加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民集思广益,英文信参考


写作水平一般,供参考,请大家补充 To whom it may concern,I'm writing to complain about the recent decision that CIC made to trash all pre-C50 FSW applications.When they created C50, they claimed that the new process would reduce the backlogs. Yet they had never worked on the backlogs. With the minister instruction, the FSW applications have been sleeping in the closet for over 4 years.We didn't say anything but waited and waited, having belief in justice and fairness, which has always been the universal value in Canada. Until several days earlier, the minister decided to slap on our face and scratch all the files waiting in the queue. In these many years of waiting, we have been preparing to start a new life in Canada. Many of us now don't have another chance, after giving up many opportunities to move to another country. We trusted CIC, that we could move to Canada eventually.I'm writing to ask that CIC could respect humanity and fairness. We don't care about the waiting time. Please just give us back the hope.Sincerely,

回复: 集思广益,英文信参考我也发几封,不给康尼,给加拿大移民部,给国会,给哈勃政府

回复: 集思广益,英文信参考红字润色修改了下,以突出移民部的荒唐做法,建议每个人都参与转发,发到加拿大的各大媒体,反对党的邮件,全世界各移民论坛,各移民签证办公室,包括CIC!I'm writing to complain about the recent decision that CIC made to trash all pre-C50 FSW applications.When they created C50, they claimed that the new process would reduce the backlogs. Yet they had never worked on the backlogs. With the minister instruction, the FSW applications have been sleeping in the closet for over 4 years.We didn't say anything but waited in great patience with the belief of justice and fairness which has always been the universal value in Canada. Until several days earlier, the minister decided to slap on our face and scratch all the files waiting in the queue. Applicants feel they are being teased by CIC.One particulaly salient example of the absurdity of CIC is that some of them just received FSW-SAP request letters which is sent out in February or March 2012 from Hongkong office requiring them to submit the supporting documents within 120 days and promising to begin assessment of their application, at the same time CIC plans to eliminate their application retrospectively on March 29,2012 in unexpected ways without mercy on their hardship and high cost in preparing and notarizing the documents. All applicats are really in fury on the unfaithfulness of this policy and the false announcement about backlog roadblock which actually is the sacrifice of the queue-jumping policy adopted by CIC.In these many years of waiting, we have been preparing to start a new life in Canada. Many of us now don't have another chance, after giving up many opportunities to move to another country. We trusted CIC, that we could move to Canada eventually.I'm writing to ask that CIC could respect humanity and fairness. We don't care about the waiting time. Please just give us back the hope.Sincerely,

  ·生活百科 Engie太阳能优势试验。
·生活百科 Esy Sunhome电池



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