加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民起诉进度最新更新


估计参与起诉的同学都收到了,没有人发我发一下吧。形势好像乐观,大意是:1.听证大约在2012年5月下旬或6月上旬。书面论证将于12年3月7日截止。2.如代表案件成功,法院决定其结果将适用于其余参加起诉的案件。3.目前分成两类,递交于2008年2月27日以前的,代表案件是雅思满分的北京案件,职业是IT经理;递交于2008年2月27日和2010年6月26日之间的,代表案件是新德里的一个护士。目前参与起诉案件655,仍可继续参与。4.如在起诉通知上显示名字写错者,在书面论证准备好前可以修改。(3月7日前) Good day,The managing judge today stated that he expects to set the hearing date for late May or early June 2012. June is more likely than May. Our written arguments are due March 7th, and CIC's thirty days after being served our written arguments. The Court ratified the written agreement between the parties that (a) we would argue one case per class while the other cases are deferred and, if we succeed, (b) CIC "will be guided by the decisions in the representative cases" in handling the other litigant's FSW applications. Although CIC's phrasing gives it some wiggle room, the judge deciding the representative cases will be empowered to require CIC to process the other 653 cases on the same terms as is ordered for the representative cases (and will be aware that CIC has provisionally agreed to do so). The Court's orders will apply only to the applicants who are participating in the litigation. Class I; i.e., those who applied before 27 February 2008; comprises roughly 75% of the litigants. The representative cases arises out of Beijing and concerns an IT manager whom a visa officer found in March 2010 meets selection criteria and who received maximum points for English. Class II; i.e., those who applied between 27 February 2008 and 25 June 2010; is represented by a case lodged in New Delhi. The litigant is a nurse, whose IELTS results were 6.5., 7.5, 8.5 and 8.5; her husband holds a B.Com. and is a bookkeeper.Total litigants: 655. Others may join the litigation. Also, in response to my letter, the Court agreed that the names shown incorrectly on the notice-of-application may be amended, adding that doing so may be deferred until written arguments have been made.Regards,Tim​

visa:2013-01-23:说不出的感觉,5年了啊landing了,还飘浮在空中的感觉,没有了根,也落不下地 超赞 赏 R ruth0924 0$(VIP 0) 1,5662012-02-08#2 回复: 起诉进度最新更新老姐,先别乐观,英语文字游戏不是我们中国人玩得了的。什么其它案子deter ,还有CIC will be aware同意结果适用于其它案子,这些都不是确定的语气。 只能谨慎,,,

网络暴力和现实中一样无处不在,远离不诚信的人,管它老乡,同胞,还是网络名人!!! 超赞 赏 popiston 2$(VIP 0,#298) 8,5062012-02-08#3 回复: 起诉进度最新更新听证会6月;但是结果预计9月才能出来。收到邮件了。

Georgian College学 IT, 全省就业率第一!Overcoming your challenges at Georgian老姐,先别乐观,英语文字游戏不是我们中国人玩得了的。什么其它案子deter ,还有CIC will be aware同意结果适用于其它案子,这些都不是确定的语气。 只能谨慎,,,点击展开...

visa:2013-01-23:说不出的感觉,5年了啊landing了,还飘浮在空中的感觉,没有了根,也落不下地 超赞 赏 星星点点 0$(VIP 0) 7442012-02-08#5 回复: 起诉进度最新更新刚刚去邮箱,又有新的更新,律师很兴奋得知听证日期将在6月5日,也说不要期望太高,判决要等到9月。昨天已去信谢谢他的工作,不管怎样,至少表达一下我们的关注吧。 Just received a fax from the Court: the hearing for the FSW mandamus litigation has been set for Tuesday, June 5th. So, now we have date for the hearing! Do not expect the decision, however, that every day. It may not be until September before the decision is released. But, at least we know when we will have our day in Court!Regards,Tim

visa:2013-01-23:说不出的感觉,5年了啊landing了,还飘浮在空中的感觉,没有了根,也落不下地 超赞 赏 H hellangels 0$(VIP 0) 3302012-02-17#6 回复: 起诉进度最新更新谢谢更新

超赞 赏 加拿大我来了 0$(VIP 0) 5012012-02-19#7 回复: 起诉进度最新更新律师的最新更新,没太明白啥意思.律师给的附件我不会上传.里面我看到北京227的CIC预计是2018年毕业,好象不会呀.有哪位高手可以上传附件,让大家瞧瞧.Good day, Attached are charts showing CIC's inventory and glacial processing pace. Because CIC has refused to release year-end figures or the visa-post specific quotas for 2012, the inventory is only through 30 September 2011 and 2011 quotas were used. Collectively these visa posts have a nine-year inventory. What is both alarming and curious is that the post-Bill C-50 inventory has increased while the pre-Bill C-50 inventory has declined. If the claimed processing dates were correctly stated on the "processing times" posted on April 27 and January 23rd, these visa posts have been processing pre-Bill C-50 files in lieu of files lodged on or after 27 February 2008. However, because "dispositions" includes approval, refusals and withdrawals, it may be that the claimed reduction in pre-Bill C-50 files comprises applicants who were refused for failing to submitted up-dated documentation within 120 days, gave up and withdrew their applications or died waiting. The charts will be posted on the website once the webmaster has the time to do so. In the meantime, I wanted you to have them. Regards, Tim

北京2007.8.29FN,08.12.6考雅思,7,6.5,6.5,6。2009.8.21S2,2009.10.25递料,2009.10.29变12,2009.12.2变6,2010.2.8变12,2011.7.5日地址栏第一次消失,7月23日地址栏恢复。参加TIM的诉讼了,2012-8-31ME 超赞 赏 T tzhjqy 0$(VIP 0) 7392012-02-19#8 回复: 起诉进度最新更新香港91的已经开始启动,CIC完全可以辩解自己在按部就班的处理所有的积案。

2007.05 FN律师的最新更新,没太明白啥意思.律师给的附件我不会上传.里面我看到北京227的CIC预计是2018年毕业,好象不会呀.有哪位高手可以上传附件,让大家瞧瞧.Good day, Attached are charts showing CIC's inventory and glacial processing pace. Because CIC has refused to release year-end figures or the visa-post specific quotas for 2012, the inventory is only through 30 September 2011 and 2011 quotas were used. Collectively these visa posts have a nine-year inventory. What is both alarming and curious is that the post-Bill C-50 inventory has increased while the pre-Bill C-50 inventory has declined. If the claimed processing dates were correctly stated on the "processing times" posted on April 27 and January 23rd, these visa posts have been processing pre-Bill C-50 files in lieu of files lodged on or after 27 February 2008. However, because "dispositions" includes approval, refusals and withdrawals, it may be that the claimed reduction in pre-Bill C-50 files comprises applicants who were refused for failing to submitted up-dated documentation within 120 days, gave up and withdrew their applications or died waiting. The charts will be posted on the website once the webmaster has the time to do so. In the meantime, I wanted you to have them. Regards, Tim点击展开...

尽人事,听天命。Do something...07年7月 FN,等ME中。。。 超赞 赏 加拿大我来了 0$(VIP 0) 5012012-02-20#10 回复: 起诉进度最新更新尽管BJ227处理完的时间写了个2018,总算是写了.对BJ91预计处理完的时间写了个Never,你说郁闷不?


尽人事,听天命。Do something...07年7月 FN,等ME中。。。尽管BJ227处理完的时间写了个2018,总算是写了.对BJ91预计处理完的时间写了个Never,你说郁闷不?点击展开...这个时间是Tim们估计的。CIC不敢这么说吧香港S2开始了难道me能很快?

Georgian College学 IT, 全省就业率第一!Overcoming your challenges at Georgian这个时间是Tim们估计的。CIC不敢这么说吧香港S2开始了难道me能很快?点击展开...

尽人事,听天命。Do something...07年7月 FN,等ME中。。。 超赞 赏 R ruth0924 0$(VIP 0) 1,5662012-02-20#14 回复: 起诉进度最新更新真见鬼了,cic网站哪里有写never审理???http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/times/perm/skilled-fed.asp,律师的数据来源是这个,反正我是没扒拉着???哪位勤快的童鞋问他下。。。


尽人事,听天命。Do something...07年7月 FN,等ME中。。。 超赞 赏 C ClearYo 0$(VIP 0) 1,0362012-02-21#16 回复: 起诉进度最新更新关注

回复: 起诉进度最新更新never是不会的,估计就是表达人未可知的很长的意思

超赞 这个时间是Tim们估计的。CIC不敢这么说吧香港S2开始了难道me能很快?点击展开...看今年cic在71又捣鼓什么蒜苗出来吧。现在我算看明白了,只有PL尽快到手才是王道。时间一长,什么变量都改变了,什么就都没了。

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