加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民逐句解读:News Release ? Building a Fast and Flexible Economic Immigration System


http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/releases/2012/2012-04-17.aspNews Release Building a Fast and Flexible Economic Immigration SystemLondon, April 17, 2012 London, April 17, 2012 The Government of Canada is taking concrete steps to realize its vision of an immigration system that actively recruits talent rather than passively receives and processes all applications, Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney announced today.肯尼宣布加拿大正在按步骤实行积极移民招募计划,从而取代原有被动接纳的措施。“As the Prime Minister has stated, the Government of Canada is committed to making economic and labour force needs the central focus of our immigration efforts,” said Minister Jason Kenney. “We have already begun the groundwork and will be building on this foundation in the months ahead to ensure our long-term economic success.”移民应与加拿大经济与劳动力发展相适应以确保长期经济成功。As outlined in the Government's Economic Action Plan 2012, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) will work with provinces, territories, and employers to create a pool of skilled workers who are ready to begin employment in Canada.根据2012年政府经济规划,移民部将与省、地区及雇主合作创建技术人才库,以备在加开展工作。“We are making transformational changes to Canada's immigration system,” said Minister Kenney. “We want a system that is faster, more flexible a system that attracts younger people who can help grow our economy the minute they arrive in Canada.”“我们的移民系统正在转型”。 “我们想要建立一个更快、更灵活的系统以吸引年轻的、能够帮助加经济增长的人士来加。”CIC has announced that it is already taking proactive steps towards building a fast and flexible immigration system that meets Canada’s economic needs. For example, the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP) points system will be reformed to reflect the importance of younger immigrants with Canadian work experience and better official language skills. Furthermore, CIC will strengthen the assessment of educational credentials to ensure that immigrants are closer to being ready to work upon arrival in Canada. FSW applicants will have their foreign educational credentials assessed and verified abroad as a part of the application process.CIC目前正在按步骤实施,建立一个快速,灵活的移民制度,以满足加拿大的经济需求。例如,将会对联邦技术移民计划(FSWP)计分制度将进行改革,以反映年轻移民加拿大(理解:满足加拿大所需)的工作经验和更好的官方语言技能的重要性。此外,将加强教育评估,以确保移民抵加工作。申请人的海外教育背景评估将作为移民的一部分。Today, Minister Kenney announced two additional changes that will help transform Canada’s immigration system. One proposed change would help CIC ensure FSW applicants meet current labour market needs. It would allow new rules set out in Ministerial Instructions to apply to people who have already submitted an application. For example, instructions could place a priority on a specific occupation, such as doctors, and have existing applications from doctors processed first, regardless of where they are in the queue.今天,肯尼宣布了另外两个这将有助于改变加拿大的移民制度的改变。一项拟变化的是CIC将确保申请者满足加劳动力市场。新的规则或将用于现行的已提交的申请。如,职业将会有优先级别,如医生。将会是做优先群体,不管他们现在的排队情况如何。A similar change would allow new regulations, once approved, to apply retrospectively to people who have already submitted an application. These changes would help ensure that immigrants are chosen based on Canada’s current needs and priorities.类似的变化会产生新的规定,一旦获得批准,将允许追溯适用于已经提交申请的人。这些变化将有助于确保移民选择加拿大目前的需求和优先事项的基础上。“Canada risks losing the global competition for talent as potential immigrants choose to take their skills to other countries with more responsive immigration systems, rather than remain in the queue for years to have their application processed here,” concluded Minister Kenney. “All of the changes we are exploring will make Canada more competitive with other similarly-placed countries and more attractive to the best and brightest from around the world, and will better match our immigration system with the best interests of the Canadian economy.”“如果潜在的移民选择其他的国家因其更有敏感性的移民体系,而不是在队伍中等待申请多年,加拿大可能失去全球人才竞争力” 肯尼总结“我们正在探索的所有的变化将使加拿大与其他类似国家一样更具吸引力来和罪有竞争力以,将更好地满足移民制度与国家最佳利益。”说说读后感吧:1. 人才库建设正在进行中2. 227/626/71是否收到影响,此文没说3. 个人认为此计划为未来的移民体系建设方向4. 已经体检的或者打分的是否受影响也没说5. 人才库的建设需要时间(个人的理解)而且还未获批6. 个人认为这是肯尼一次对未来的战略性展望,虽有一些行为已经在进行,但对现行的政策尚无实际知道意义。7. 肯尼很无耻。不可低估肯尼的无耻程度。最后祝福大家都顺利毕业。

回复: 逐句解读:News Release ? Building a Fast and Flexible Economic Immigration System感谢有心人! 送花花!

04AUG2008 上海 EMS 北京 -> 20AUG2008 FN -> 15DEC2009 非38退档 -> 14FEB2010 退费28JAN2010 Sydney G.MILLER签收->16MAR2010 RN->07JUL2010 FN VO:MAC->15FEB2011 山寨IP->15SEP2011 IP->16NOV2011 ME->19APR2012 PL->08MAY2012 VISA->15MAY2012 DM->22OCT2012 PRhttp://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/releases/2012/2012-04-17.aspNews Release Building a Fast and Flexible Economic Immigration SystemLondon, April 17, 2012 London, April 17, 2012 The Government of Canada is taking concrete steps to realize its vision of an immigration system that actively recruits talent rather than passively receives and processes all applications, Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney announced today.肯尼宣布加拿大正在按步骤实行积极移民招募计划,从而取代原有被动接纳的措施。“As the Prime Minister has stated, the Government of Canada is committed to making economic and labour force needs the central focus of our immigration efforts,” said Minister Jason Kenney. “We have already begun the groundwork and will be building on this foundation in the months ahead to ensure our long-term economic success.”移民应与加拿大经济与劳动力发展相适应以确保长期经济成功。As outlined in the Government's Economic Action Plan 2012, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) will work with provinces, territories, and employers to create a pool of skilled workers who are ready to begin employment in Canada.根据2012年政府经济规划,移民部将与省、地区及雇主合作创建技术人才库,以备在加开展工作。“We are making transformational changes to Canada's immigration system,” said Minister Kenney. “We want a system that is faster, more flexible a system that attracts younger people who can help grow our economy the minute they arrive in Canada.”“我们的移民系统正在转型”。 “我们想要建立一个更快、更灵活的系统以吸引年轻的、能够帮助加经济增长的人士来加。”CIC has announced that it is already taking proactive steps towards building a fast and flexible immigration system that meets Canada’s economic needs. For example, the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP) points system will be reformed to reflect the importance of younger immigrants with Canadian work experience and better official language skills. Furthermore, CIC will strengthen the assessment of educational credentials to ensure that immigrants are closer to being ready to work upon arrival in Canada. FSW applicants will have their foreign educational credentials assessed and verified abroad as a part of the application process.CIC目前正在按步骤实施,建立一个快速,灵活的移民制度,以满足加拿大的经济需求。例如,将会对联邦技术移民计划(FSWP)计分制度将进行改革,以反映年轻移民加拿大(理解:满足加拿大所需)的工作经验和更好的官方语言技能的重要性。此外,将加强教育评估,以确保移民抵加工作。申请人的海外教育背景评估将作为移民的一部分。Today, Minister Kenney announced two additional changes that will help transform Canada’s immigration system. One proposed change would help CIC ensure FSW applicants meet current labour market needs. It would allow new rules set out in Ministerial Instructions to apply to people who have already submitted an application. For example, instructions could place a priority on a specific occupation, such as doctors, and have existing applications from doctors processed first, regardless of where they are in the queue.今天,肯尼宣布了另外两个这将有助于改变加拿大的移民制度的改变。一项拟变化的是CIC将确保申请者满足加劳动力市场。新的规则或将用于现行的已提交的申请。如,职业将会有优先级别,如医生。将会是做优先群体,不管他们现在的排队情况如何。A similar change would allow new regulations, once approved, to apply retrospectively to people who have already submitted an application. These changes would help ensure that immigrants are chosen based on Canada’s current needs and priorities.类似的变化会产生新的规定,一旦获得批准,将允许追溯适用于已经提交申请的人。这些变化将有助于确保移民选择加拿大目前的需求和优先事项的基础上。“Canada risks losing the global competition for talent as potential immigrants choose to take their skills to other countries with more responsive immigration systems, rather than remain in the queue for years to have their application processed here,” concluded Minister Kenney. “All of the changes we are exploring will make Canada more competitive with other similarly-placed countries and more attractive to the best and brightest from around the world, and will better match our immigration system with the best interests of the Canadian economy.”“如果潜在的移民选择其他的国家因其更有敏感性的移民体系,而不是在队伍中等待申请多年,加拿大可能失去全球人才竞争力” 肯尼总结“我们正在探索的所有的变化将使加拿大与其他类似国家一样更具吸引力来和罪有竞争力以,将更好地满足移民制度与国家最佳利益。”说说读后感吧:1. 人才库建设正在进行中2. 227/626/71是否收到影响,此文没说3. 个人认为此计划为未来的移民体系建设方向4. 已经体检的或者打分的是否受影响也没说5. 人才库的建设需要时间(个人的理解)而且还未获批6. 个人认为这是肯尼一次对未来的战略性展望,虽有一些行为已经在进行,但对现行的政策尚无实际知道意义。7. 肯尼很无耻。不可低估肯尼的无耻程度。最后祝福大家都顺利毕业。点击展开...霹雳言辞, 菩萨心肠. anxioustogetmoving顶楼主.

回复: 逐句解读:News Release ? Building a Fast and Flexible Economic Immigration System希望对大家有帮助吧。谢谢上面的诸位了。

回复: 逐句解读:News Release ? Building a Fast and Flexible Economic Immigration System加声望+ 因为没有像CUT 91的政策那样具体, 所以K的话就当是放P吧.

回复: 逐句解读:News Release ? Building a Fast and Flexible Economic Immigration System楼主真强,谢谢!

2010年6月24妥投悉尼,10月27日RN, 12月13日补料妥投北京,2011年2月12日FN,2012年3月2日IP.,3月5日四句话(2月28日审理),3月13日ME,15日体检,22日结果妥投,4月18日mer..... 超赞 赏 反馈:20905 tulip_purple 0$(VIP 0) 1,0132012-04-19#8 回复: 逐句解读:News Release ? Building a Fast and Flexible Economic Immigration System谢谢无耻程度真的不能 低估啊

6.13寄出>2010年6月18号妥投>6.26 雅思2010年7月学信认证-->8月19日寄清华认证材料 9月7日清华到家>10.27日rn到>1118 补料妥投 0216fn>2.29ME>3.5体检>3.17MER 超赞 赏 反馈:20905 wxxtx 0$(VIP 0) 6732012-04-19#9 回复: 逐句解读:News Release ? Building a Fast and Flexible Economic Immigration System解读的很到位,不知道康尼任期到哪年哦

回复: 逐句解读:News Release ? Building a Fast and Flexible Economic Immigration System解读的很到位,不知道康尼任期到哪年哦点击展开...肯尼年纪不大,政治证明还长,此人在加国内的声望不低,个人感觉他的目标不仅仅是个部长。

回复: 逐句解读:News Release ? Building a Fast and Flexible Economic Immigration System因为没有像CUT 91的政策那样具体, 所以K的话就当是放P吧.点击展开...

回复: 逐句解读:News Release ? Building a Fast and Flexible Economic Immigration System谢谢LZ。

明天会更好! 超赞 赏 反馈:20905 godream 2$(VIP 0,#281) 9182012-04-19#13 回复: 逐句解读:News Release ? Building a Fast and Flexible Economic Immigration System有没有Q&A解释这些东西,象CUT pre-c50的政策那样。

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