加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民收到大使馆邮件要求交护照和体检了,但是双方都在国外怎么办?
去年三月份以common law partners开始申请的, 补完料后就没消息了, 然后我们就忘记这回事了.. 我们现在在不同国家读书,而且十二月份我要去美国看我女朋友,所以护照不能交上去. 大使馆说是四十五日内要交齐材料, 有两个问题 1)可以延期吗 2)如果不能,借出护照方便吗 3)体检能不能在目前所在国进行? 谢谢大家了!!
回复: 收到大使馆邮件要求交护照和体检了,但是双方都在国外怎么办?不是PL后才寄护照吗?
超赞 赏 michaelsunyyyy 0$(VIP 0) 3122011-10-24#3 回复: 收到大使馆邮件要求交护照和体检了,但是双方都在国外怎么办?体检可以在目前所在国进行。护照可以后寄,因为北京的案子要体检一段时间后才可能给你发签证的,如果是227的话通常要8-9个月,626就快了,所以要根据你自己的情况决定。
回复: 收到大使馆邮件要求交护照和体检了,但是双方都在国外怎么办?不是PL后才寄护照吗?点击展开...Please submit for principal applicant ×××- Medical examination. All dependants must undergo medical examination even if they are not going to Canada. Please present this letter to the doctor as well as your original passport. Upon completion of the examination you will be provided with proof that you have taken the examination, you need to return this proof to the embassy with your original passport. If you are currently not residing in China and will not undergo the medical examination in China, please advise us immediately so we can provide you with different instructions. - Passport (must be valid for 6 months or more). * Please provide original - Right of Permanent Residence Fee (RPRF). For details see http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/china-chine/visas/beijing-pekin/fees-frais.aspx?lang=eng#fees Please submit for dependant XXX- Medical examination. All dependants must undergo medical examination even if they are not going to Canada. Please present this letter to the doctor as well as your original passport. Upon completion of the examination you will be provided with proof that you have taken the examination, you need to return this proof to the embassy with your original passport. If you are currently not residing in China and will not undergo the medical examination in China, please advise us immediately so we can provide you with different instructions. - Passport (must be valid for 6 months or more). * Please provide original - Right of Permanent Residence Fee (RPRF). For details see http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/china-chine/visas/beijing-pekin/fees-frais.aspx?lang=eng#fees Note: All documents should be photocopies of the originals and should be accompanied by either an English or a French translation. Notarized statements are not adequate substitutes.Please note that if you fail to provide the documents requested within 45 days of the date of this letter your application will be assessed based on the information available on file. This may result in your application being refused.Please keep this office apprised of any change of mailing address, telephone number or email address by submitting an updated IMM008 Generic application form accompanied by an updated IMM5476 Use of Representative form if you have a representativeIf your mailing address is in China, you should provide us with four (4) address labels with your complete name and address written clearly in Chinese characters.Please note that we respond only to correspondence in English or French.Thank you for your attention to this matter.This is a computer-generated letter which requires no signature
回复: 收到大使馆邮件要求交护照和体检了,但是双方都在国外怎么办?不是PL后才寄护照吗?点击展开...HK是,BJ不是
BJ 227 2010/04/07妥投; 2010/06/18RN; 2010/07/15补料BJ; 2010/07/28FN; 2011/2/26山寨IP?; 2011/08/30ME; vo:rod2011/09/10体检; 2011/09/13寄出登录费及护照; 2012/01/22DM(大年三十); 2012/01/31大信封到!1)可以延期吗 2)如果不能,借出护照方便吗 3)体检能不能在目前所在国进行?点击展开...LZ情况和我家类似,1.可以在国外使馆指定的诊所体检,使馆说因为国外体检需时间长,所以可以延期2.能,几次都行3.同1
BJ 227 2010/04/07妥投; 2010/06/18RN; 2010/07/15补料BJ; 2010/07/28FN; 2011/2/26山寨IP?; 2011/08/30ME; vo:rod2011/09/10体检; 2011/09/13寄出登录费及护照; 2012/01/22DM(大年三十); 2012/01/31大信封到!LZ情况和我家类似,1.可以在国外使馆指定的诊所体检,使馆说因为国外体检需时间长,所以可以延期2.能,几次都行3.同1点击展开...谢谢:) 没想到还能遇到情况类似的 嘿嘿 握手
回复: 收到大使馆邮件要求交护照和体检了,但是双方都在国外怎么办?话说借出护照的速度会快么看有的人貌似说先体检再交护照可是我的信里貌似是要一起交上去呢
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