加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民breaking news!
The Government of Canada announced on 29 March 2012 a plan to reduce the backlog of Federal Skilled Worker (FSW) applications by returning all applications and government fees submitted prior to 27 February 2008. This will amount to a total of almost 300,000 returned applications, as well as approximately $130 million in refunded government processing fees.Approximately 160,000 FSW applications, submitted after 28 February 2008, will remain in queue for processing.The AnnouncementThis statement has been issued as part of the larger Federal Budget for 2012, which was released on 29 March. The budget includes information for reducing national deficit and creating more fiscally efficient government infrastructure, an integral part of which is tied to immigration policy and processing times. As part of this plan, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC), is expected to reduce its operating costs by $179 million over the next three years.The budget mentions that "Canada risks losing the global talent competition for the world's best and brightest as potential immigrants choose to take their skills to other countries with more responsive immigration systems rather than remain in the queue to have their applications process in Canada".
回复: breaking news!shit
回复: breaking news!也是刚刚看到这条消息:http://www.canadavisa.com/news/entr...to-return-pre-2008-applications-29012012.html
2007 Feb 5 香港FN VO:SKM2012 Feb 13 S2,Mar 21 DHL补料签收2012 May 22 ME2012 Jul 3 DM2012 Jul 9 VISA, COPR 超赞 赏 A Apex 0$(VIP 0) 3992012-03-30#4 回复: breaking news!加拿大政府这帮猪头移民官,当初制定政策的时候就没有动过脑子。替被废掉的朋友惋惜。有条件的赶紧重新申请吧。幸亏我10年初没有继续上当,跳了91的船,赶上227末班车,不然也被加拿大政府坑了。
回复: breaking news!http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=552838
欢迎进入团聚移民子版:http://forum.iask.ca/forums/加拿大黄国为移民法律事务所:团聚移民专栏.260/欢迎进入经验 CEC 移民子版:http://forum.iask.ca/forums/加拿大黄国为移民法律事务所:经验类移民专栏.110/事务所网页:www.LingWong.ca电邮咨询:[email protected]热线电话:416-800-5000 超赞 赏 M Mr. Wong 0$(VIP 0) 1012012-03-31#6 回复: breaking news!91 的申请人,化悲愤为力量的自保办法加拿大移民部长已经宣布,所有 91 个案如果在 2012 年 3 月 29 日或之前,仍未成功通过条件审批 这个阶段,将会在这个夏天或之前退回给申请人,申请费用无息全数退回。这个是改变不了的事实。黄先生根据对移民法律的深度认识,绝对知道移民部长有权力下这个命令,而这个权力是加拿大国会授予他的。黄先生知道大家很失望,很沮丧,甚至很气愤,但“感性”之余,应该“理性”的考虑是否有补救的办法。补救的办法,绝对绝对不是告移民部一状,因为你的诉讼申请第一回合就肯定会被联邦法院轰出来。那么,你的数千加币就泡汤了。补救的办法也绝对不是去游行抗议,反正移民部的私底下立场,是案子多的是,即全世界想移民加拿大的人多的是,也即是民意是不会收效的。事态发展到这个阶段,你剩下的选择不多,黄先生能够提议大家自保的方法,是“以己之矛,攻己之盾”,在“个案是否成功通过条件审批阶段”这里落墨。即是说,如果你在夏天或之前收到退件及退款,不是照单全收,相反,是抱怀疑的态度,要弄清楚其实自己的案子有没有被枉杀,而因为不少申请人未必符合现在的要求去重新申请,弄个明白最低限度是“死也甘心”!更加进取的做法,就是立刻采取行动,弄明白您的个案是否成功通过条件审批阶段,并立即与移民部联系。如果你认同黄先生的建议,认为有必要弄个明白才死心,请与我们联络:[email protected]
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