加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民律师来信了,貌似信息很积极啊


Good day,The managing judge today stated that he expects to set the hearing date for late May or early June 2012. June is more likely than May. Our written arguments are due March 7th, and CIC's thirty days after being served our written arguments.​ The Court ratified the written agreement between the parties that (a) we would argue one case per class while the other cases are deferred and, if we succeed, (b) CIC "will be guided by the decisions in the representative cases" in handling the other litigant's FSW applications. Although CIC's phrasing gives it some wiggle room, the judge deciding the representative cases will be empowered to require CIC to process the other 653 cases on the same terms as is ordered for the representative cases (and will be aware that CIC has provisionally agreed to do so). The Court's orders will apply only to the applicants who are participating in the litigation.​ Class I; i.e., those who applied before 27 February 2008; comprises roughly 75% of the litigants. The representative cases arises out of Beijing and concerns an IT manager whom a visa officer found in March 2010 meets selection criteria and who received maximum points for English.​ Class II; i.e., those who applied between 27 February 2008 and 25 June 2010; is represented by a case lodged in New Delhi. The litigant is a nurse, whose IELTS results were 6.5., 7.5, 8.5 and 8.5; her husband holds a B.Com. and is a bookkeeper.​ Total litigants: 655. Others may join the litigation. Also, in response to my letter, the Court agreed that the names shown incorrectly on the notice-of-application may be amended, adding that doing so may be deferred until written arguments have been made.​ Regards, Tim​

回复: 律师来信了,貌似信息很积极啊Just received a fax from the Court: the hearing for the FSW mandamus litigation has been set for Tuesday, June 5th. So, now we have date for the hearing! Do not expect the decision, however, that every day. It may not be until September before the decision is released. But, at least we know when we will have our day in Court!Regards,

06年底简表递HK07年5月16日FN VO LCY11年再考YS,自评67分S2 快来吧 超赞 赏 加拿大我来了 0$(VIP 0) 5012012-02-08#3 回复: 律师来信了,貌似信息很积极啊楼上的,你怎么能收到传真件呢?另外,听证是6月5号,为什么要到九月份才能知道结果呢?听证时间是三个月吗?


Georgian College学 IT, 全省就业率第一!Overcoming your challenges at Georgian楼上的,你怎么能收到传真件呢?另外,听证是6月5号,为什么要到九月份才能知道结果呢?听证时间是三个月吗?点击展开... 听证时间不用三个月,出结果要等3个月,因为加拿大办事是要排队的,打官司也是一样。以后包括开庭啥的,都得排期,急不得的。

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