加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民又美拒签史的在移民时会被查出!


有美国拒签史的,在移民加拿大时会被查出News:Immigration, inspection processes to be harmonized ......... More information on people entering Canada will be shared with the United States and vice versa. Currently, Citizenship and Immigration Canada officials can call up their U.S. counterparts and see whether an immigration applicant here had already been rejected there. If so, Canadian officials would find out why and can factor that information into their decision. Under the new agreement, that dialogue would be automated rather than requiring a person-to-person phone call. Canada and the U.S. will also ramp up their recording and sharing of biometric data such as fingerprints for people who apply for visas. This is intended to catch people attempting to enter North America using false names and forged identification. Government officials say no privacy legislation will be changed and all information transfers will work within existing laws. The cost of the changes was not revealed Wednesday. Many of the components of the plan are dependent on funding approval in both countries. Checking to see whether an immigrant has previously been rejected from entering the neighbouring country is supposed to happen automatically for every applicant. But that depends on funding approval and could be scaled back to selective cases if the money isn’t allocated. 原先是电话抽查,现在要改为自动核查每个移民申请者在对方的拒签史。如果资金不到位,可以退回到抽查!

回复: 又美拒签史的在移民时会被查出!不是吧。我最近正在申请美签呢...

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