加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民关于游行/请愿书/集体诉讼的目标调整的建议
各位同学游行请愿的时间迫近, 我相信组织者已经拟好了请愿书; 可以借这次游行的机会 协商一下集体诉讼的事宜. 今天上午突然看到 假拿大 的异民部 突然继续申请处于S2的案子; 这种缓兵之计的狼子野心是昭然若揭, 但人家是从法律上规避风险, 无懈可击. 所以, 此次游行, 我们的诉求可能不是 禁止撤案 的诉求, 或不仅仅是禁止撤案的诉求. 或许应该是 继续按照9/1的标准先到先得的普世价值去审理, 他们已经承诺"我们的案子没有被忘记", 那就该给我们大概的审理时间. 在此, 提醒近期的几个动向: 1) 已经有68分的同学被拒的案例, 这说明移民部已经在开始玩过家家的游戏, 想怎么干就怎么干; 完全有法不依. 2) 还有一种结果: 康妮不会强制撤回积案, 但大家被放在 池子里面 卖肉; 人家就不选你; 或像澳洲一样, 你雅思考8分才满分. 选不上都怪自己没本事. 这是一种很有可能出现的结局; 大家看似没有被撤销案子, 实际上 梦想 距离我们越来越远. 3) 移民部近期重新审理, 但一旦等现在的律师团队得出可撤销的结论并议会通过立法后, 未结案的所有案子 仍然有同样的命运! 所以, 从个人角度, 我们的诉求1. 既然告知我们没有被忘记, 就要承诺审理, 并给出时间; 2. 既然是积案, 就应该按照当时的法规, 而不应该 刻意刁难; 另外是否可以提一些其它建议, 必须采用临时绿卡的方式或先工作签证的方式; 这些建议我不是很确定是否可以在此提及. 强调公平和正义, 近期某些律师说的"法律上可行",但我并不认为如此. 但我们也要强调 这完全有悖于公平和正义, 大大的损害 "假"拿大的良好国际形象. 大家多收集材料和照片, 后面组织一下 给联合国人权理事会/假拿大各政党议员以及英联邦王室的成员和机构发信. 28万人被玩了, 开玩笑呀!
回复: 关于游行/请愿书/集体诉讼的目标调整的建议顶楼主独特见解,楼主一定是学法律的!我猜
疏影横斜水清浅,暗香浮动月黄昏 超赞 赏 L liumm681 0$(VIP 0) 692012-04-28#3 回复: 关于游行/请愿书/集体诉讼的目标调整的建议这次去就要问他们,即然审理,就说一下什么时候能审完~
回复: 关于游行/请愿书/集体诉讼的目标调整的建议明摆着大家都不傻的事儿,能问出个结果来?最后移民部说不好意思你们都不符合要求,我们都拒签了,到时候几百块政府都省了,还给黑中介一个很好的理由不退中介费呢,那个才是大头。
回复: 关于游行/请愿书/集体诉讼的目标调整的建议攻击2012 的预算案 完全是在欺骗!!!欺骗加拿大的公民!!!预算案的全篇http://www.budget.gc.ca/2012/plan/toc-tdm-eng.html节选关于fsw的refundFederal Skilled Worker Fee RefundEconomic Action Plan 2012 proposes to return applications and refund up to $130million in fees to certain federal skilled worker applicants who applied prior toFebruary 27, 2008 and have been waiting for processing to be completed.Canada needs toselect immigrants who are ready, willing and able to fully integrate into Canada’s labour market and fill gaps in our economy, particularly where we have existing skills shortages. Canada has a number ofeconomic immigration programs, the largest one being the Federal Skilled Worker Program, which is the main avenue to permanent immigration toCanada.The large backlog of applications that has accumulated under the FederalSkilled Worker Program is impeding the responsiveness of Canada’simmigration system. The Government recognized the backlog problem several years ago and has taken actions to eliminate it through our 2008 Action Plan for Faster Immigration. Before the Action Plan was introduced, the backlog had swelled to over 640,000applicants, many of whom faced wait times of up to seven years. Through the judicious use of measures introduced by the Action Plan, the backlog has been cut to less than 300,000applicants since 2008a reduction of more than 50 per cent.Wait times for new applicants are now closer to 18 months on average, with some applicants waiting as little as 6 to 12 months.Faster action is still required, however, in order to more immediately directour efforts toward better addressing modern labour market realities. Canada risks losing the global talent competition for the world’s best and brightest as potential immigrants choose to take their skills to other countries with more responsive immigration systems rather than remain in the queue to have their application processed in Canada.Economic Action Plan 2012 therefore proposes to return applications and refund up to $130 million in fees, on a cash basis, paid by certain federal skilled worker applicants who applied under previous criteria established prior to February 27, 2008.
回复: 关于游行/请愿书/集体诉讼的目标调整的建议楼主的分析有一定道理
2007.10.1递北京;2009.10.16 S2邮件;2010.1.19日S2补料寄北京。(补充:之前状态5)2010.1.29变12;2010年12月CAIPS无果;2011年7月CAIPS查询74分.2011.11.7地址栏消失了几天。2012.3.10Litigation. 超赞 赏 飞 飞累了的小鸟 0$(VIP 0) 1272012-04-29#7 回复: 关于游行/请愿书/集体诉讼的目标调整的建议这事情简直就象流氓,自己打自己的嘴巴,朝令夕改,让人无所适从,今天为了涣散4.30的行动和人心,竟出如此滥的手段.明天还不道又搞出什么妖蛾子来.希望我们不要放松警惕,不要被他们欺骗,该争取的还要争取!祝参加散步的同学都能顺利,平安!
回复: 关于游行/请愿书/集体诉讼的目标调整的建议一定要认清楚康妮的阴谋,抗争到底。
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