加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民和印度散步者联系上了,建议开展跨国合作
刚刚收到印度的一封电邮,人家邮件中英文都有。希望HK散步的组织者和难友们进来<img alt="喜力,..." style="border:0;min-height:50px;width:50px">Preet Deep Singh 2012年4月8日 5:28 喜力, 我们正在努力协调和组织在同一天的抗议,这将决定日期。这些抗议活动将在印度,巴基斯坦,英国和加拿大。 你能合作,协调与来自中国大陆,香港和菲律宾的成员,因为我们有麻烦的语言。 谢谢。 普里特辛格 Hi Leewaye, We are trying to coordinate and organise protests on a same day, for which the date will be decided. These protests will take place in India, Pakistan, UK and Canada. Could you co-ordinate with members from China, Hong Kong and Philippines, as we have trouble with the language. Thank you. Preet Singh
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]他们欺瞒上帝偷偷拨回时间They fool God secretly timing of the reversal 超赞 赏 反馈:aileen.feng leewaye 0$(VIP 0) 6722012-04-07#2 回复: 和印度散步者联系上了,建议开展跨国合作(希望HK散步的组织者进来下)我刚刚先回复了We Chinese applicants are planning protesting before CIC'S office in Hong Kong on Apr. 30, 2012. The date is set as many people've booked plane tickets and hotel. Hope we can protest on the same day and make it big .For now, we haven't contacted Philippinea people about this issue.A Chinese organizer will contact you ASAP. Let's unite and fight against injustice.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]他们欺瞒上帝偷偷拨回时间They fool God secretly timing of the reversal 超赞 赏 leewaye 0$(VIP 0) 6722012-04-07#3 回复: 和印度散步者联系上了,建议开展跨国合作(希望HK散步的组织者进来下)他们正在组 集 会The programme is a meeting organised at Chattar singh park near bus stand Ludhiana organised by some people affected by this proposal belonging to Moga and the agenda I also don't know but I have arrived at Ludhiana and hope that many more will be coming to attend the meeting. Friends it is an opportunity to meet the aggrieved and attract the attention of the Media. What we have planned is to make the people aware of the Canadian and International Laws and let them know what we can and what we should do to make the Canadian Govt. reverse its decision and deliver justice to the aggrieved. We plan to move National Human Rights Commission, The United Nations Human Rights Organisation and the Federal Court of Law in Canada and also plan to send a copy of the petition to the heads of all the political parties in India so that they realize the plight of the suffering applicants and make the Canadian Govt. withdraw the draconian proposal. In a couple of days we will post the copy of the petition meant to be sent to the above mentioned authorities. Through this post we request to all the members to make and contribute their best efforts towards the cause and also try to bring all the applicants on one platform.THE TIME TOMMORROW IS 10 :00AM AT CHATTAR SINGH PARK LUDHIANA
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]他们欺瞒上帝偷偷拨回时间They fool God secretly timing of the reversal 超赞 赏 P paradiseunderthesunGuest 0$(VIP ) 2012-04-08#4 回复: 和印度散步者联系上了,建议开展跨国合作(希望HK散步的组织者进来下)谢谢!马上联系!
回复: 和印度散步者联系上了,建议开展跨国合作(希望HK散步的组织者进来下)忍不住想发一下感概,这个论坛上还有QQ群里,组织抗议和起诉的,只有楼主,ksun_1234,fupeide,水过鸭背,人间是干实事的,冷静的,理智的。你们给我的灵感和鼓舞最多。当然还有很多其他很热心的同学就不一一致谢了。
回复: 和印度散步者联系上了,建议开展跨国合作(希望HK散步的组织者进来下)忍不住想发一下感概,这个论坛上还有QQ群里,组织抗议和起诉的,只有楼主,ksun_1234,fupeide,水过鸭背,人间是干实事的,冷静的,理智的。你们给我的灵感和鼓舞最多。当然还有很多其他很热心的同学就不一一致谢了。点击展开...大家都是平凡的英雄,组织的、起诉的,散步的、加油的。。。
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]他们欺瞒上帝偷偷拨回时间They fool God secretly timing of the reversal 超赞 赏 P paradiseunderthesunGuest 0$(VIP ) 2012-04-08#7 回复: 和印度散步者联系上了,建议开展跨国合作(希望HK散步的组织者进来下)算了不说了
回复: 和印度散步者联系上了,建议开展跨国合作(希望HK散步的组织者进来下)支持!参加起诉。。。。。。。
回复: 和印度散步者联系上了,建议开展跨国合作(希望HK散步的组织者进来下)支持!
回复: 和印度散步者联系上了,建议开展跨国合作(希望HK散步的组织者进来下)看得我鼻子都算算的,让我想起了全世界无产阶级都联合起来的那个年代,虽然共产主义被列宁弄成了法西斯一样的东西。
回复: 和印度散步者联系上了,建议开展跨国合作(希望HK散步的组织者进来下)加油,打气!!各位辛苦了!!!
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