欢这种感觉吗?也许你应该去尝试一下那电枪的滋味吧。 给你两个英文评论: ‘This gentleman had died at the R.C.M.P.'s hands in less time than it takes to make a cup of coffee and they made ABSOLUTELY NO ATTEMPT to help him.’ ‘If it happened to him, it can happen to anyone. That has been shown now, as the latest incident at the Vancouver International Airport clearly demonstrates. ’
来点小乐子:http://www.google.com/ig/adde?moduleurl=http://gadgets.from.googlepages.com/dj.xmlhttp://www.notcanada.com加拿大不是褚?克,而是一堆碎玻璃。五?六色但也很危胝,一不小心就能刺破倪跟。 天安门母亲说起来都有阴暗面,这次加拿大警察做的是比较过分了,而且死者身份是新移民所以引起大家比较强烈的反映。 不过总体来说,西方国家的司法体系还是比较健全,这其中也包括执法的方式,总好过国内的初级阶段,很多法律不健全而是靠人脑去灵活运用。 举个例子给大家看看: 深圳市有段时间不知道政法委头头那根筋不对了,公布了一个对于打砸抢分子可从严处理,包括对于暴力拘捕袭警者可以当场击毙,本身这个措施对于保护警察的人身安全,尤其在深圳这个地方,还是很有效的。 问题是执行者过于灵活运用了这个政策,好多打砸抢分子不好好学习政策,遇到警察不是拘捕和袭警,而是拼命逃跑,然后被警察开枪打死。 因为警察也烦啊,因为这些人太麻烦了,今天费半天劲儿跑的气喘吁吁的抓住,大不了抓进去打一顿你还得放了,后天他又犯事儿了你还得抓。这下好了,有了上面的政策,老子掏枪毙了你,回头大伙儿统一口径就说Y的拘捕和袭警,多简单,为民除了害,还是永久性的。 当时因为这个被打死的人不在少数啊,说实在的,这帮混混们干的事儿也确实很缺的,有时候抢人包还要在脑袋上来一砖头,弄死他们对社会治安是有好处,问题是国家法律规定这些人命不该死啊,那警察作为执法者,就更不应该随意的处置了。点击展开... 呵呵,我相信你的这个例子是真的。不过不太清楚是什么时候的事情。确实前段时间比如河南的什么地方的公安确实曾经在银行门口挂上牌子:‘对于正在抢劫银行的犯罪分子给予当场击毙’。 但中国的事情变化很快,也许3年前是这样的,但现在就未必还是了。我也认识个在公安任职的人,他说:最近几年比以前已经松很多了。刑罚已经很人性化,不再是严刑酷法。 自从朱镕基把公安的地位与权力降下来之后,滥用职权的警察应该少很多了吧。 (你的例子里那些打砸抢分子,如果他们不是被冤枉的,在犯罪后逃跑过程中被击中死亡的,确实也可以说是活该。如果不是现行犯,或者被抓了现行而也不选择逃跑,应该警察不敢真的还开枪直接枪毙吧?)我想起了另一个案例:------------------------王振忠其人 2002年5月22日,“2·20”枪案的幕后总策划——福州市公安局原副局长王振忠出逃美国。据《南方周末》报道,迄今为止,王振忠是中国外逃的最高级别的警官,在全国100多名出逃官员中名列第7。 “2·20”枪案 2001年2月,福州人陈信滔与徐承平,因合作福州安祥旧车交易市场发生经济纠纷,陈信滔之兄陈信华找来卞礼忠出面干涉。徐承平欲私下与卞礼忠协调,被卞拒绝。之后,徐承平通过时任福州市公安局副局长的王振忠,给刘雄打电话,让刘设法击毙卞礼忠。 当月20日,徐承平同刘雄、郑军等人,将卞礼忠诱骗到安祥旧车交易市场办公室内,刘雄、郑军等人隔着玻璃向卞礼忠发射子弹150发,致卞当场死亡,并伪造卞持枪抢劫被警方击毙的现场。 2007年6月20日,福建省高院对“2·20”枪案作出终审宣判:被告人徐承平犯故意杀人罪、抢劫罪、偷税罪、诬告陷害罪,数罪并罚判处死刑;被告人郑军(福州市晋安分局岳峰刑警中队原中队长)犯故意杀人罪,判处死刑;被告人刘雄(福州市公安局晋安分局刑警大队原大队长)犯故意杀人罪,判处死刑,缓期两年执行。-------------------------这是一个警察枪杀平民的案例,而且涉案的警察级别还很高。但是,结果呢?‘被告人郑军(福州市晋安分局岳峰刑警中队原中队长)犯故意杀人罪,判处死刑’中队长难逃一死,福州市公安局副局长要出逃美国最终客死他乡。也不是都没有正义在的。
来点小乐子:http://www.google.com/ig/adde?moduleurl=http://gadgets.from.googlepages.com/dj.xmlhttp://www.notcanada.com加拿大不是褚?克,而是一堆碎玻璃。五?六色但也很危胝,一不小心就能刺破倪跟。 天安门母亲我不明白你为何喜欢为加拿大的警察辩护。明明他们做错了,错得很明显,只要不是白痴的人都可以看出来的。 我都懒得说你了,有空自己去看看其他加拿大人用英文是如何评论这一事件的。事实上从2003年到目前,加拿大警察已经使用电击枪杀死了17人。最近这个倒霉蛋只不过是17个之一而已。死都死了17个,伤的呢?不计其数了吧。 以前你都不知道吧?这个案例只是因为有偷拍录像才得以曝光,不然? 如果你抱这种事不关己的心态,也许要等到你自己碰到的那一天,才会悔悟吧。 关键是:这个新移民受害者根本就没有不配合,根本就没有任何抗拒行为。你还能说什么?警察一上来二话不说第一件事就是开枪干倒他。你喜欢这种感觉吗?也许你应该去尝试一下那电枪的滋味吧。 给你两个英文评论: ‘This gentleman had died at the R.C.M.P.'s hands in less time than it takes to make a cup of coffee and they made ABSOLUTELY NO ATTEMPT to help him.’ ‘If it happened to him, it can happen to anyone. That has been shown now, as the latest incident at the Vancouver International Airport clearly demonstrates. ’点击展开... 在这个案子中,警察过于使用暴力。但是加拿大警察整体不是都这个状态。以偏概全是不对了。 在加拿大一共使用Taser枪4000次,有17次致死。这应该不是针对新移民吧。 Taser枪是中距离,在手枪范围内,警棍范围外的东西。这就是规范吧。人人平等的东西。那个波兰移民当时没有配合警察,在录像上显示,他在试图离开。而且他从来都没做过,蹲下抱头之类的动作。一方面是他听不懂英语,另一方面是警察认为他不服从命令。这边警察就是这样,你不服从就要制服。犯罪分子都有枪,警察动作都很大的。以后的电击就不对了,后来的粗暴处理也是不对,但是第一下的电击是应该的。 你那个红字就纯粹是煽动了,出人命了,必须查得明明白白的,这里不是中国。几个小科级干部就能整出个黄静案来。
坛子里有一些喜欢做新移民生意的RESP经纪,大家要小心他们的言行误导。详见拙作http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=241498 超赞 赏 B bruceyag 0$(VIP 0) 6,4182007-11-17#20 回复: 我的亲身体验:加拿大的警察有多可怕!真的是害怕。。标题不是你亲身体验吗? 哪里是你自己的体验,倒是转贴了许多给独裁者贴金的东西,纯粹是GCD那套煽动宣传。
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