加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民好消息,Tim律师要到北京来


刚收到律师的信,大家应该也收到了吧。北京参加起诉的朋友这次可以当面问他我们关心的问题了,在这个非常时期,律师顺道来面见起诉者,真的不要错过。信的内容如下:Dear Litigant, ​Thought that I should let you know that I will be in Beijing from April 17th through the 22st because a client, who has an interview on April 19th at the Canadian Embassy, will be flying me to there.Regards,Tim

visa:2013-01-23:说不出的感觉,5年了啊landing了,还飘浮在空中的感觉,没有了根,也落不下地刚收到律师的信,大家应该也收到了吧。北京参加起诉的朋友这次可以当面问他我们关心的问题了,在这个非常时期,律师顺道来面见起诉者,真的不要错过。信的内容如下:Dear Litigant, ​Thought that I should let you know that I will be in Beijing from April 17th through the 22st because a client, who has an interview on April 19th at the Canadian Embassy, will be flying me to there.Regards,Tim 点击展开...我也收到这个邮件了,要不要大家一起约律师一起坐坐。

07年12月10号Fn, 10年1月S2, 10年3月底变12,一直至今,继续等待ME 超赞 赏 R ronaldo 0$(VIP 0) 692012-03-27#3 回复: 好消息,Tim律师要到北京来[FONT=宋体]不知这个律师到底有多高的水平,见一见更好地了解、沟通一下。[/FONT][FONT=宋体]另外,我们能不能给每个议员都发电子邮件或信,让他们了解我们[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]的困境。虽然加拿大还没有批准我们的申请,但我们也为此付出很多。物质上,没买车,没买房(尤其是房子损失太大了,到现在还租着房子)。精神上,朋友亲属都知道了你要出国,时不时就问一下(自己无言以对);为出信、开证明领导也知道了你要出国,提职、长工资也不考虑你了;自己整天看外语,不知道的人以为你有精神病;孩子听说要出国了学习也不努力了,原来很好的孩子连重点中学也没考上;现在这种情况,妻子每天埋怨不止,自己也垂头丧气、两鬓斑白(保守估计减寿[/FONT]5-10[FONT=宋体]年)。[/FONT][FONT=宋体]假如康胖要是一直想着移民美国,可能他也就不争加国部长的位子了,所以,没移不等于对人没的影响。康胖太有点那个了。[/FONT][FONT=宋体]其实,目前的情况有一半是康胖自己造成的。做为一国政府部门、部长,缺乏全面考虑,朝令夕改(现是一年一改),政策不稳,正是造成这种情况的原因(案子蜂拥而至、积案如山,得不到解决的同时,又大开口子,如增加省提名名额,减少联邦名额等)。用我们常说的话叫,不成熟、太嫩。正是康胖给使人们认识到加国的缺陷、不尊重人权,给加抹黑,影响了加的国际形象。[/FONT]

回复: 好消息,Tim律师要到北京来楼上说得好 正是91的实际情况

回复: 好消息,Tim律师要到北京来的确是,我们都差不多,升职不争取,评职称不尽力,几年下来,落得两手空空,物质精神损失无法衡量,要怪也怪康胖,不要我们可以,不能这么忽悠坑害人,得跟他们讨个公道!我在广东,去见律师比较不方便,觉得北京的同学最好和他约见一下。他一直都在为我们做事情,见面沟通可以把很多疑问都倒出来,特别是起诉能否奏效是大家最想知道的。

visa:2013-01-23:说不出的感觉,5年了啊landing了,还飘浮在空中的感觉,没有了根,也落不下地 超赞 赏 leewaye 0$(VIP 0) 6722012-03-27#6 回复: 好消息,Tim律师要到北京来希望能咨询下:1/这次诉讼的情况;Bill C-50法案理论上对91同学是没有影响的。该法案的(过渡性条款)明确规定:120. Section 87.3 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act applies only to applications and requests made on or after February 27, 2008.为何在事实上HAS AFFECTED 了九一申请人。既然明文规定了九一申请人不受ministerial instructions约束,Why are applications under the most recent set of ministerial instructions processed on a priority basis as opposed to pre-c50 applications?2/康胖子2012变法的合法性及对91的影响,以及在此情况下起诉的可能性。

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]他们欺瞒上帝偷偷拨回时间They fool God secretly timing of the reversal 超赞 赏 R rengo 0$(VIP 0) 2,0762012-03-27#7 回复: 好消息,Tim律师要到北京来希望bj的同学能联系一下tim.会个面.问一下.做好被一刀切后打官司的准备.

回复: 好消息,Tim律师要到北京来在北京的有参与起诉的吗?

2013年加拿大,我来了。 超赞 赏 加拿大我来了 0$(VIP 0) 5012012-03-28#9 回复: 好消息,Tim律师要到北京来有见面的必要吗?

北京2007.8.29FN,08.12.6考雅思,7,6.5,6.5,6。2009.8.21S2,2009.10.25递料,2009.10.29变12,2009.12.2变6,2010.2.8变12,2011.7.5日地址栏第一次消失,7月23日地址栏恢复。参加TIM的诉讼了,2012-8-31ME 超赞 赏 P pop2010 0$(VIP 0) 6272012-03-28#10 回复: 好消息,Tim律师要到北京来不爱去香港的正好去北京啊

回复: 好消息,Tim律师要到北京来去北京的同学小心~别被当成上访。。。小黑屋不是闹的~

回复: 好消息,Tim律师要到北京来去北京的同学小心~别被当成上访。。。小黑屋不是闹的~点击展开...这是哪儿跟哪儿啊?又不去什么机关,也不去使馆,和律师联系下见个面,就像朋友见面,喝个咖啡,聊聊天,几个人就可以了。律师又不是轮子,除了几个起诉者知道,谁认识留意他呀。

visa:2013-01-23:说不出的感觉,5年了啊landing了,还飘浮在空中的感觉,没有了根,也落不下地有见面的必要吗?点击展开... 我认为非常有必要,打个比方,不一定恰当,在国内你请外地的律师打官司,之前都是电话或邮件联系的,你肯定觉得有必要当面谈事情,律师这次不远万里顺道过来了,不需要当事人买机票飞过去,不是再好不过吗?怎么能错过这种机会呢?

visa:2013-01-23:说不出的感觉,5年了啊landing了,还飘浮在空中的感觉,没有了根,也落不下地 超赞 赏 星星点点 0$(VIP 0) 7442012-03-29#14 回复: 好消息,Tim律师要到北京来就律师到访及关心的问题,我已去信给律师,答复如下。问题摘自家园帖子里的观点,希望贴主不介意吧。自己英语so,so,大家主要看看答复吧。Dear Tim,I’m very glad to know that you’ll come to Beijing soon.As I’m in Guangdong, it is really a pity that I will miss this chance to meet you . But I think some of our peers in Beijing will be willing to talk to you face to face about the topics we concern. We were also very encouraged to see the news of your response in the news paper recently. Thank you for what you have done for us. These days all of us were very angry and upset by the news of Kenny’s coming new policy. It seems that we will be abondanded by CIC after waiting for such a long time. We are now trying every means to express our voice of opposition. One is that there will be a demonstration in front of the Canadian Consulate in Hongkong in April.. We also hope that you can continue expressing our voices through your channels,such as the medias in Canada, especially for the coming demonstration. The following are some of our main viewpoints,1. Kenny said that pre-C50 applicants would do no good to Canadian’s economy, so it should not process us because of fairness.That is really nonsense. The large backlog is caused by the continuous wrong policies made by Kenny himself,not by the applicants. Why should we bear the bad result and become victims?One of the issues in our litigation will be for CIC to prove this claim. I have not raised it in my submission but I expect DoJ to make this argument in its submissions, and I will address it in reply, demanding that CIC prove the claim. I very seriously doubt that they will have included in their material anything supporting the claim.2. CIC goes back on his word. It has no trust. And it bully the weak, all of which greatly decrease the image of Canada in the world.Very, very true. I will be making that point in our case. I have already adduced evidence showing that (a) we need working-age immigrants to counter our aging population trend and that, (b) according to the UN, the EU requires 1.2 million of the same annually for the reason. If Canada has no credibility, where will they go? There are also some questions for you,1.Theoretically,Bill C-50 has no effort to pre-C50 applicants.As it is stipulated clearly as follows[FONT=宋体]:[/FONT]120. Section 87.3 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act applies only to applications and requests made on or after February 27, 2008. However,why are applications under the most recent set of ministerial instructions processed on a priority basis as opposed to pre-c50 applications?Precisely. CIC lied not only to the public, but also to Parliament, as I will argue in my reply in our court case. First, however, I need to see the evidence they elect to adduce. 2.Is Kenny’s coming new policy legal?Frankly, I don't think that he will try it. Rather, I expect him to (a) raise the pass-mark and (b) apply the new selection criteria on the old files, thereby refusing most of them. It would be a much easier sell. As to whether it is legal, it has never been litigated. My view is that it is not, but only time will tell.3.How large is the possiblility of our winning the case?Forgive me, but that's a silly question. The real question is: What chance to you have if you don't litigate? The answer to that is "none". Thus, whatever the chance of winning is, it's the only chance we have. Best wishes,

visa:2013-01-23:说不出的感觉,5年了啊landing了,还飘浮在空中的感觉,没有了根,也落不下地 超赞 赏 A annie9988 0$(VIP 0) 2242012-03-29#15 回复: 好消息,Tim律师要到北京来谢谢分享

回复: 好消息,Tim律师要到北京来感谢星星点点!

回复: 好消息,Tim律师要到北京来就律师到访及关心的问题,我已去信给律师,答复如下。问题摘自家园帖子里的观点,希望贴主不介意吧。自己英语so,so,大家主要看看答复吧。Dear Tim,I’m very glad to know that you’ll come to Beijing soon.As I’m in Guangdong, it is really a pity that I will miss this chance to meet you . But I think some of our peers in Beijing will be willing to talk to you face to face about the topics we concern.We were also very encouraged to see the news of your response in the news paper recently. Thank you for what you have done for us. These days all of us were very angry and upset by the news of Kenny’s coming new policy. It seems that we will be abondanded by CIC after waiting for such a long time. We are now trying every means to express our voice of opposition. One is that there will be a demonstration in front of the Canadian Consulate in Hongkong in April..We also hope that you can continue expressing our voices through your channels,such as the medias in Canada, especially for the coming demonstration. The following are some of our main viewpoints,1.Kenny said that pre-C50 applicants would do no good to Canadian’s economy, so it should not process us because of fairness.That is really nonsense. The large backlog is caused by the continuous wrong policies made by Kenny himself,not by the applicants. Why should we bear the bad result and become victims?One of the issues in our litigation will be for CIC to prove this claim. I have not raised it in my submission but I expect DoJ to make this argument in its submissions, and I will address it in reply, demanding that CIC prove the claim. I very seriously doubt that they will have included in their material anything supporting the claim.2.CIC goes back on his word. It has no trust. And it bully the weak, all of which greatly decrease the image of Canada in the world.Very, very true. I will be making that point in our case. I have already adduced evidence showing that (a) we need working-age immigrants to counter our aging population trend and that, (b) according to the UN, the EU requires 1.2 million of the same annually for the reason. If Canada has no credibility, where will they go? There are also some questions for you,1.Theoretically,Bill C-50 has no effort to pre-C50 applicants.As it is stipulated clearly as follows[FONT=宋体]:[/FONT]120. Section 87.3 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act applies only to applications and requests made on or after February 27, 2008. However,why are applications under the most recent set of ministerial instructions processed on a priority basis as opposed to pre-c50 applications?Precisely. CIC lied not only to the public, but also to Parliament, as I will argue in my reply in our court case. First, however, I need to see the evidence they elect to adduce.2.Is Kenny’s coming new policy legal?Frankly, I don't think that he will try it. Rather, I expect him to (a) raise the pass-mark and (b) apply the new selection criteria on the old files, thereby refusing most of them. It would be a much easier sell. As to whether it is legal, it has never been litigated. My view is that it is not, but only time will tell.3.How large is the possiblility of our winning the case?Forgive me, but that's a silly question. The real question is: What chance to you have if you don't litigate? The answer to that is "none". Thus, whatever the chance of winning is, it's the only chance we have.Best wishes,点击展开...星星点点,你在北京吗?

fn:07-3-7 HK QQ:28694783VO:LSL FN:[email protected];[email protected] 超赞 赏 kiranar 0$(VIP 0) 1482012-03-30#18 回复: 好消息,Tim律师要到北京来上次没赶上,这次算我一个。我在北京。


fn:07-3-7 HK QQ:28694783VO:LSL FN:[email protected];[email protected] 超赞 赏 leewaye 0$(VIP 0) 6722012-03-30#20 回复: 好消息,Tim律师要到北京来谢谢帮问

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