加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民Jason Kenney’s immigrant song sounds strangely off-key
Jason Kenney’s immigrant song sounds strangely off-key Thestar的评论员针对他7日的演讲发了反对的文章。大家看下吧 不知道怎么看不到评论
Georgian College学 IT, 全省就业率第一!Overcoming your challenges at Georgian 超赞 赏 H hellangels 0$(VIP 0) 3302012-03-20#2 回复: Jason Kenney’s immigrant song sounds strangely off-keypopiston,北京使馆对我们91最近还有声没?
超赞 popiston,北京使馆对我们91最近还有声没?点击展开...我上周发email改地址。并顺便问了会不会给我发提名信或者体检信。现在还在等回复。
Georgian College学 IT, 全省就业率第一!Overcoming your challenges at Georgian我上周发email改地址。并顺便问了会不会给我发提名信或者体检信。现在还在等回复。点击展开...过一周没回复估计他们不会回了吧。使馆接下去要看执政政府说法要见风使舵了。
超赞 赏 Z zeroca 0$(VIP 0) 3672012-03-20#5 回复: Jason Kenney’s immigrant song sounds strangely off-keyhttp://forums.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=550520请来这里参与讨论
回复: Jason Kenney’s immigrant song sounds strangely off-key我昨天给作者写信简单说了我的感受。提了我们正在诉讼和计划抗议。今天收到一个简单的回复> Subject: Re: Thank you for the article you posted at thestar.com.> From: [email protected]> Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2012 12:43:33 -0400> To: > > thanks very much, i'll keep an eye on your situation. good luckDear Mr. Salution, Thank you for the article you posted at thestar.com. Jason Kenney’s immigrant song sounds strangely off-key. I am one FSW applicant in the backlog, waiting for four and a half year. The recent news is so frustrating and disappointing. I once had firm faith that Canada will treat us fairly. There are compulsory policies in my native country, China PRC. Now I found that Mr. Kenney is so powerful that he can erase backlog all at once. I have attended lawsuit against CIC, with about 6oo applicants worldwide. Decades Chinese applicants and I are planning to go to Canadian Embassy in HongKong to have a petition on April 30. I will stick with your column and support you. Thank you. Regards
Georgian College学 IT, 全省就业率第一!Overcoming your challenges at Georgian 超赞 赏 Z zeroca 0$(VIP 0) 3672012-03-21#7 回复: Jason Kenney’s immigrant song sounds strangely off-key楼上的请来我们的讨论帖吧。http://forums.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=550520请来这里参与讨论
回复: Jason Kenney’s immigrant song sounds strangely off-key支持。建议积案受害人要坚持每人一天不少于10封的这种投诉信发给相关人士和媒体,先发起一场网络上的“非暴力不合作”运动
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