加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民律师通信:今年即将推出的新政依然开辟一条插队的通道
Good day,Attached is an article from yesterday's Globe & Mail, summarizing an interview with the Minister for Citizenship and Immigration, the Hon. Jason Kenney, P.C., M.P. The Minister stated that he intends to:1. impose a minimum English score for FSW immigrants,2. require "fluency" for some professions,3. reduce the age (to 35) for maximum points for age4. require applicants in licensed occupations have their professional credential approved before they apply and5. create yet another "fast track".The fifth point means that those who applied earlier will be pushed even further back down the queue.Please keep in mind that, although many believe that I won the case in 2002 where I challenged CIC intention to apply the now current selection criteria with a 72-point pass-mark retrospectively, I actually lost on the legal issue but, nevertheless, the Court ordered CIC to make selection decisions on our 102 litigants before the new rule went into effect five weeks later; see below. Thus, CIC may if it chooses apply these new criteria on pending files.I expect to serve and file written arguments in my current mandamus litigation and, in addition to seeking the Court to order CIC to commence processing the 655 litigants files, I am also asking the Court to prohibit CIC from refusing any of them under selection criteria not in force when their applications were received.Regards,Tim Here is the Court's ruling.[36] The Regulations, in full compliance with the authorizing section of the Act (section 201), make certain transitional exceptions from the general retrospective regime. These exceptions only apply to applications filed before January 1, 2002. In particular, section 361(3) provides that, until March 31, 2003, units of assessment shall be awarded to economic class applicants who applied before January 1, 2002 in accordance with the former Regulations. Section 361(5) provides that,beginning from April 1, 2003, such applicants will be assessed under the new Regulations but will have to obtain a minimum of 70 points (as opposed to the general pass-mark of 75) to qualify in the federal skilled worker class. In my opinion, these provisions clearly express the intent of the Governor-in-Council to apply the new selection system to all applicants before January 1, 2002 who have not been assessed prior to April 1, 2003, with the concession that applicants who applied before January 1, 2002 will be given a 5 point bonus under the new system.[37] This interpretation of the transitional provisions is supported by jurisprudential precedent. In Chen v. Canada (Secretary of State), (1995) 91 F.T.R.76, the Federal Court of Appeal was concerned with interpretation of section 109 of An Act to amend the Immigration Act and other Acts in consequence thereof, S.C. 1992, c. 49 (commonly known as Bill C-86) - a provision quite similar in language to section 190 of the IRPA. Rothstein J. held that such language was sufficiently clear to convey the legislative intent that the law should apply retrospectively (at para. 12):[...] Parliament, by section 109, has clearly stated how amendments to the Immigration Act under Bill C-86 are to apply. Such express statutory provision overrides any common law rule or general provision in the Interpretation Act applicable in the absence of such legislation.I therefore conclude that section 361 of the IRPR is validly authorized retrospective legislation and should operate according to its terms. This means that the applications filed after January 1, 2002 are to be assessed under the new Regulations, and applications filed before January 1, 2002 shall be assessed under the old Regulations up until March 31, 2003.* * *[64] For these reasons, the Court will grant a writ of mandamus in the 102 Court files set out in Schedule A hereto requiring the respondent and his officers, on or before March 31, 2003, assess the 102 applicants and award units of assessment in accordance with the former Regulations.[…][65] This Court proceeding only applies to the applications which are the subject of this consolidated application. The parties have worked hard over the past five months to have these cases heard before March 31, 2003. At this point, it is too late for the Court to consider before March 31, 2003 any new applications for a writ of mandamus with respect to the remaining 80,000 to 120,000 visa applications filed before January 1, 2002.
自愿参加HK请愿的请到这里报名http://forums.canadameet.me/showthread.php?t=547494 ,时间定在4月30号。请给我悄悄话留下电话。请抓紧时间办好港澳通行证! 超赞 赏 J jesuimajeur 0$(VIP 0) 7412012-03-03#2 回复: 律师通信:今年即将推出的新政依然开辟一条插队的通道毫无疑问如此苛刻的新政将进一步阻止中国的申请。中国目前是加拿大第三大移民来源国,要保持或者不至于跌到难堪的位置,HK和BJ的91必然要成为获签的主体。但现在还看不到具体的新政,下结论为时过早
自愿参加HK请愿的请到这里报名http://forums.canadameet.me/showthread.php?t=547494 ,时间定在4月30号。请给我悄悄话留下电话。请抓紧时间办好港澳通行证! 超赞 赏 N nilson30 0$(VIP 0) 2902012-03-03#3 回复: 律师通信:今年即将推出的新政依然开辟一条插队的通道看来我们打官司是对的,至少参与起诉的人多了一份保障,即不受新法的影响。律师加油。
回复: 律师通信:今年即将推出的新政依然开辟一条插队的通道我找到呃是 2003 年那?官司的原文所在 (http://reports.fja.gc.ca/eng/2003/2003fct211.html), ??各位, 呃是不是代表, CIC 是可以合法地要求申?在?得 visa 的?候, 要符合??的要求? 即代表可以 retrospective? 那 91 的申?者, ?不?有相同情??
回复: 律师通信:今年即将推出的新政依然开辟一条插队的通道I actually lost on the legal issue but, nevertheless ........律师说这句话感觉对这次打赢官司不是踌躇满志的。原来2003那次CIC良心发现,大发慈悲而扭转了局面,主动大赦。这次能不能扭转局面,还要看CIC
自愿参加HK请愿的请到这里报名http://forums.canadameet.me/showthread.php?t=547494 ,时间定在4月30号。请给我悄悄话留下电话。请抓紧时间办好港澳通行证! 超赞 赏 I immigrants 0$(VIP 0) 1612012-03-03#6 回复: 律师通信:今年即将推出的新政依然开辟一条插队的通道那代表 2003 年 CIC 是?有?掉官司, 只是和解, 大赦等? 如果是的?, 呃次真的很危胝, 我?要密切留意七月前後有?有新的公?!
回复: 律师通信:今年即将推出的新政依然开辟一条插队的通道我找到呃是 2003 年那?官司的原文所在 (http://reports.fja.gc.ca/eng/2003/2003fct211.html), ??各位, 呃是不是代表, CIC 是可以合法地要求申?在?得 visa 的?候, 要符合??的要求? 即代表可以 retrospective? 那 91 的申?者, ?不?有相同情??点击展开...这个问题有意思。
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]London Ontario[FONT=楷体]中国人对现实里很多不公平有一种难以理解的接受能力,然后成为社会的规则,最后成为文化的一部分。[/FONT][FONT=楷体]三个要饭的故事[/FONT][FONT=宋体][FONT=楷体]看一个社会的好坏有一个很简单的办法:富人是否大量移民。[/FONT][/FONT] 超赞 赏 K kevintiger 0$(VIP 0) 1,1912012-03-03#8 回复: 律师通信:今年即将推出的新政依然开辟一条插队的通道总感觉要拿语言分数来卡中国移民.虽然不明说,但是在具体操作的时候,就是让职业优先和语言好的人先走.把有限的配额给这些人,只是一种猜测;
老赵传奇 超赞 赏 F fairyzhang 0$(VIP 0) 1,6812012-03-03#9 回复: 律师通信:今年即将推出的新政依然开辟一条插队的通道语言分数也不能胡扯的要啊,象澳洲四个8?四个7都难,四个6.5我们9.1的都可以考出。
回复: 律师通信:今年即将推出的新政依然开辟一条插队的通道我找到呃是 2003 年那?官司的原文所在 (http://reports.fja.gc.ca/eng/2003/2003fct211.html), ??各位, 呃是不是代表, CIC 是可以合法地要求申?在?得 visa 的?候, 要符合??的要求? 即代表可以 retrospective? 那 91 的申?者, ?不?有相同情??点击展开...那他们说的处理按照申请时的标准,这白纸黑字又怎么解释呢?
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