加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民也谈关于长登城市的选择-来自一位加拿大的朋友


最近收到一个加拿大朋友来信,关于我向她请教的关于登陆城市的选择问题,她的答复如下:You will want to go where housing is reasonable (price) and where the job market is OK. That eliminates Eastern Canada, although I'm not sure about New Brunswick. It's a very rurall province bordering Maine, and has attracted a lot of immigrants lately, so maybe it is OK. Other Eastern provinces - no! (My 'home province' - Nova Scotia - always has a bad economy. I think PEI is also weak, and Newfoundland no good at all. The French province, Quebec, often has a bad economy and anyway, they want immigrants to speak French.) So that leaves the West - Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia. (The territories - YUKON and NORTHWEST - are also not good places to locate, though they often give incentives for people to locate there. For one thing, the schools are terrible - so I've heard from people who moved there with children.)基本上就是不建议去东部,西部育空和西北省显然也否决了,但是其他几省没有明确说,当然,温哥华房价太高,前面已经不建议去了。看来阿省和大多地区还是首选。欢迎同学们加入讨论。

本人登陆加国一年半,已经回流中国两年半。 超赞 赏 P pandaemon 0$(VIP 0) 6532012-02-22#2 回复: 也谈关于长登城市的选择-来自一位加拿大的朋友没说Ontario啊

回复: 也谈关于长登城市的选择-来自一位加拿大的朋友没说Ontario啊点击展开...也许觉得那里中国人已经太多了?

本人登陆加国一年半,已经回流中国两年半。 超赞 赏 lzx1005非活跃园友 2$(VIP 0,#340) 9592012-02-22#4 回复: 也谈关于长登城市的选择-来自一位加拿大的朋友So that leaves the West - Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia. 就在这里面选好了。

2010.05起移心;2012.11.17登陆温哥华! 超赞 赏 鱼 鱼我所欲也 0$(VIP 0) 4,1872012-02-22#5 回复: 也谈关于长登城市的选择-来自一位加拿大的朋友老太太很喜欢曼省,对温尼伯的人赞不绝口,所以把曼省排在了第一位。

本人登陆加国一年半,已经回流中国两年半。 超赞 赏 joesusie 0$(VIP 0) 4,4752012-02-22#6 回复: 也谈关于长登城市的选择-来自一位加拿大的朋友安省也被否了?lz可以追信问问不

God gives answers in three ways: He says yes and gives you what you want. He says no and gives you something better. He says wait and gives you the best.安省也被否了?lz可以追信问问不点击展开...好的,回信里提一下。

本人登陆加国一年半,已经回流中国两年半。 超赞 赏 joesusie 0$(VIP 0) 4,4752012-02-22#8 回复: 也谈关于长登城市的选择-来自一位加拿大的朋友那个蔓省萨省完全没概念啊。。。bc适合有钱人。。

God gives answers in three ways: He says yes and gives you what you want. He says no and gives you something better. He says wait and gives you the best. 超赞 赏 鱼 鱼我所欲也 0$(VIP 0) 4,1872012-02-22#9 回复: 也谈关于长登城市的选择-来自一位加拿大的朋友对了,还有一段,是封长信。By the way, when you go to Canada, if you settle in a province you don't like - no problem. Just move. Sometimes provinces make an attractive 'offer' but you still don't like it. Maybe they ask for a 3-5 year commitment, but as I understand it, this is not enforced. So immigrants go all over the place.... You will see the largest number of Chinese immigrants in BC (Vancouver) and in Toronto (Ontario), so you might want to search for information directly from other Chinese who have immigrated. (I must be tactless here though and say: Be careful! Usually if people are going to get 'cheated' when they immigrate, it's their own countrymen who do most of the cheating. So as soon as people start trying to sell you businesses or properties, etc. - forget them. This happens in the US to the poor Koreans all the time. They especially buy businesses from other Koreans that turn out to be money-losers, often in dangerous neighborhoods where the Koreans are absolutely hated - usually neighborhoods with a lot of black Americans or immigrant Americans. NEVER buy anything unseen - and wait until you have been in Canada for quite a while, and have some good advisers, to make business decisions like this.) Still, it's useful to get information from 'your own people,' as long as you 'take it with a grain of salt' (be a bit skeptical).


本人登陆加国一年半,已经回流中国两年半。 超赞 赏 E eastf 0$(VIP 0) 1,9812012-02-22#11 回复: 也谈关于长登城市的选择-来自一位加拿大的朋友关注~

回复: 也谈关于长登城市的选择-来自一位加拿大的朋友不错~~

超赞 赏 灰 灰太狼1122 0$(VIP 0) 6172012-02-22#13 回复: 也谈关于长登城市的选择-来自一位加拿大的朋友迷茫

0213 RN 10.4.19;FN 10.7.14,11.3.15山寨IP。7.4地址栏第二次消失,7.23日回归,8.2,地址栏第三次消失,8.12恢复,8.16第四次消失,8.24恢复。9.13消失,9.23恢复 山寨IP。10.24收到me,10.29体检,11.1地址栏消失12.2.17DM12.2.25毕业 超赞 赏 joesusie 0$(VIP 0) 4,4752012-02-22#14 回复: 也谈关于长登城市的选择-来自一位加拿大的朋友哈哈,第二段有意思,老太太像讲故事一样嘛!

God gives answers in three ways: He says yes and gives you what you want. He says no and gives you something better. He says wait and gives you the best. 超赞 赏 移 移民新干线 0$(VIP 0) 182012-02-22#15 回复: 也谈关于长登城市的选择-来自一位加拿大的朋友大家好,请教了:我打算4月份去温哥华短登,想找个好点的家庭旅馆,朋友推荐了一个叫“生活家”的,我看了大家的很多帖子都没看到这家旅馆的信息,想问问“生活家”这个家庭旅馆怎么样?哪种房型性价比比较好?下面的网址是这个旅馆的情况介绍,有住过或者听说过别人体验的,请麻烦给点意见。谢谢啦!http://www.ilivingca.com/YouXian.aspx


2010.05起移心;2012.11.17登陆温哥华! 超赞 赏 godfly 0$(VIP 0) 8572012-02-22#17 回复: 也谈关于长登城市的选择-来自一位加拿大的朋友第二段就是建议远离同胞。看来同胞们的形象在西人心里也不是很好。

新的旅途 超赞 赏 鱼 鱼我所欲也 0$(VIP 0) 4,1872012-02-22#18 回复: 也谈关于长登城市的选择-来自一位加拿大的朋友老太太是个作家,在中国大学里教戏剧,确实比较能写。虽然建议远离同胞,但不是针对中国人,她的意思任何种族的都一样,都是被自己人骗得最多,没看她拿韩国人举例的吗? 又看了下,还有以下这部分内容不知道对大家有没有帮助,也贴出来。 Here are some website links you might want to look at: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/newcomers/before-cost.asp - This is Canada's official information port for immigrants, and it should be reliable, though I don't know how often they update it http://www.canadaimmigrants.com/default.asp - This is a commercial site (probably hosted by immigration attorneys!) but it has useful info also. Just make sure you don't buy anything here http://www.expatforum.com/expats/canada-expat-forum-expats-living-canada/ - this site is an exchange of information, and usually the participants will be people asking other people for advice. You want to go to topics that interest you. But because it is unofficial, it will not always be reliable, and some people do something we call 'mouthing off' when they don't know what they are talking about. Still, such sites ask and answer questions that are often not discussed on 'official' sites, and if you look at the posting dates, it may give very current information

本人登陆加国一年半,已经回流中国两年半。 超赞 赏 jmadele 13$(VIP 0,#88) 6422012-02-23#19 回复: 也谈关于长登城市的选择-来自一位加拿大的朋友好贴 顶

Things have changed a lot. 超赞 赏 nasdaq回归家园:) 0$(VIP 0) 1,5832012-02-23#20 回复: 也谈关于长登城市的选择-来自一位加拿大的朋友关注一下,谢谢分享!!

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