加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民找到英文新闻,227的同学可暂时安心了。
OTTAWA ― The federal government will refund up to $130 million to federal skilled workers who applied to come to Canada before 2008 in a bid to get rid of a backlog of about 300,000 applications through legislation.The plan, outlined in part in Thursday’s budget, will ultimately allow the government to ensure skilled newcomers actually meet current labour market needs.The budget didn’t include plans to legislate away the entire backlog of nearly one million, which includes another 160,000 skilled workers who applied after 2008.
....每天一个脚步 .....绝不放弃 .... 超赞 赏 S Saffi 0$(VIP 0) 6502012-03-30#2 回复: 找到英文新闻,227的同学可暂时安心了。好险!!
....每天一个脚步 .....绝不放弃 .... 超赞 赏 S Saffi 0$(VIP 0) 6502012-03-30#3 回复: 找到英文新闻,227的同学可暂时安心了。While all departments were asked to slash spending by five to 10 per cent, Citizenship and Immigration was spared some of the harshest cuts.Read the full text of Jim Flaherty’s 2012 budget speech:‘Our goal is to strengthen the financial security of Canadian workers and families, to help create good jobs and long-term prosperity in every region of the country’The department will cut about $179 million over three years ― nearly $23 million of which will come from the Immigration and Refugee Board.Much of the savings will result from “reducing overhead costs and continuing to streamline operations and program delivery” at foreign visa offices.In Hong Kong and Delhi, for example, a significant amount of office space is devoted to the pre-2008 backlog of federal skilled workers. With that eliminated through the refund program, officials suggest there will be reduced overhead.By centralizing part of its visa processing, the department will also “reduce duplication and overlap” and ensure that those who are applying from within Canada are processed in Canada, according to the budget.The budget also seeks to “better align the temporary foreign worker program with labour market demands.”The plan, which will be unveiled in full in the coming months, seeks to encourage Canadian employers to consider the domestic labour market before hiring overseas workers to fill gaps, by giving them access to Canada’s pool of employment insurance recipients.While many temporary foreign workers are employed seasonally in the agriculture sector, officials say there are also shortages of, for example, lawyers in Saskatchewan and that this is not about putting unemployed Canadians to work fruit picking.The budget also calls for a new skilled tradespeople stream under the federal skilled worker program to attract more plumbers, electricians, crane operators and construction workers.As a result, sources suggest that the current annual cap of 10,000 federal skilled worker applications is likely to increase.“Our government will reform Canada’s immigration system to make it faster and more efficient,” Finance Minister Jim Flaherty said.“We will ensure it is designed above all to strengthen Canada’s economy. As a result we will be better able to fill gaps in our labour force. We will attract more of the entrepreneurs we need to create good jobs and long-term economic growth.”Postmedia News
....每天一个脚步 .....绝不放弃 .... 超赞 赏 最爱萨克斯 0$(VIP 0) 1,0582012-03-30#4 回复: 找到英文新闻,227的同学可暂时安心了。谢谢!
回复: 找到英文新闻,227的同学可暂时安心了。放心了,谢谢楼主!!!
期待老妈早日毕业…… 超赞 赏 一 一个好汉三个半 0$(VIP 0) 1192012-03-30#6 回复: 找到英文新闻,227的同学可暂时安心了。谢谢LZ
回复: 找到英文新闻,227的同学可暂时安心了。康尼说至去年几月,成功将91的积案减少了一般,只剩30万了。
期待老妈早日毕业…… 超赞 赏 0 006007 0$(VIP 0) 2762012-03-30#8 回复: 找到英文新闻,227的同学可暂时安心了。老康历来都是先分化,后各个击破,说不定隔个几天,再爆一个大新闻。。。。。。
回复: 找到英文新闻,227的同学可暂时安心了。老康历来都是先分化,后各个击破,说不定隔个几天,再爆一个大新闻。。。。。。点击展开...
回复: 找到英文新闻,227的同学可暂时安心了。多谢分享! Google了一下,是不是源自www.canada.com? 不知道这个网站的消息是不是官方,太焦虑了~
04AUG2008 上海 EMS 北京 -> 20AUG2008 FN -> 15DEC2009 非38退档 -> 14FEB2010 退费28JAN2010 Sydney G.MILLER签收->16MAR2010 RN->07JUL2010 FN VO:MAC->15FEB2011 山寨IP->15SEP2011 IP->16NOV2011 ME->19APR2012 PL->08MAY2012 VISA->15MAY2012 DM->22OCT2012 PR 超赞 赏 wxxtx 0$(VIP 0) 6732012-03-30#11 回复: 找到英文新闻,227的同学可暂时安心了。赶快dm 赶快dm 赶快dm
回复: 找到英文新闻,227的同学可暂时安心了。希望北京VO 加快 DM 变数太大了
家园论坛搜索:https://www.google.com/ 在搜索的字符串后加上site:forum.iask.cc 就OK了。 超赞 赏 鱼 鱼我所欲也 0$(VIP 0) 4,1872012-03-31#13 回复: 找到英文新闻,227的同学可暂时安心了。希望北京VO 加快 DM 变数太大了
本人登陆加国一年半,已经回流中国两年半。老康历来都是先分化,后各个击破,说不定隔个几天,再爆一个大新闻。。。。。。点击展开... 确实,上岸前,谁都不安全。 就加拿大来讲,吸引移民是基本国策。但同时也面临选择困境。一方面要清理积案,一方面要有一定积案储备以甄选劳动力,因此不会完全一刀切掉积案。为切掉积案拔付的预算额度大家也看到了,无论从哪方面来讲,都无谓为了清理积案承受太大的预算压力。 移民法案基本每一年一变,也是为了甄选最适合加拿大需要的人。因此从其国家利益出发,优先考虑最后申请的人是最佳选择。 所以,绝对顶上面兄弟的话,“先分化,后各个击破”!对所有人都适合:上岸前,谁都不安全
开启新生活确实,上岸前,谁都不安全。 就加拿大来讲,吸引移民是基本国策。但同时也面临选择困境。一方面要清理积案,一方面要有一定积案储备以甄选劳动力,因此不会完全一刀切掉积案。为切掉积案拔付的预算额度大家也看到了,无论从哪方面来讲,都无谓为了清理积案承受太大的预算压力。 移民法案基本每一年一变,也是为了甄选最适合加拿大需要的人。因此从其国家利益出发,优先考虑最后申请的人是最佳选择。 所以,绝对顶上面兄弟的话,“先分化,后各个击破”!对所有人都适合:上岸前,谁都不安全点击展开...顶
回复: 找到英文新闻,227的同学可暂时安心了。祈祷
....每天一个脚步 .....绝不放弃 .... 超赞 赏 朱文 0$(VIP 0) 6702012-04-02#17 回复: 找到英文新闻,227的同学可暂时安心了。顶
回复: 找到英文新闻,227的同学可暂时安心了。30W+16W和nearly one million差的远啊
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