加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民为大家逐句翻译4.19-News Release ? Immigration is Key to Economic Growth and Prosperity
希望能够对大家有帮助。英文原文:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/releases/2012/2012-04-19.aspNews Release Immigration is Key to Economic Growth and ProsperityHalifax, April 19, 2012 Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney spoke to the Halifax Chamber of Commerce today and outlined how a transformed immigration system would benefit Nova Scotians and all Canadians.肯尼今日在哈利法商会针的聚会上对NS以及所有加国民发表讲话。In his speech, the Minister outlined a series of changes to the immigration system that are expected to make it faster, more flexible and more focused on jobs, growth and prosperity.肯尼在讲话中提出了一系列的变化,预计将使加移民体系变得更快,更灵活,更加注重对就业,经济增长和繁荣。“Canada is looking for workers who can fill our labour market needs now,” Minister Kenney said. “My vision for the immigration system is one that can get immigrants here with a job offer in hand, within months of applying to come to Canada.”“加拿大正在寻找可满足我们劳动市场的需要的技术人群”肯尼说“对未来的移民愿景是在新的移民体系下的新移民有现有工作机会、新移民在登录三月内即可开展工作。”Proposed changes to the economic immigration system include:计划中的经济移民制度的修订将包括:* eliminating the backlog of old Federal Skilled Worker applications;消除了旧联邦技术移民申请的积压;* modernizing how workers are selected under that program to better reflect the importance of younger immigrants with Canadian work experience and better language skills;强化年轻和语言能力强的技术移民群体,并反映在申请者的甄选上。 * updating federal business immigration programming related to investors and entrepreneurs;更新有关投资者和企业家的联邦商业移民规划; * creating a new Federal Skilled Trades program;创建一个新的联邦计划熟练工种; * modifying the Canadian Experience Class to better facilitate skilled temporary workers’ successful transition to permanent residence;修改加拿大经验类别以促进熟练临时工签成功过渡到永久居留; * developing a “start-up” visa that would link immigrant entrepreneurs with investors;制定一个“启动”的签证,移民企业家与投资者联系起来; * strengthening the assessment of education credentials of applicants to the Federal Skilled Workers Program;加强对申请联邦技术者的教育评估认证 * exploring, with provinces, territories and employers, approaches to developing a pool of skilled workers who are ready to begin employment in Canada; and探索,与各省,地区和雇主以为其开发人才库; * setting minimum language requirements and shifting to a solely economic focus within the Provincial Nominee Program.设定最低语言要求和经济的重点将转移到省提名计划内。“These reforms would help Nova Scotians in tangible ways,” said Minister Kenney. “Together, they will make our immigration system faster and more flexible. This will help Nova Scotia and all regions of the country ensure that they are getting the people they need where and when they are needed.”“这些改革将有助于在NS省有形的方式转变”肯尼。 “总之这些变革将我们的移民制度,更快和更灵活。这将有助于确保NS省和全国各地区的所需的人群受益。” In his speech to the Chamber of Commerce today, Minister Kenney announced the results of a pilot program that tested the impact of vouchers on uptake of language services funded by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC).在今日的商会讲话中,肯尼宣布了一个试点项目: 由CIC资助的语言券服务影响。Under the 2009 pilot, close to 2,000 newcomers in Ontario, Alberta and Nova Scotia were randomly sent vouchers, inviting them to take advantage of free language training at a local service provider in their community. This group was compared with over 24,000 newcomers with similar profiles who did not receive vouchers. The use of the vouchers saw an increased uptake of these services by almost 25 percent.根据2009年的试点,在安省,阿省和NS省的近2000新人随机发送语言券券,邀请他们免费参加当地的社区服务商进行语言培训。与24000未收到语言券新移民相比,使用语言券的新移民。这组相比,超过24,000名新人,类似的配置文件没有收到凭证。券的使用这些服务的增加收入了近25%(此处翻译不确定)。“We also discovered something else that among all the newcomers monitored by CIC, over 98 percent of clients accessing their first language service did so in their province of destination during their first year of permanent residence,” said Minister Kenney. “This is important, as it supports our current approach to providing settlement funding based on where immigrants land in Canada.”“我们还发现别的东西 - 由CIC检测到的新移民,所以访问他们的第一语言服务的客户超过98%的新移民在登录后的第一年在省内接收语言服务。肯尼“这很重要,因为它我们的定居地提供了本土定居基金的方法”The pilot findings will be incorporated into CIC’s ongoing work to review its settlement programming and ensure that it continues to respond efficiently to both the needs of newcomers and the expectations of Canadians.试点结果将纳入CIC现进行的工作中,以评估定居计划以确保它继续有效满足新移民和加拿大人的新需求。
回复: 为大家逐句翻译4.19-News Release ? Immigration is Key to Economic Growth and Prosper昨晚听中国国际广播电台的新闻,现在英语新闻都被封了,只有这个了,居然也提了加拿大的这个移民政策,也说了肯尼的flexible的policy,呵呵
test 超赞 赏 fanfan216 0$(VIP 0) 1,5442012-04-20#3 回复: 为大家逐句翻译4.19-News Release ? Immigration is Key to Economic Growth and Prosper希望新政出的越晚越好啊
回复: 为大家逐句翻译4.19-News Release ? Immigration is Key to Economic Growth and ProsperStart-up visa 是指给新创企业家的visa。start up是新创企业的意思,IT行业的新兴小企业经常用这个词
回复: 为大家逐句翻译4.19-News Release ? Immigration is Key to Economic Growth and ProsperThis group was compared with over 24,000 newcomers with similar profiles who did not receive vouchers. The use of the vouchers saw an increased uptake of these services by almost 25 percent.根据2009年的试点,在安省,阿省和NS省的近2000新人随机发送语言券券,邀请他们免费参加当地的社区服务商进行语言培训。与其他24000名经验类似、但没有收到培训邀请券的新移民相比,该组(收到培训券的)人群使用当地语言培训服务的比率提高了将近25%。
回复: 为大家逐句翻译4.19-News Release ? Immigration is Key to Economic Growth and Prosper翻译的很好! 楼主文字功底不错啊! 赞!
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