加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民钉子户、困难户风间3月6日ME了,还好没有跳楼
在我最困难的时候,跳楼的心都有,从2009年开始复习雅思、2010年1月初表妥投已经2年多了,经历很多周折终于ME了!完整ME电子邮件如下:Dear 风间 To continue processing your application, a visa officer requires that you submit the following information and documents. Please submit your documents as a single package. In order for us to match your package with your file, please include a copy of this letter in the package. Please submit for principal applicant 风间 - Updated proof of funds for transfer to Canada (original bank statements). See http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/funds.asp - Medical examination. All dependants must undergo medical examination even if they are not going to Canada. Please present this letter to the doctor as well as your original passport. Upon completion of the examination you will be provided with proof that you have taken the examination, you need to return this proof to the embassy with your original passport. If you are currently not residing in China and will not undergo the medical examination in China, please advise us immediately so we can provide you with different instructions. - Passport (must be valid for 6 months or more). * Please provide original - Right of Permanent Residence Fee (RPRF). For details see http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/china-chine/visas/beijing-pekin/fees-frais.aspx?lang=eng#fees Please submit for dependant 风间的老婆 - Medical examination. All dependants must undergo medical examination even if they are not going to Canada. Please present this letter to the doctor as well as your original passport. Upon completion of the examination you will be provided with proof that you have taken the examination, you need to return this proof to the embassy with your original passport. If you are currently not residing in China and will not undergo the medical examination in China, please advise us immediately so we can provide you with different instructions. - Passport (must be valid for 6 months or more). * Please provide original - Right of Permanent Residence Fee (RPRF). For details see http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/china-chine/visas/beijing-pekin/fees-frais.aspx?lang=eng#fees Please submit for dependant 风间的女儿 - Medical examination. All dependants must undergo medical examination even if they are not going to Canada. Please present this letter to the doctor as well as your original passport. Upon completion of the examination you will be provided with proof that you have taken the examination, you need to return this proof to the embassy with your original passport. If you are currently not residing in China and will not undergo the medical examination in China, please advise us immediately so we can provide you with different instructions. - Passport (must be valid for 6 months or more). * Please provide original Note: All documents should be photocopies of the originals and should be accompanied by either an English or a French translation. Notarized statements are not adequate substitutes. Please note that if you fail to provide the documents requested within 45 days of the date of this letter your application will be assessed based on the information available on file. This may result in your application being refused. Please keep this office apprised of any change of mailing address, telephone number or email address by submitting an updated IMM008 Generic application form accompanied by an updated IMM5476 Use of Representative form if you have a representative If your mailing address is in China, you should provide us with four (4) address labels with your complete name and address written clearly in Chinese characters. Please note that we respond only to correspondence in English or French. Thank you for your attention to this matter. This is a computer-generated letter which requires no signature 在这里,我要感谢所有家园的朋友,具体感谢如下,排名不分先后,万一有疏漏的请包涵:丁阿伦:在我等待ME最难受的时候,打电话来鼓励和激励我;西窗:经常从加拿大打电话安慰我,还在国内请我们夫妻吃海鲜;都布威乐:今天看到甘道夫ME了,专门发短息来提醒我;嘟儿:贵州老乡,看到我ME比我还激动;4131的苏飞:在投递初表的时候帮我检查,2年来一直关心着我;狼姐:一直着鼓励我;MJ:去北京的时候,专程开车接送我,一路给我打气;playaroundtocanada、富人、印象、小熊转圈、沃姐、eastf、夏日、伊莎贝拉、樱桃、喵喵、宝宝、贝贝、冰糖、77、泡面、闲云、贝丝、brita……太多太多的朋友,都在关心着我。 好了,准备和老婆商量卖房子了。
2009/01决定移民 9/28第一次烤鸭 2010/1/22初表妥投 3/20第二次烤鸭 5/25FN 11/2变5 12/20二次补料妥投、24日主动补料妥投 2011年8/19小孩补料 2012/02/21变5句话3/6 电子ME!9/27 毕业风间的雅思心得 风间的G牌心得 超赞 赏 反馈:爱睡觉的兔子 萧了皮镇宅之宝 辟邪驱鬼 0$(VIP 0) 2,4462012-03-06#2 回复: 钉子户、困难户风间3月6日ME了,还好没有跳楼恭喜恭喜啊!
快乐生活!生活快乐! 超赞 赏 D davidyao25 0$(VIP 0) 1392012-03-06#3 回复: 钉子户、困难户风间3月6日ME了,还好没有跳楼恭喜恭喜
回复: 钉子户、困难户风间3月6日ME了,还好没有跳楼恭喜楼主
BJ227/02132010.6.10妥投,2010.8.26扣款,,2010.11.03RN,2010.11.18补料妥投,2011.02.15FN2012.2.27IP,2012.3.8ME,2012.3.16体检,2012.5.10MER 超赞 赏 夏日逸斤 0$(VIP 0) 8422012-03-06#5 回复: 钉子户、困难户风间3月6日ME了,还好没有跳楼板凳吧!
Nichts ist schweriger als das Vereinfachen. Nichts ist einfacher als das Komplizieren. 超赞 赏 E eastf 0$(VIP 0) 1,9812012-03-06#6 回复: 钉子户、困难户风间3月6日ME了,还好没有跳楼用单位蜗牛爬的网络前排恭喜~
回复: 钉子户、困难户风间3月6日ME了,还好没有跳楼沙发板凳都没坐上,恭喜恭喜
0213 RN 10.4.19;FN 10.7.14,11.3.15山寨IP。7.4地址栏第二次消失,7.23日回归,8.2,地址栏第三次消失,8.12恢复,8.16第四次消失,8.24恢复。9.13消失,9.23恢复 山寨IP。10.24收到me,10.29体检,11.1地址栏消失12.2.17DM12.2.25毕业 超赞 赏 D dingalan 0$(VIP 0) 1,0162012-03-06#8 回复: 钉子户、困难户风间3月6日ME了,还好没有跳楼恭喜恭喜,再接再厉!
227 BJ 0213;10/5/12签合同;10/5/27初表妥投;10/6/5烤鸭鸭熟;10/10/28RN;11/01/04补料妥投;11/02/07FN;12/02/25IP;12/02/27ME;12/03/20 MER;13/01/30 DM;13/02/01 VISA 超赞 赏 W warm暖暖 0$(VIP 0) 1202012-03-06#9 回复: 钉子户、困难户风间3月6日ME了,还好没有跳楼终于me了! 这个可要好好恭喜啊!
2012-04-30 国泰 青岛-温哥华 有同行吗? 超赞 赏 风间 0$(VIP 0) 1,3342012-03-06#10 回复: 钉子户、困难户风间3月6日ME了,还好没有跳楼收到ME的时候我正好吃完午饭开车回公司,手机接到邮件短信通知,邮件标题是“re inquire letter”,我是上周写的邮件问大使馆是否收到我的女儿补料,我的咨询邮件标题是inquire letter,我知道一般体检邮件标题是request letter,那么这个标题有三个可能:1、ME2、告诉我背调;3、告诉我还需要等 结果回到办公室看到邮件没有看懂,英语水平降为零。
2009/01决定移民 9/28第一次烤鸭 2010/1/22初表妥投 3/20第二次烤鸭 5/25FN 11/2变5 12/20二次补料妥投、24日主动补料妥投 2011年8/19小孩补料 2012/02/21变5句话3/6 电子ME!9/27 毕业风间的雅思心得 风间的G牌心得 超赞 赏 realmj 0$(VIP 0) 1,2572012-03-06#11 回复: 钉子户、困难户风间3月6日ME了,还好没有跳楼恭喜风间!!!
22/Jan/2013, Visa! 自由无障碍,我跑故路在!http://bbs.runbible.cn/?fromuid=101015 超赞 赏 pillar 0$(VIP 0) 6602012-03-06#12 回复: 钉子户、困难户风间3月6日ME了,还好没有跳楼强烈恭喜风间
2012.9.21VISA 超赞 赏 夏日逸斤 0$(VIP 0) 8422012-03-06#13 回复: 钉子户、困难户风间3月6日ME了,还好没有跳楼坐马扎恭喜风间,来之不易啊!
Nichts ist schweriger als das Vereinfachen. Nichts ist einfacher als das Komplizieren. 超赞 赏 笨 笨虫子 0$(VIP 0) 7332012-03-06#14 回复: 钉子户、困难户风间3月6日ME了,还好没有跳楼祝贺+祝福!你还忘了我前天预测你这一两天me呢!风间,带着酒到北京来请我哦!
2013年3月长登温哥华 超赞 赏 夏日逸斤 0$(VIP 0) 8422012-03-06#15 回复: 钉子户、困难户风间3月6日ME了,还好没有跳楼看了一下排名,发现你网友真多!
Nichts ist schweriger als das Vereinfachen. Nichts ist einfacher als das Komplizieren. 超赞 赏 米 米小虫 0$(VIP 0) 5462012-03-06#16 回复: 钉子户、困难户风间3月6日ME了,还好没有跳楼恭喜, 风间, 正南, 妮妮, 阿呆, 想走的都走, 留下小新和吉永老师
Hold fast to dreams, for when dreams go, life is a barren field, frozen with snow. 超赞 赏 守株逮猫 0$(VIP 0) 4152012-03-06#17 回复: 钉子户、困难户风间3月6日ME了,还好没有跳楼祝贺你苦尽甘来。看来我真的是被被调了,所以才一直也没有ME。
NOC0213, BJ227尾巴,2010-4-28妥投,8-5RN,9-25鸭熟2M2H,11-18FN, 2012.2.15IP, 2014.8.21ME, 2014-9-20ME补料,2014-10-7发现DM,2014-10-9visa 超赞 赏 xsw7910 0$(VIP 0) 3512012-03-06#18 回复: 钉子户、困难户风间3月6日ME了,还好没有跳楼恭喜啊,不容易
回复: 钉子户、困难户风间3月6日ME了,还好没有跳楼新钉子户向前辈致敬!
2013.07.05 new start 超赞 赏 Gandalf 0$(VIP 0) 1,4442012-03-06#20 回复: 钉子户、困难户风间3月6日ME了,还好没有跳楼恭喜恭喜! 苦尽甘来!
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