加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民从cic 转的,这就是所谓的打分改革吧,


In a keynote address to the National Metropolis Conference today, Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney outlined his vision for a faster, more responsive immigration system that better meets Canada’s economic needs.“Immigration is playing an increasingly important role in our economy and we need a system that does a better job of attracting the people who have the skills that are in demand and getting them here quickly,” said Minister Kenney. “We have made some great strides towards an immigration system that is fast and flexible, but know that there is more work to do.”In his speech, the Minister highlighted recent changes to the Federal Skilled Worker Program, where current applicants must have experience in one of 29 occupations in demand, or have a job offer in Canada. He also noted the growing success of the Canadian Experience Class, which allows certain foreign students and temporary foreign workers to translate their Canadian work and education experience into permanent residence. And he lauded the growth of provincial and territorial nominee programs, noting the role they have played in spreading the benefits of immigration across the country and addressing long-term regional labour needs. While recognizing these improvements, the Minister indicated that more challenges lie ahead in seeing his vision realized. He noted, for instance, that the current points system used to assess federal skilled worker applicants needs to be more flexible and intelligent. It should place greater emphasis on the importance of language, he said, while recognizing that the language ability needed to successfully integrate in Canada is different for a doctor as opposed to a welder. It should also place greater emphasis on younger workers with high quality credentials that can be recognized quickly.The Minister pledged to do a better job of attracting entrepreneurs and investors to Canada, noting that we lag behind the U.S., where half of the top 50 venture-capital backed companies are founded by immigrants. While noting progress to date, he also promised to do more to reduce the legacy of backlogs, where there are wait times of seven years or longer in some categories.“It makes no sense to tell people ‘apply now, but put your life on hold for a few years before we’ll even let you know if you qualify,'” said the Minister. “I will continue to make changes to create a faster, more flexible immigration system. Canadians need and deserve a system that boldly puts Canada’s best interests first.”

回复: 从cic 转的,这就是所谓的打分改革吧,good point, but how?

回复: 从cic 转的,这就是所谓的打分改革吧,大清早来篇阅读理解

test 超赞 赏 M m9999 0$(VIP 0) 2492012-03-01#4 回复: 从cic 转的,这就是所谓的打分改革吧,没什么实质的东西,都是老调子。

QQ: 1904036001, 加拿大那些事情,都可以聊聊!大清早来篇阅读理解点击展开... +1

开启新生活 超赞 赏 popiston 2$(VIP 0,#298) 8,5062012-03-01#6 回复: 从cic 转的,这就是所谓的打分改革吧,http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/releases/2012/2012-03-01.asp楼主 下次顺便带上来源啊。谢谢。

Georgian College学 IT, 全省就业率第一!Overcoming your challenges at GeorgianIn a keynote address to the National Metropolis Conference today, Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney outlined his vision for a faster, more responsive immigration system that better meets Canada’s economic needs.“Immigration is playing an increasingly important role in our economy and we need a system that does a better job of attracting the people who have the skills that are in demand and getting them here quickly,” said Minister Kenney. “We have made some great strides towards an immigration system that is fast and flexible, but know that there is more work to do.”In his speech, the Minister highlighted recent changes to the Federal Skilled Worker Program, where current applicants must have experience in one of 29 occupations in demand, or have a job offer in Canada. He also noted the growing success of the Canadian Experience Class, which allows certain foreign students and temporary foreign workers to translate their Canadian work and education experience into permanent residence. And he lauded the growth of provincial and territorial nominee programs, noting the role they have played in spreading the benefits of immigration across the country and addressing long-term regional labour needs. While recognizing these improvements, the Minister indicated that more challenges lie ahead in seeing his vision realized. He noted, for instance, that the current points system used to assess federal skilled worker applicants needs to be more flexible and intelligent. It should place greater emphasis on the importance of language, he said, while recognizing that the language ability needed to successfully integrate in Canada is different for a doctor as opposed to a welder. It should also place greater emphasis on younger workers with high quality credentials that can be recognized quickly.The Minister pledged to do a better job of attracting entrepreneurs and investors to Canada, noting that we lag behind the U.S., where half of the top 50 venture-capital backed companies are founded by immigrants. While noting progress to date, he also promised to do more to reduce the legacy of backlogs, where there are wait times of seven years or longer in some categories.“It makes no sense to tell people ‘apply now, but put your life on hold for a few years before we’ll even let you know if you qualify,'”(过去够资格就可以申请,马上要开始的现在,却要申请后几年才知道是否够资格。世道真是变了。过去那泳衣,扒开泳衣才能看见屁股;现在这泳衣,扒开屁股才能看见泳衣!世道真是变了。) said the Minister. “I will continue to make changes to create a faster, more flexible immigration system. Canadians need and deserve a system that boldly puts Canada’s best interests first.”(无可厚非)点击展开...

回复: 从cic 转的,这就是所谓的打分改革吧,楼上,你貌似断章取义了吧。

Georgian College学 IT, 全省就业率第一!Overcoming your challenges at Georgian楼上,你貌似断章取义了吧。点击展开...

回复: 从cic 转的,这就是所谓的打分改革吧,http://www.ottawacitizen.com/news/K...rsial+immigration+policies/6237180/story.html这篇倒是符合最近几个Rumors,强调语言和年轻化。

QQ: 1904036001, 加拿大那些事情,都可以聊聊!楼上,你貌似断章取义了吧。点击展开...积案整得康胖子净说些没有意义的废话,我抓他一个哏尔。... he also promised to do more to reduce the legacy of backlogs, ... 这才是见真章的地方。且看康胖子how,且看新政策。

回复: 从cic 转的,这就是所谓的打分改革吧,呃些也不是蛀言,?去年71檫始之前,就一直有呃?的??出?,表示移民局的?向催?朝向??化,年蒺化跟在地??走,就像另一篇大?所真的移民政策非改不可,可?的未?加拿大移民政策必定向美?靠?,不咿大概不?跟美?一?膣申?,因?美?仍然是?秀人才的黑洞...吸引力之大不是其他移民?家可以比?的,再真其他移民?也?有揠法提供?大的?戌陪多?化就?市??容见新移民,因此大概遮言分数分?,年?下整恐怕?不可免了

回复: 从cic 转的,这就是所谓的打分改革吧,看得头晕,麻烦谁给翻译

回复: 从cic 转的,这就是所谓的打分改革吧,不错,我觉着是好事

May登陆,Sept 通过CLBA和Sait数学考试,Oct报名Sait NDT专业,Nov. 14 Mysait状态 offered seatJan. 21 大宝Joshua出生卡城流水账:http://forum.canadameet.cc/showthread.php?p=8146199#post8146199 超赞 赏 萧了皮镇宅之宝 辟邪驱鬼 0$(VIP 0) 2,4462012-03-02#15 回复: 从cic 转的,这就是所谓的打分改革吧,支持13楼……

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