加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民目前CIC最新的关于SAP程序S2以及雅思时效解释,都来!


网址链接:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/faq/immigrate/business/index.asp#simplifiedDate Modified:2011-07-14捡大家最关心的摘抄如下:What does the supporting documentation to be provided later include?What does the supporting documentation to be provided later include?Supporting documentation would include education documents or other certificates attesting to the educational level, employment letters confirming work experience, language test results, police certificates, birth and marriage certificates, and bank statements confirming the applicant’s funds. I have just taken a language proficiency test at a designated organization, such as the International English Language Testing System (IELTS), Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP) or the Hide: (TEF). Can I submit the results now?I have just taken a language proficiency test at a designated organization, such as the International English Language Testing System (IELTS), Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP) or the Test d’évaluation de français (TEF). Can I submit the results now?If you apply under the simplified application process, the visa office will not accept any supporting documents. If you submit documents with your application, they will be returned to you. Submit your language test results with your other supporting documents. The visa office will contact you to request these documents about four months before your application is processed. If you take the language test within two years of submitting your simplified application, the results remain valid and will be accepted as supporting documentation by the visa office.不用再纠结了,SAP的同学们!弄不懂“within two years of submitting your simplified application”这里意思的结合这句话再来看:Note:Language test results must not be older than two years upon date of submission for any application.

All because of love! 超赞 赏 反馈:wanttoca 和 红太郎 S shirley2011 0$(VIP 0) 3022012-02-21#2 回复: 目前CIC最新的关于SAP程序S2以及雅思时效解释,都来!hehehehe,随便一顶

回复: 目前CIC最新的关于SAP程序S2以及雅思时效解释,都来!谢谢楼主

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]London Ontario[FONT=楷体]中国人对现实里很多不公平有一种难以理解的接受能力,然后成为社会的规则,最后成为文化的一部分。[/FONT][FONT=楷体]三个要饭的故事[/FONT][FONT=宋体][FONT=楷体]看一个社会的好坏有一个很简单的办法:富人是否大量移民。[/FONT][/FONT] 超赞 赏 我爱沃尔沃 0$(VIP 0) 502012-02-21#4 回复: 目前CIC最新的关于SAP程序S2以及雅思时效解释,都来!顶一个吧

2007年8月--香港2008年2月14日---FN VO:ISK2009年11月7日~8日 烤鸭2009年11月19日 鸭子熟了 总分7.0分 (L:7.5 R:8 W:6.5 S:6.0)满怀希望的等待没有希望的S2 超赞 赏 F fairyzhang 0$(VIP 0) 1,6812012-02-21#5 回复: 目前CIC最新的关于SAP程序S2以及雅思时效解释,都来!顶

回复: 目前CIC最新的关于SAP程序S2以及雅思时效解释,都来!within two years of submitting your simplified application 是指前后两年,这四年内的都有效么?

回复: 目前CIC最新的关于SAP程序S2以及雅思时效解释,都来!within two years of submitting your simplified application是指前后两年,这四年内的都有效么?点击展开... 我是这么理解的,我的中介也是这么说的,应该不会错。

2006年11月雅思(读7、说7、听6.5、写6)2006年12月1日递香港,2007年5月18日FN2008年10月生宝宝,未补材料2008年12月22日做清华认证VO是SKM,自评67分。等S2 。。。 超赞 赏 J jack_yxj 0$(VIP 0) 1132012-02-21#8 回复: 目前CIC最新的关于SAP程序S2以及雅思时效解释,都来!我不这样理解。递交申请前两年好理解,递交申请后的应该一直有效,否则新考的难道还不如递交申请后两年之内考得有效?如果这样的话,那些递交申请而没考雅思的同学怎么解释?

回复: 目前CIC最新的关于SAP程序S2以及雅思时效解释,都来!我是这么理解的,我的中介也是这么说的,应该不会错。点击展开...按您的理解,就是递减表的前两年和后两年雅思有效.再之后考的多高都没有用了?例如: 你是2006年9月1日递减表,最迟要在2008年9月1日前考,不然就没机会考了?人家CIC的意思是在递料前两年内考的,保持有效.

回复: 目前CIC最新的关于SAP程序S2以及雅思时效解释,都来!看within的定义:Inside the limits or extent of in time or distance:在…范围以内:在时间或距离的限制或范围之内: 例如:arrived within two days; stayed within earshot; within ten miles of home.两天之内到达;呆在听力所及之地;在离家十英里之内 within two years of submitting your simplified application意思是否是:从递交简表那天起的2年内,例如2007年递的简表,2007年,2008年货2009年考的就可以接受??

看贴你愉快,回贴你精彩 超赞 赏 hitman007 0$(VIP 0) 4,3002012-02-21#11 回复: 目前CIC最新的关于SAP程序S2以及雅思时效解释,都来!新成绩当然就更有效了。

2007.07.09 FN VO:SKM  小鸡长大了就变成了鹅;鹅长大了,就变成了羊;羊再长大了,就变成了牛;等牛长大了,Visa就到了。Man proposes, God disposes.看within的定义:Inside the limits or extent of in time or distance:在…范围以内:在时间或距离的限制或范围之内: 例如: arrived within two days; stayed within earshot; within ten miles of home.两天之内到达;呆在听力所及之地;在离家十英里之内 within two years of submitting your simplified application意思是否是:从递交简表那天起的2年内,例如2007年递的简表,2007年,2008年货2009年考的就可以接受??点击展开... 假若是这样的话,考完了才递表的怎么说?

回复: 目前CIC最新的关于SAP程序S2以及雅思时效解释,都来!我还是坚持理解为FN前2年到今都有效。

回复: 目前CIC最新的关于SAP程序S2以及雅思时效解释,都来!我是FN后第三年考的,难道没有效了么?

回复: 目前CIC最新的关于SAP程序S2以及雅思时效解释,都来!例如:060901寄表,则040901后考试的雅思成绩都有效。

When nothing goes right...go left 超赞 赏 萨 萨达牧Guest 0$(VIP ) 2012-02-21#16 回复: 目前CIC最新的关于SAP程序S2以及雅思时效解释,都来!还是没搞明白,按字面意思,递交简表前后2年,后来考了就没用了?随便来解释解释~~

回复: 目前CIC最新的关于SAP程序S2以及雅思时效解释,都来!网址链接:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/faq/immigrate/business/index.asp#simplifiedDate Modified:2011-07-14捡大家最关心的摘抄如下:What does the supporting documentation to be provided later include?What does the supporting documentation to be provided later include?Supporting documentation would include education documents or other certificates attesting to the educational level, employment letters confirming work experience, language test results, police certificates, birth and marriage certificates, and bank statements confirming the applicant’s funds. I have just taken a language proficiency test at a designated organization, such as the International English Language Testing System (IELTS), Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP) or the Hide: (TEF). Can I submit the results now?I have just taken a language proficiency test at a designated organization, such as the International English Language Testing System (IELTS), Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP) or the Test d’évaluation de français (TEF). Can I submit the results now?If you apply under the simplified application process, the visa office will not accept any supporting documents. If you submit documents with your application, they will be returned to you. Submit your language test results with your other supporting documents. The visa office will contact you to request these documents about four months before your application is processed. If you take the language test within two years of submitting your simplified application, the results remain valid and will be accepted as supporting documentation by the visa office.不用再纠结了,SAP的同学们!弄不懂“within two years of submitting your simplified application”这里意思的结合这句话再来看:Note:Language test results must not be older than two years upon date of submission for any application.点击展开... 看了楼主从cic官方网站上下的说明后有了一点疑问,Note:Language test results must not be older than two years upon date of submission for any application,这个里面的application是指递交简表算作申请还是目前咱们91sap同学120天之后的补料算作申请,这很关键,哪位知道的同学给予指点。谢谢。今天给和中和加成打电话请教,都说雅思只有2年有效期,我0702fn,0804雅思,今天收到补料信,让120天也就是0613前收到补料,这俩中介说我的雅思得重考,郁闷。再次感谢。

回复: 目前CIC最新的关于SAP程序S2以及雅思时效解释,都来!从递表前2年至以后都有效

2007.07.09 FN VO:SKM  小鸡长大了就变成了鹅;鹅长大了,就变成了羊;羊再长大了,就变成了牛;等牛长大了,Visa就到了。Man proposes, God disposes.看了楼主从cic官方网站上下的说明后有了一点疑问,Note:Language test results must not be older than two years upon date of submission for any application,这个里面的application是指递交简表算作申请还是目前咱们91sap同学120天之后的补料算作申请,这很关键,哪位知道的同学给予指点。谢谢。今天给和中和加成打电话请教,都说雅思只有2年有效期,我0702fn,0804雅思,今天收到补料信,让120天也就是0613前收到补料,这俩中介说我的雅思得重考,郁闷。再次感谢。点击展开...就这狗屁中介,赶紧踹了他们得了。

回复: 目前CIC最新的关于SAP程序S2以及雅思时效解释,都来!就这狗屁中介,赶紧踹了他们得了。点击展开... 感谢18,19楼指点,因为我看了cic官方网站后的理解就是起码得到fn就是申请了,按以前是申请前一年内至以后考的雅思都算有效,按最近是申请前二年内及以后考的雅思都算有效。这个里面的申请起码得指得到fn算起,看来我得再核对核对,也不能迷信中介,尤其是所谓的大中介。再次谢谢。

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