加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民安省提名的,Signature of Deponent 怎么办?
Declaration as to the Truth of Nominee ApplicationYou must confirm the truth of all contents and supporting documents in the nominee application package. The affidavit must be signed by you in front of the individual taking the affidavit.Your affidavit is evidence that what you declare on your application and other forms and supporting documents is true. If outside Ontario, an affidavit needs to be administered before:a.a judgeb.a magistratec.an officer of a court of justiced.a commissioner for taking affidavits or other competent authority of the like naturee.a notary publicf.the head of a city, town, village, township or other municipalityg.an officer of any of Her Majesty’s diplomatic or consular services, including an ambassador, envoy, minister, charge d’affairs, counsellor, secretary, attache, consul-general, consul, vice-consul, pro-consul, consular agent, acting consul-general, acting consul, acting vice-consul and acting consular agenth.an officer of the Canadian diplomatic, consular or representative services, including, in addition to the diplomatic and consular officers mentioned in clause (g), a high commissioner, permanent delegate, acting high commissioner, acting permanent delegate, counsellor and secretaryi.a Canadian Government trade commissioner or assistant trade commissioner, exercising his or her functions or having jurisdiction or authority as such in the place in which it is administered, sworn, affirmed or made, is as valid and effectual to all intents and purposes as if it had been duly administered, sworn, affirmed or made in Ontario before a commissioner for taking affidavits in Ontario.我今天问了公证处,他们要求我先把表格全翻译中文,他们才能给我签这个。大家打算怎么弄呢?
回复: 安省提名的,Signature of Deponent 怎么办?没有人知道吗?
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