加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民不符合职业要求,承诺退回的申请费但到现在还没退
08年7月提申请,09年收到EMAIL我不符合职业要求,但到现在还没退申请费,这几年我已经发了无数邮件去询问,没任何回复!!!!给北京使馆打了几次电话,被一中国妹妹告之,这不是她部门(他们是属于'外交处')管辖的,他们都不能进入'加拿大移民局'的, 天我没办法找主了,加拿大吃定我的费了吗?
08.07.05EMS BJ08.07.24划款08.07.22FN 超赞 赏 J jenny028 0$(VIP 0) 352012-03-29#2 回复: 不符合职业要求,承诺退回的申请费但到现在还没退 这是09年使馆的邮件20 November 2009 *B......... * Dear Madam: Your application for permanent residence in Canada in the Federal Skilled Worker Class was received in Beijing on July 7th, 2008. Your application has since been transferred to the Case Processing Centre in Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada for assessment.As you may be aware, changes were made to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act which affect applications submitted on or after February 27, 2008. Since your application was received on or after this date, your application is subject to these amendments. Section 87.3(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act stipulates thatThe processing of applications and requests is to be conducted in a manner that, in the opinion of the Minister, will best support the attainment of the immigration goals established by the Government of Canada.Section 87.3(3) further states thatFor the purposes of subsection (2), the Minister may give instructions with respect to the processing of applications and requests, including instructions(a) establishing categories of applications or requests to which the instructions apply;(b) establishing an order, by category or otherwise, for the processing of applications or requests;(c) setting the number of applications or requests, by category or otherwise, to be processed in any year; and(d) providing for the disposition of applications and requests, including those made subsequent to the first application or request. Pursuant to the above sections, the Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism has issued instructions which were published in the Canada Gazette on November 28, 2008. These instructions specify that only applicants who have an Arranged Employment Offer, who are legally residing in Canada for at least one year as a Temporary Foreign Worker or an International Student, or who have work experience in the listed occupations are eligible to be processed in the Federal Skilled Worker class. You have not indicated in your application that you have an Arranged Employment Offer or that you are legally residing in Canada for at least one year as a Temporary Foreign Worker or an International Student. Your application has therefore been assessed on the basis of whether you have work experience in the list of occupations eligible for processing. These occupations are identified by codes and described in the National Occupational Classification (NOC). You may access the list of eligible occupations at: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/apply-who-instructions.asp#list You have indicated that you have work experience in occupations with the following NOC codes: 0611 ? Sales & Marketing Manager, 1231 ? Accounting Bookkeeper and 6221 ? Sales Specialist. These occupations are not included on the list of eligible occupations specified in the instructions identified by the Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism and published in the Canada Gazette on 28 November 2008. For the reasons outlined above, your application does not meet the requirements of the Ministerial Instructions and your application is not eligible for processing. The fees that you have paid are refundable. You will receive a cheque within eight to twelve weeks at the address provided in your application. If you have changed your address please advise us immediately of the new address. Address changes should be faxed to (902) 270-3561.Please note: The Fax number listed above is solely for the purpose of providing an updated address. Any communication/queries other than an updated address to this Fax number will not be actioned. There are many ways to immigrate to Canada. Although you have not satisfied the requirements to apply under the Federal Skilled Worker Class, you may qualify under another category. To learn more about your options, visit http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/index.asp. Thank you for your interest in Canada. PJessomeService Delivery SpecialistCitizenship and ImmigrationFederal Skilled Worker Centralized Intake OfficeSydney, Nova Scotia This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to who they are addressed. This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual(s) named. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. If you have received this e-mail by mistake delete this e-mail from your system. If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing, copying, distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited. This e-mail address is solely for the purpose of communicating to clients and/or their representative’s further instructions regarding their application. This e-mail box is not being monitored. Any future communication/queries to this e-mail address will therefore not be answered.
08.07.05EMS BJ08.07.24划款08.07.22FN 超赞 赏 leewaye 0$(VIP 0) 6722012-03-29#3 回复: 不符合职业要求,承诺退回的申请费但到现在还没退嗯
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]他们欺瞒上帝偷偷拨回时间They fool God secretly timing of the reversal嗯点击展开... 只有等了........或者放弃了,也许要移民的人太多了,他们忙不过来
08.07.05EMS BJ08.07.24划款08.07.22FN 超赞 赏 Deluxe 0$(VIP 0) 1352012-03-30#5 回复: 不符合职业要求,承诺退回的申请费但到现在还没退I strongly recommend you writing to the address on the letter you received and inquiry what's going one, coz this is very unusual. Waiting is not a good idea.
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