加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民预算案还没有通过,请不要自己吓自己!
预算案通过的消息一旦证实,肯定在网上炸开锅, Facebook上的流量也将迅速暴涨, 官方的消息, 到现在为止,仍然是proposed plan。
回复: 预算案还没有通过,请不要自己吓自己!Facebook 最新消息: Seen Khaaf hey ... i am in Toronto, Canada. I am part of an immigrant rights group that is trying to stop this law. Its part of the budget, so its very difficult but we must raise our voices.
回复: 预算案还没有通过,请不要自己吓自己!face book 还有律师Tim 都认为预算案5月或6月通过
回复: 预算案还没有通过,请不要自己吓自己!顶
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]London Ontario[FONT=楷体]中国人对现实里很多不公平有一种难以理解的接受能力,然后成为社会的规则,最后成为文化的一部分。[/FONT][FONT=楷体]三个要饭的故事[/FONT][FONT=宋体][FONT=楷体]看一个社会的好坏有一个很简单的办法:富人是否大量移民。[/FONT][/FONT] 超赞 赏 P paradiseunderthesunGuest 0$(VIP ) 2012-04-10#5 回复: 预算案还没有通过,请不要自己吓自己!Felix Jiang Hi, can you tell me when will this budget be passed? Seen Khaaf In the next 45-60 days.. the Conservative Party has a majority .. so even if the whole Opposition voted against it .. it would pass. Norway Cool can this bill be stopped if opposition puts case against conservatives Seen Khaaf You mean go to court? No they can't. Its in the Budget. Which the govt. has full control of .. we tried to stop changes to the budget before .. but right now most Canadians don't know about it. We need international attention - which is you all - and more local actions here. Norway Cool ok Vijay Na They have acted really smart by including this in the budget !!! Vijay Na Can the opposition help us in guiding our future course of action ? Vijay Na Seen Khaaf can you appraise us on this? Klm Jalandhar At present there is no one to raise our voice in Canada at Diplomat Level. We have to clean there Ear with Ear bud. Means to say, put regular pressure on Canadian Govt. by protesting Internationally & in Canada.
回复: 预算案还没有通过,请不要自己吓自己!感谢paradiseunderthesun
fn:2007.12.7北京――2009.1.15,考雅思了,分数没够,准备再考――2009.11.21 二次烤鸭 分数够了――2009.12.18 S2――2010.4.13妥投――2010.4.23 变12――2011.1.8听力有突破,能听清了――2011.4.15拖朋友查询caips――2011.6.2caips没打分 超赞 赏 K kevintiger 0$(VIP 0) 1,1912012-04-10#7 回复: 预算案还没有通过,请不要自己吓自己!老傅说过了,我也看新闻了,预算通过了
老赵传奇 超赞 赏 lmh 0$(VIP 0) 7242012-04-10#8 回复: 预算案还没有通过,请不要自己吓自己!预算通过了打官司还有用吗?
回复: 预算案还没有通过,请不要自己吓自己!预算案是通过了,这只能证明CIC有这么多钱退还申请费,就象我们国家做预算一样!但是国会还没有通过,从预算案通过到国会最终通过会有一个过程,而且国会通过的时候还可能有一些修改,所以S2的同学该准备什么还准备什么,总比坐以待毙强!
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