加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民我妹妹在切案当中,刚给保守党,新民主党,自由党党领以及移民部长发信,内容和大家分享
To:[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Sir,I am writing to you regarding immigration backlog. I am shocked to hear immigration backlog application could be possibly cleared. To me, my twin sister and I will be separated forever. To my twin sister, it is total unfair to have a new policy to be enforced on an old application. It is more than much money that's been spent. It is about a planned roadmap to be ruined. I have lived in Canada for 7 years. I often share my real experience living in Canada with my twin sister. She applied for immigration in 2007. Now her file will be possibly erased by Citizenship and Immigration Canada. I feel distraught and lonely. We will be separated for the rest of our life.My sister has already planned a bright future in Canada while waiting. When she comes here, I can offer great help. She can adapt to Canada soon. We are not only twin sisters but also best friends. We grow up together. We share happiness and sadness together. Nothing can separate us. I hope to have my voice heard and look forward to a widely acceptable policy from minister of citizenship and immigration and his team. Sincerely,Rose sisters
回复: 我妹妹在切案当中,刚给保守党,新民主党,自由党党领以及移民部长发信,内容和大家分享家园网为什么不能注册新用户呢,我用的是我妹妹的用户名
回复: 我妹妹在切案当中,刚给保守党,新民主党,自由党党领以及移民部长发信,内容和大家分享声源
2010年6月24妥投悉尼,10月27日RN, 12月13日补料妥投北京,2011年2月12日FN,2012年3月2日IP.,3月5日四句话(2月28日审理),3月13日ME,15日体检,22日结果妥投,4月18日mer..... 超赞 赏 yellowappletea 0$(VIP 0) 2402012-04-22#4 回复: 我妹妹在切案当中,刚给保守党,新民主党,自由党党领以及移民部长发信,内容和大家分享声援
2010年6月24妥投悉尼,10月27日RN, 12月13日补料妥投北京,2011年2月12日FN,2012年3月2日IP.,3月5日四句话(2月28日审理),3月13日ME,15日体检,22日结果妥投,4月18日mer..... 超赞 赏 O oliverose225 0$(VIP 0) 1,0482012-04-23#5 回复: 我妹妹在切案当中,刚给保守党,新民主党,自由党党领以及移民部长发信,内容和大家分享我姐是老移友,赞。希望老移友都站出来主张公平,正义。
回复: 我妹妹在切案当中,刚给保守党,新民主党,自由党党领以及移民部长发信,内容和大家分享我姐是老移友,赞。希望老移友都站出来主张公平,正义。
回复: 我妹妹在切案当中,刚给保守党,新民主党,自由党党领以及移民部长发信,内容和大家分享[FONT='宋体'][FONT=微软雅黑]Dear Sir:[/FONT][/FONT][FONT='宋体'][FONT=微软雅黑]I applied the immigration program to Canada 5 years ago.Although it is so long time to wait, I still keep optimistic attitude to wait the results until the latest news which made me so surprised and disappointed.My twin sister has living in Canada for 7 years already. I miss her very much.I only choose to immigrate to Canada to reunite with her. If the news become the truth,we almost never meet each other again. Meanwhile, I have already spent 20,000 yuan for angency(ps: the policy change will lead to no refund),2000 yuan for IELTS test and 3000 yuan for notary fee, which is only material.I hope you know how important 5 years means to a person,not only material,but also mental. In the last five years, I got married and I have a beautiful baby girl, I am english major and my husband got his master degree in UK, our entire family all expect the life we spent in Canada. And prepare cash out all our fortune and planning to buy a house in there. And rise more children there. Please consider all the consequence once your new procedure came out.Sincercely,[/FONT][/FONT][FONT='宋体'][FONT=微软雅黑]Rose sister[/FONT][/FONT]
回复: 我妹妹在切案当中,刚给保守党,新民主党,自由党党领以及移民部长发信,内容和大家分享顶
回复: 我妹妹在切案当中,刚给保守党,新民主党,自由党党领以及移民部长发信,内容和大家分享声援!
回复: 我妹妹在切案当中,刚给保守党,新民主党,自由党党领以及移民部长发信,内容和大家分享声援~
回复: 我妹妹在切案当中,刚给保守党,新民主党,自由党党领以及移民部长发信,内容和大家分享我的信的主题是:twin sisters separated forever due to immigration backlog being possibly erased
回复: 我妹妹在切案当中,刚给保守党,新民主党,自由党党领以及移民部长发信,内容和大家分享发到香港版来吧http://forum.canadameet.co/forumdisplay.php?f=168那里都是即将被切掉的
回复: 我妹妹在切案当中,刚给保守党,新民主党,自由党党领以及移民部长发信,内容和大家分享首先给楼主热烈的掌声+鼓励!政策变成这样确实很让人难过甚至愤怒!所以支持楼主声援!不过冷静的看了看楼主的观点,没别的意思我个人是真觉得站不住脚。首先你的妹妹或者姐姐和你之间的bond在西方人的眼里绝对是比不上父母,更不用谈配偶了。现在连父母团聚都停办了,更何况是兄妹?所以你们之间的感情再怎么深厚也不足以成为申诉的理由吧。 另外停止办理移民也并不意味着“We will be separated for the rest of our life”。这句话也着实有点吓人。你可以回国去见你妹妹,他们也可以作为visiter来加看你,所以这根本也算不上余生都被分离吧。 因此,精神上支持楼主讨回公道,但是行动上我想楼主还是要多思量。与其发这样肯定石沉大海的信不如想想别的办法,虽然我也没有什么idea。祝好!
回复: 我妹妹在切案当中,刚给保守党,新民主党,自由党党领以及移民部长发信,内容和大家分享首先给楼主热烈的掌声+鼓励!政策变成这样确实很让人难过甚至愤怒!所以支持楼主声援!不过冷静的看了看楼主的观点,没别的意思我个人是真觉得站不住脚。首先你的妹妹或者姐姐和你之间的bond在西方人的眼里绝对是比不上父母,更不用谈配偶了。现在连父母团聚都停办了,更何况是兄妹?所以你们之间的感情再怎么深厚也不足以成为申诉的理由吧。 另外停止办理移民也并不意味着“We will be separated for the rest of our life”。这句话也着实有点吓人。你可以回国去见你妹妹,他们也可以作为visiter来加看你,所以这根本也算不上余生都被分离吧。 因此,精神上支持楼主讨回公道,但是行动上我想楼主还是要多思量。与其发这样肯定石沉大海的信不如想想别的办法,虽然我也没有什么idea。祝好!点击展开...顶一下。同情归同情,但楼主的这些理由在西人眼里都站不住脚。作为有选择能力的成年人,用“余生不能相见”不但显得幼稚,而且有threatening的味道。建议楼主多从“一刀切”对自己姐妹造成的“职业危害”角度叙述您的观点,也建议楼主参考杏花从法律角度分析问题的方式。还有,英文需要多润色。
回复: 我妹妹在切案当中,刚给保守党,新民主党,自由党党领以及移民部长发信,内容和大家分享希望大家都能按自己的经历给各大政党党领及移民部长写信,让反对党发出声音。
回复: 我妹妹在切案当中,刚给保守党,新民主党,自由党党领以及移民部长发信,内容和大家分享To:[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Dear Sir, I am writing to you regarding immigration backlog. I am shocked to hear immigration backlog application could be possibly cleared. To me, my twin sister and I will be separated forever. To my twin sister, it is total unfair to have a new policy to be enforced on an old application. It is more than much money that's been spent. It is about a planned roadmap to be ruined. I have lived in Canada for 7 years. I often share my real experience living in Canada with my twin sister. She applied for immigration in 2007. Now her file will be possibly erased by Citizenship and Immigration Canada. I feel distraught and lonely. We will be separated for the rest of our life. My sister has already planned a bright future in Canada while waiting. When she comes here, I can offer great help. She can adapt to Canada soon. We are not only twin sisters but also best friends. We grow up together. We share happiness and sadness together. Nothing can separate us. I hope to have my voice heard and look forward to a widely acceptable policy from minister of citizenship and immigration and his team. Sincerely, Rose sisters点击展开...
回复: 我妹妹在切案当中,刚给保守党,新民主党,自由党党领以及移民部长发信,内容和大家分享首先给楼主热烈的掌声+鼓励!政策变成这样确实很让人难过甚至愤怒!所以支持楼主声援!不过冷静的看了看楼主的观点,没别的意思我个人是真觉得站不住脚。首先你的妹妹或者姐姐和你之间的bond在西方人的眼里绝对是比不上父母,更不用谈配偶了。现在连父母团聚都停办了,更何况是兄妹?所以你们之间的感情再怎么深厚也不足以成为申诉的理由吧。点击展开...同意... 同情楼主。姐妹在西方人的眼里已经是两个独立的实体,这不足以成为申诉的理由。"已经计划在加拿大的美好未来"更加不是申诉的理由(因为加拿大政府必须维护国家利益)。 如果可能,走省提名(一些省份是可以提名兄弟姐妹的)。
回复: 我妹妹在切案当中,刚给保守党,新民主党,自由党党领以及移民部长发信,内容和大家分享我就觉得写得挺好,发出声音的理由,没什么绝对的适合与不适合的标准。在一片言词激烈观点相近的反对声音中,也许这样的写法更能拨动一些议员心里的那根弦。
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