加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民抗议信中文版。特别感谢227的同学FLX辛苦翻译!我们团结在一起了!!!
加拿大移民部长杰森•肯尼反复强调加拿大移民应遵照规则与顺序。作为2008年2月27日前提交申请的我们早在2004年就已经这样做了。但是,我们28万多的技术类移民申请者以及我们的家人现在被CIC告知曾经承诺只要符合要求只需等待4-8年就可结案到现在的彻底失望。部长,一旦预算通过,我们的申请不管是否符合移民要求都将会以法律的形式被作废。为了显示他是“伟大”的长官,肯尼计划‘彻底清算’我们的投入。在这场屠杀来临之前,我们向你呼吁,加拿大移民部,请重新审视这个问题,我们不仅仅是文件,我们更是有血有肉的人。如果你希望准移民‘按照游戏规则出牌’,那么也请你同样做到。废除我们的申请会导致CIC失信于世界,教人认为“做加拿大人,贡献加拿大”都是错觉。 直到3月29日,在回应我们状态查询时,加拿大驻港领事都还在保证说我们的文件没有被遗忘,并将根据规则进行处理时,收费并说我们要有耐心。可悲的是,我们在此之前长久的信任加拿大政府,年复一年的等待CIC处理晚于我们提交的申请。四年前,CIC开始处理新文件优于旧文件,我们的审理被冷落。现在部长说,他希望以防止申请人不必再等8年。好吧,如果不是他当初在2008年允许插队审理,我们就不需要等8年才会拿到签证。如果CIC遵照先到先得的原则,我们的申请就会在4年内结案。8年的积案是有部长亲手造成的。 2008年2月27日,该部部长宣布,当我们获得议会批准,他将“快车道”的一些文件。但当法案C-50赋予他权力后,CIC的网站宣布:“将对所有2008年2月27日之前的申请做出最后的处理决定,但需要一些时间来全部处理。” 现在,肯尼先生已宣布,他2008年对议会和我们的承诺是一个谎言。 30万的“积案”确实是一个问题,但CIC制造了这起麻烦而且解决的相当失败。当CIC在2008年11月28日第一次和在2010年6月26日再次实施部长指示的时候,他完全可以告知那些职业不属于紧缺职业列表的申请者,在新的系统下如果依旧排队将不进行审理。相反,CIC告诉我们耐心等待,我们按照CIC的要求做了,如今反而对我们不利。如果部长真的是关心‘紧缺劳动力市场需求’作为优先职业,CIC就该及时审理我们的申请。但是相反,我们被告知我们可以重新申请或继续等待审理。CIC从未告知我们是排在一个被遗忘的队列中。如果CIC当初通知我们,甚至优先审理这些文件,积案就不会这么多。申请人不该承受这些,这理应由CIC官员负责,正是由于他们的不称职的行为和态度导致这起伤害的产生,他们想以再不审理我们的申请来百倍加重对我们的伤害。 据CIC发布的新闻,针对联邦技术工作移民方案在2010年进行的广泛评估表明,该方案运行良好,运作良好。该报告指出,89%的技术类移民在登陆后的三年内找到工作或选择自雇。此外,95%的受访雇主表示,技术类移民可以满足或超过他们的期望。评估表明加拿大持续需要技术移民而不仅限于29个职业。 18/29的职业需要在加获得执照以执业。 2010年的技术类移民是在2008年6月C50法案公布前就已经开展的。因此,CIC自己的调研报告证实了部长禁止审理28万准移民的决定是错误的。这只是一个部长为标榜自己是所谓伟大长官的借口,他希望以此所谓政绩成为加拿大下届总理。 部长反复强调加拿大的一些行业和地区存在劳动力紧缺现象。 难道C50的技术类移民就是针对这一现象所制定的么?这到底是为什么呢?29项或38项难道本身不会加剧劳动力的紧缺么?当18/29的职业需要在加获得执照以执业的时候,无牌医生如何反应先进的医生缺失的问题呢?不管什么方式,限制的职业名单本身就有问题,因为之前没有职业列表,大约300个职业存在。大的职业列表更灵活,更容易缓解劳动力市场短缺。事实上, CIC自己已经发现公众对于紧缺职业的认识与现今的29项职业不同,那将真正反映未来5年的加拿大劳动力市场的紧缺职业。那为什么只有29项职业呢? 此外,CIC研究表明,只有36%的移民按照他们的职业预期。部长是否忽略了自己的研究?如果没有,为什么他置民意于不顾倒行逆施?部长的理解是移民前的评估是定位此申请是否符合加拿大劳动力市场的重要标准,但没有这样的评估体系存在。这不适合不适合那些积案,也不适合C-50申请者。那为什么对积案一刀切?为什么不在体系建好后再切? 我们不是CIC政策试验的小白鼠,我们是人。我们不该为CIC的政策和部长的失误买单。 部长的话就像咒语一样,即便是没有新的申请,现在积案审理还会持续5年多。可根据www.data.gc.ca的官方数据来看,部长所言完全不实。2010年总共196,212人包括C50前和C50的结案,其中78002通过,92209拒绝和26001撤销。2010年底,C50前和C50共有507931等待决定。如按2010年的审理标准,审理完全部只需32个月。但CIC有意放慢审理过程,在2011年后,保守党获得议会多数席位,审理完结的人数为109344人,人数约为2010年的一半。在保守党执政前的技术类移民,曾经在2006年出现过大量的积案。自由党政府通过增加配额来解决问题而不是视而不见。在2006年,总通过人数为87573人,最终结案数为168584,而在2006年,当时的劳动力市场没有现在的大。真正消除积案同时尊重人道的方式是增加配额和财政投入。申请人负担他们的审理开销用以完成审理指出远比从财政划出1.3亿退给他们要好的多。这对加拿大人和这些从2004年就开始耐心排队等待的28万申请人都有好处。 为什么不通知及优先处理在C50前但符合MI1 and MI指示的申请人?为什么害怕C50前的申请人?原因很明显,是把积案产生责任推向前任自由党政府,为自己争选票。28万人的未来要比赢得选举更重要么?可能这样的计谋使保守党为主的多数政府在延续四年,但加拿大的国家形象将至少在两代人的心中被损毁。这是用加拿大的形象换来的短视的政治利益,加拿大会扮演一个非常坏的“民主价值”的榜样而饱受质疑。在解决积案的问题上请三思而行!CIC的废除28万人申请的错误政策出台,会持续招致嘲弄。是的,审理费可退,但如何退换8年的等待时间和一个未来?作为一个友善的国家,加拿大应当依法行事,而不应当一个任由一个部长牺牲28万人利益胡作非为的国家。
回复: 抗议信中文版。特别感谢227的同学FLX辛苦翻译!我们团结在一起了!!!交给香港领馆的是英文版的, 这个翻译的版本放在论坛上,也发给中文媒体。 原信是我用英文写的,交给Tim修改了,现在由FLX翻译成中文。兜了这么大圈子,有趣! 我和FLX的英文名都是Felix,真有缘分啊!
回复: 抗议信中文版。特别感谢227的同学FLX辛苦翻译!我们团结在一起了!!!我的原信有措辞很强硬的比如警告CIC不要玩火自焚等内容,全部被Tim修改了,然后增加了一些好言相劝的内容。
回复: 抗议信中文版。特别感谢227的同学FLX辛苦翻译!我们团结在一起了!!!希望227的同学不要误会我们是在抱怨你们插队,我们的最终目的是要求公平公正,今天91被C50插队又被彻底作废,明天C50又被回溯,所有人都成了牺牲品。现在既要反对91被一刀切,也要反对C50可能发生的被新法追溯淘汰!
回复: 抗议信中文版。特别感谢227的同学FLX辛苦翻译!我们团结在一起了!!!"我们不仅仅是文件,我们更是有血有肉的人"应该改成:"我们不是文件,我们是有血有肉的人"。
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]London Ontario[FONT=楷体]中国人对现实里很多不公平有一种难以理解的接受能力,然后成为社会的规则,最后成为文化的一部分。[/FONT][FONT=楷体]三个要饭的故事[/FONT][FONT=宋体][FONT=楷体]看一个社会的好坏有一个很简单的办法:富人是否大量移民。[/FONT][/FONT]"我们不仅仅是文件,我们更是有血有肉的人"应该改成:"我们不是文件,我们是有血有肉的人"。点击展开... 语言文字很费时间推敲,FLX今晚花了几个小时翻译两篇很长的文稿,夜里一点多才完稿 我这几天字斟句酌花了不少脑力。写好文章比吵架辛苦的多啊 最终交给领事馆的是英文版的。 中文版交给中文媒体。
回复: 抗议信中文版。特别感谢227的同学FLX辛苦翻译!我们团结在一起了!!!Upload the English version as well. I will forward to local forum and media.
英文原信The Hon. Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, has repeatedly insisted that those seeking to immigrate in Canada should follow the rules and stand in the queue. We have been doing so since before 27 February 2008 and some have been waiting since 2004.But we 280,000 skilled worker applicants and their dependants are now two step away from being told that the queue Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) promised would lead to immigration if we met the selection criteria is a four-to-eight year long queue leading only to disillusioning disappointment. The Minister, once the Budget is passed, will introduce legislation to abolish our files without anyone ever determining whether we meet the selection criteria. In order to show that he is the Great Administrator, Mr. Kenney intends to "wipe the slate clean" at our expense. Before this bloodbath occurs, we appeal to you, Citizenship and Immigration Canada, to reconsider this issue. We are more than mere files; we are flesh and blood. If you want potential immigrants to "play by the Rules"; you, too, must play by your own rules. Abolishing our files will tell the world not to trust CIC, that its rules are illusion and irregular means is the only way to achieve our objective: to be contributing citizens of Canada.Until March 29th, in response our queries about the status of our cases, the Canadian Consulate General at Hong Kong replied with the assurance that our files were not forgotten, would be processed according to the rules in place when it took our money and urged us to be patient. Sadly, we trusted in the heretofore widely-held belief that the Government of Canada is honest and continued to wait year after year after year while CIC processed applicants who had applied years after us.In the four years since CIC began processing newer files in preference to older files, our files languished. Now the Minister says that he wants to prevent applicants from having to wait eight years to have their files processed. Fine, but if he had not engaged in his queue-jumping processing policy in 2008, we would not have been waiting eight years for our visas; our applications would have been finalized in less than four year if CIC processed files on the basis of first-in/first-served. The eight year backlog is of the Minister's own making.On 27 February 2008, the Minister announced that, once we obtained permission from Parliament to discriminate against applicants, he would "fast-track" some files. After Bill C-50 gave him that power, CIC's website stated: "All those who applied before February 27, 2008 will be processed to a final decision. But it will take some time to process them all." Now, Mr. Kenney has announced that his 2008 promise to Parliament and us was a lie. The 300,000’s “backlog” is indeed a problem, but CIC created this problem by failing to reduce intake. When CIC imposed its first ministerial instructions (MI 1) on November 28th, 2008 and MI2 in June 26th.2010, it could have informed those applicants whose NOC were on those Occupation Lists to apply under the new system because, if they remain in the queue, they will never be assessed. Instead, CIC told us to wait patiently. We did to our detriment.If the Minister is sincere about the "urgent labour market demand" for the favoured occupations, CIC would have promptly assessed our files. But, instead, it told us that we could apply all over again or wait for our original file to be assessed. CIC never told us that waiting in the queue was waiting in a queue to oblivion.If CIC had informed us or even prioritized those files, the backlog would not be so large. It is not the applicants who bear the responsibility for the Backlog. It is the cavalier or incompetent conduct of CIC officials who are to blame but, rather, than seek to ameliorate the harm they have caused, they want to multiply that harm one-hundred-fold by refusing ever to process our files.According to CIC own news release, an extensive evaluation of the federal skilled worker (FSW) program in 2010 showed that the program is working well and selecting immigrants who perform well economically. The report found that 89% of FSW's were employed or self-employed three years after landing. Moreover, 95% of employers surveyed indicated that FSW's were meeting or exceeding their expectations. The evaluation indicated a strong continuing need for skilled immigrants in Canada and not just in 29 occupations, 18 of which require licensing before they may practice their profession in Canada.The FSW's evaluated in 2010 had clearly applied before Bill C-50 was passed in the June 2008. Thus, CIC's own study proves that the Minister's justification from barring 280,000 long-waiting prospective immigrants is untrue. It is a fabricated excuse conjured to bolster the Minister's dream of being dubbed the Great Administrator on his way to becoming the Prime Minister of Canada. Frequently, the Minister has stated that Canada is experiencing a huge and growing labour shortages in many industries and regions. Is it credible that the C50 FSW's are tailor-made to assuage the current labour market but the labour shortages remains significant? What is the cause for this paradox? Could it be the 29 or 38 occupations restrictions itself has exacerbated the labour shortage? When 18 out of 29 occupations require provincial licensing before one may practice that profession, how does bringing in unlicensed physicians, for example, address the current shortage of physicians? In some way or another, the restricted occupation list itself is the cause for the problem because, before the Occupations Lists were imposed, around 300 occupations were in play. An expanded list of occupations would be more versatile and more likely to ease labour market shortages. In fact CIC's own findings online consultations with the public and stakeholders on ministerial instructions reveals that the Canadian public thought there were occupations other than the current list of 29 that will experience significant labour shortages in the next five years. So, why only 29 occupations?Moreover, CIC's own study shows that only 36% of immigrants follow their "intended occupation". Is the Minister unaware of CIC's own study? If not, why is he deceiving the public by asserting, contrary to CIC's own report, that bringing immigrants to Canada on the basis of their current profession is a sure fire way of filling labour shortages in those fields?While the Minister is understandably saying that pre-immigration credential evaluation is important in identifying immigrants who will readily fit into Canada's labour market, no such evaluation system exists. Not for those in the Backlog; not for the post Bill C-50 applicants. So, what is the justification for axing one group and not the other? And, why axe either before such a system is in place? We are not the mice in CIC policy experiments; we are human beings. We should not be made to pay the price for CIC's only policy failures and the Minister insatiable thirst for publicity.The Minister repeats like a mantra that, if even no additional applications are received, it will take more than five years to assess the backlogged files, but according to the Government's official data www.data.gc.ca that statement is wholly untrue. In the year 2010, a total of 196,212 persons, including both pre- and post-Bill C-50 files were finalized, including 78,002 passed, 92,209 refused and 26,001 withdrawn. By the end of 2010, the total number of both categories of applicants waiting a decision is 507,931. By maintaining the 2010 processing standard, it would have to take only 32 months to process them all. But CIC deliberately slowed down the process in the year 2011 after Conservative Party gained a majority in the House, reducing production to a mere 109,344 by persons roughly half of the 2010 production.In the history of FSW's before the Conservatives became the ruling party, there once was a similar situation of huge backlogs before 2006. The Liberal Government increased the quota in order to solve the problem rather than simply eliminating it or pretending that it did not exit. In the year 2006, the total passed person is 87,573, and the total finalized is 168,584, and that was the year of 2006, when the labour market was not as large as today’s.Increasing the quota and processing funding is the honest way to “eliminate” the backlog reasonably and with respect to the humanitarian values. Applicants fund the processing costs with the fees they pay. It would be better to raise the fee to accomplish this task than to remove $130 million from a cost-reduction budget. That approach would be better for Canadians and better for the 280,000 who have been patiently standing in the queue since as far back as 2004. Why not inform or prioritize the Pre-Bill C-50 applicants who were qualified under MI1 and MI2? Why the professed fear of the pre-Bill C-50 applicants? The reason is getting clearer and clearer: to blame the Liberal Party for the Backlog the current Government created, to tarnish its image as much as possible in order to win votes. Is the future of 280,000 people less important than electoral gains? While this tactic might ensure a majority Government for another four years, it will not gain votes in the following election, but the damage this action will do to the image of Canada will continue for no less than two generations. It would be short-term political gain at the expense of Canada's image, setting a very bad example of "democratic value" while increasing scepticism of the value of democracy itself. Please do reconsider the solution of this backlog problem. CIC has the power to erase the policy failure at the expense of 280,000 people, making a mockery of adhering to CIC's rules. Yes, the processing fee may be refunded, but how do you refund eight years of waiting and an entire future? Canada should be remembered as a kind and generous country, governed by the Rule of Law; not as one where a Minister can reverse course overnight at the expense of 280,000 human beings. By Felix Jiang, one of the 280,000 soon to be wiped out victims.
回复: 抗议信中文版。特别感谢227的同学FLX辛苦翻译!我们团结在一起了!!!转给英文论坛和媒体,请不要忘记注明作者是Felix Jiang。我要让香港领馆知道这是我的原创。
回复: 抗议信中文版。特别感谢227的同学FLX辛苦翻译!我们团结在一起了!!!转给英文论坛和媒体,请不要忘记注明作者是Felix Jiang。我要让香港领馆知道这是我的原创。点击展开... Got it! No problem!
回复: 抗议信中文版。特别感谢227的同学FLX辛苦翻译!我们团结在一起了!!!不知道等了8年的数据是如何出来的?
回复: 抗议信中文版。特别感谢227的同学FLX辛苦翻译!我们团结在一起了!!!不知道等了8年的数据是如何出来的?点击展开... 等了8年的情况是印度的。印度的Pre-C50也属于28万牺牲品。
回复: 抗议信中文版。特别感谢227的同学FLX辛苦翻译!我们团结在一起了!!! Upload the English version as well. I will forward to local forum and media. 点击展开... 能否把这封媒体邀请函也转给加拿大的媒体? 你可以把最后的落款改成你的,让媒体和你联系,如果媒体回应你了,你再把邮件转给我 [email protected] 最终目的是要更多媒体来报道这个事情。 Dear Sir/Madam: I am writing to you to ask for your press cover of our April 30th’s demonstration in Canadian embassy of Hong Kong. Our Hong Kong demonstration is part of the world wide protests, we have been united with applicants from India, Pakistan and UK, 10 cities of these 3 countries will be demonstrating on the same day as Hong Kong. We are Chinese applicants of Canada’s federal skilled worker program pre-dates 2008, since our submission of applications in 2006, Citizenship and Immigration Canada has promised us we will always be processed, but in 2008 they introduced a queue-jumping policy, the ones who submit their applications later are being processed first, so our 2006’s applications have never a chance to see the light. During these years, every time when we wrote to the embassy to express our concerns, they kept replying that every one of us is not forgotten and will be processed sometime in the future. Waiting patiently is all we have done. Suddenly in March 30 this year, Citizenship and Immigration announced that all our pre-2008 applications will be cancelled and returned without being processed. The total number of applicants is 280,000, more than 20,000 are Chinese. So we decide to fight against this obvious injustice by Citizenship and Immigration Canada, to protest outside Hong Kong’s embassy of Canada is one of the few actions we are going to do. We have around 70 people now, and more is expected to join us for the remaining days. I am inviting media from Hong Kong, Canada and even Europe and America to cover this event, your help is indispensable to us, we’ll never achieve anything without your press cover, and we’ll always be grateful for your help. The attachments are press note and the protesting letter which will be handed to the embassy, please feel free to check them out, you will find more details of this incident. Best Regards. Felix Jiang
回复: 抗议信中文版。特别感谢227的同学FLX辛苦翻译!我们团结在一起了!!!估计以后Felix要上CIC黑名单了. 交给香港领馆的是英文版的, 这个翻译的版本放在论坛上,也发给中文媒体。 原信是我用英文写的,交给Tim修改了,现在由FLX翻译成中文。兜了这么大圈子,有趣! 我和FLX的英文名都是Felix,真有缘分啊!点击展开...
回复: 抗议信中文版。特别感谢227的同学FLX辛苦翻译!我们团结在一起了!!!媒体报道比散步本身重要很多倍。媒体报道越多影响才越大。到底能有多少媒体来报道,我现在捏把汗! 除了香港和加拿大本地的。我也在联系BBC,法广,德国之声,纽约时报和NPR。当然最重要的还是香港和加拿大的。 纽约时报是美国左派的旗舰,我想他们对于加拿大保守党这个丑事可能会很感兴趣。
回复: 抗议信中文版。特别感谢227的同学FLX辛苦翻译!我们团结在一起了!!!估计以后Felix要上CIC黑名单了.点击展开...
回复: 抗议信中文版。特别感谢227的同学FLX辛苦翻译!我们团结在一起了!!!一分耕耘一分收获,加拿大大中报主编表示一定报道!
回复: 抗议信中文版。特别感谢227的同学FLX辛苦翻译!我们团结在一起了!!!帮你转了,看得出FELIX非常生气,希望有个好结果
一切都会过去 超赞 赏 星星点点 0$(VIP 0) 7442012-04-20#19 回复: 抗议信中文版。特别感谢227的同学FLX辛苦翻译!我们团结在一起了!!!"部长的话就像咒语一样,即便是没有新的申请,现在积案审理还会持续5年多。可根据www.data.gc.ca的官方数据来看,部长所言完全不实。2010年总共196,212人包括C50前和C50的结案,其中78002通过,92209拒绝和26001撤销。2010年底,C50前和C50共有507931等待决定。如按2010年的审理标准,审理完全部只需32个月。但CIC有意放慢审理过程,在2011年后,保守党获得议会多数席位,审理完结的人数为109344人,人数约为2010年的一半。在保守党执政前的技术类移民,曾经在2006年出现过大量的积案。自由党政府通过增加配额来解决问题而不是视而不见。在2006年,总通过人数为87573人,最终结案数为168584,而在2006年,当时的劳动力市场没有现在的大。"个人浅见,不知是否合适?觉得这段是否可以用个表格来表示,更明显而清晰。这样有些繁杂,不知对方有无耐心去读。
visa:2013-01-23:说不出的感觉,5年了啊landing了,还飘浮在空中的感觉,没有了根,也落不下地 超赞 赏 R rengo 0$(VIP 0) 2,0762012-04-20#20 回复: 抗议信中文版。特别感谢227的同学FLX辛苦翻译!我们团结在一起了!!!为什么不通知及优先处理在C50前但符合MI1 and MI2指示的申请人?
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