加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民求指点,如何办理CAIPS?
递HK职业为:大学教师现在状态为:We received your application for permanent residence on February 4, 2010. We reviewed your application and sent you a letter on March 16, 2010. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us. Your application and supporting documents were received by the Hong Kong office. They are pending review. We transferred your application to the Hong Kong office on March 24, 2010. The Hong Kong office may contact you. Your application was reviewed and we started processing on July 29, 2011. 成功有戏吗?如何办理CAIPS?周期多长?费用?谢谢高手指点
回复: 求指点,如何办理CAIPS?个人感觉你等1个月后,如果没有me才查。如果真想查,百度caips。费用最低5刀,最高300人民币。
回复: 求指点,如何办理CAIPS?叫加拿大朋友寄下,5刀,网上都有教你怎么做,填好表格寄给你加拿大朋友
回复: 求指点,如何办理CAIPS?谢谢各位!!
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