加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民CIC官方消息,2012年3月29日前还没有确定进入资格的227前的案子都一刀切
回复: CIC官方消息,2012年3月29日前还没有DM的227前的案子都一刀切Under proposed legislation, CIC will close the files of FSW applicants who applied before February 27, 2008, and for whom an immigration officer has not made a decision based on selection criteria by March 29, 2012. This is expected to affect around 280,000 applicants, including their dependants. CIC will begin the process of returning the full amount of fees paid to the Department by these affected FSW applicants. For those who have passed the selection criteria stage approximately 20,000 people CIC will continue processing their applications until they are approved for entry into Canada or not.
回复: CIC官方消息,2012年3月29日前还没有DM的227前的案子都一刀切包括已经ME的了?
回复: CIC官方消息,2012年3月29日前还没有DM的227前的案子都一刀切Under proposed legislation, CIC will close the files of FSW applicants who applied before February 27, 2008, and for whom an immigration officer has not made a decision based on selection criteria by March 29, 2012. This is expected to affect around 280,000 applicants, including their dependants. CIC will begin the process of returning the full amount of fees paid to the Department by these affected FSW applicants. For those who have passed the selection criteria stage approximately 20,000 people CIC will continue processing their applications until they are approved for entry into Canada or not.点击展开...你已经写了是 selection criteria,和是否DM有什么关系? Selection过的2万人还在处理中
回复: CIC官方消息,2012年3月29日前还没有DM的227前的案子都一刀切体检也是selection criteria.
回复: CIC官方消息,2012年3月29日前还没有确定进入资格的(not DM)的227前的案子都一刀切标题已经修改,根据下面问答应该是没有进入S2的,Q4. What does a "decision based on selection criteria" mean? A "decision based on selection criteria" means that an immigration officer: has assessed your FSW application against the points grid, andhas made a decision on whether or not you meet the selection criteria of the program. Currently, the pass mark is 67 points out of a grid worth 100 points. The grid considers the person’s: ability in English and/or Frencheducationwork experienceagewhether they have a job already arranged in Canada (arranged employment), andhow well they might adapt to living in Canada (which awards points for things like previous work or study in Canada, spouse’s education and relatives in Canada). If your application is successful, you would move to the next phase (i.e. admissibility). At that point you would be checked against health, security and criminality requirements before being allowed to enter Canada. If you do not score at least 67 on the FSW points grid, your application would be refused and CIC would inform you of the decision.
回复: CIC官方消息,2012年3月29日前还没有确定进入资格的(not DM)的227前的案子都一刀切Q5. How would I get my refund? More details on the proposed change will be announced soon. Once the proposal is approved through Parliament, CIC will begin to return the fees.--只要批准通过就开始执行了,不知道4月30的游行是否赶趟
回复: CIC官方消息,2012年3月29日前还没有确定进入资格的(not DM)的227前的案子都一刀切北京香港有很多S2了,分数达到了,me信在file里面,查过CAIPS,上面有 selection criteria这一项的,初审就叫 selection criteria,DM是要ME后。
回复: CIC官方消息,2012年3月29日前还没有确定进入资格的(not DM)的227前的案子都一刀切官方为什么不说清楚是否以me为标准一刀切。
回复: CIC官方消息,2012年3月29日前还没有确定进入资格的(not DM)的227前的案子都一刀切北京香港有很多S2了,分数达到了,me信在file里面,查过CAIPS,上面有 selection criteria这一项的,初审就叫 selection criteria,DM是要ME后。点击展开...你说的对,应该是说的没有S2的,因为也说了下一步是进一步审核、体检等
回复: CIC官方消息,2012年3月29日前还没有确定进入资格的(not DM)的227前的案子都一刀切这两万人都几乎是没有ME,但是分数都合格,所以才会有以下的At that point you would be checked against health, security and criminality requirements before being allowed to enter Canadahealth就是ME了。不然还move to 下一步check什么呢。
回复: CIC官方消息,2012年3月29日前还没有DM的227前的案子都一刀切你已经写了是 selection criteria,和是否DM有什么关系? Selection过的2万人还在处理中点击展开...应该是初审,也就是S2,参考如下:Q4. What does a "decision based on selection criteria" mean?......If your application is successful, you would move to the next phase (i.e. admissibility). At that point you would be checked against health, security and criminality requirements before being allowed to enter Canada.
回复: CIC官方消息,2012年3月29日前还没有确定进入资格的(not DM)的227前的案子都一刀切楼主不要吓人.是进入S2且打分了的同学不会被切.单单进入S2还没打分的会被切.临界点就是打分没有. 不是ME,不是S2,也不是DM
回复: CIC官方消息,2012年3月29日前还没有确定进入资格的(not DM)的227前的案子都一刀切楼主不要吓人.是进入S2且打分了的同学不会被切.单单进入S2还没打分的会被切.临界点就是打分没有. 不是ME,不是S2,也不是DM点击展开...这个说法更贴切!
回复: CIC官方消息,2012年3月29日前还没有确定进入资格的227前的案子都一刀切旧证还没me的,是切还是不切啊?
FN:2007-1-11自评70分,有亲属waiting ME VO:ISK我的ME在哪里?旧证还没me的,是切还是不切啊?点击展开...参考rengo的说法:主要看是否已经打分了,打了,够分,不会切。
回复: CIC官方消息,2012年3月29日前还没有确定进入资格的227前的案子都一刀切赶紧查caips
回复: CIC官方消息,2012年3月29日前还没有确定进入资格的227前的案子都一刀切什么打分啊,S2啊, S2之前怎么评估啊!什么材料都没有,看着那3张瞎话满天飞的纸怎么评估?应该是MEA "decision based on selection criteria" means that an immigration officer:has assessed your FSW application against the points grid, andhas made a decision on whether or not you meet the selection criteria of the program.看这个.决定在选择标准的基础上是已经做决定是否满足选择标准,做出了以后就立刻ME了.不满足标准就不给MEle,直接DM了.
回复: CIC官方消息,2012年3月29日前还没有确定进入资格的227前的案子都一刀切很明显,临界线就是ME,所谓打了分而迟迟没有ME的基本都有问题,S2的大部分都还没补料,何来打分?
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