加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民伤心民权路――马修连恩(加拿大)


这是加拿大歌手Matthew Lien的作品,唱出了30万人的心痛。我们不是一个人在战斗,继续联系加拿大的有识之士为人权共同抗争! Tears on Min Chuan road (Matthew lien)(Man):I call you upon the phone And tell you everything's all right But if the truth be known I don't think I can face this night In the dark would you call my name everyday that it's just the same as before, when the falling rain would bring us closer in the night Oh I wish that I could fly On the wings of you-and-I For I long to be with you In this lonely hotel room But the road has carried me Much too far across the sea And the tears fall down like rain On Min Chuan Road (Woman):You call me upon the phone And tell me everything's all right But I can hear your pain And that you want to give up the fight But be strong, I will call your name everyday but it's just the same And believe that this candle flame Will bring us closer in the night Oh I wish that I could fly On the wings of you-and-I For I long to be with you In this lonely hotel room But the road has carried thee Much too far across the sea And the tears fall down like rain On Min Chuan Road As I lay me down to sleep I pray you'll dream of me And I will hold your heart to keep you Oh so close to me out among the stars I'll look to find you there with me In the dark I will call your name And pretend that it's just the same As before, when the falling rain Would bring us closer in the night

回复: 伤心民权路――马修连恩(加拿大)有MP3下载么?

回复: 伤心民权路――马修连恩(加拿大)http://5520195.music.hexun.com/M4917358.html可以在线听

回复: 伤心民权路――马修连恩(加拿大)泪流满面

回复: 伤心民权路――马修连恩(加拿大)歌好听,曲动人,凄美苍凉.谢楼主提供如此好歌.

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]不想说什么了,GOOD LUCK,my friends. 超赞 赏 I identity2008 0$(VIP 0) 572012-04-25#6 回复: 伤心民权路――马修连恩(加拿大)大家不要泄气,继续共同抗争!

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