加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民魁省技术移民 - 321新政,按照官网上的说法,似乎目前还处于pending阶段???
关于321新证,网站上有这样一段话:This decision is taken pending adoption by the National Assembly of Québec of a bill, as announced by the Minister of Finance in his Budget Speech of 20 March 2012, that would contain a provision, retroactive to 20 March 2012, authorizing the Minister of Immigration and Cultural Communities to make such determination.这是不是说这个新政还未最终确定呢?还是说这就算是正式公布生效的政策了呢?求专家指点。不知道以往颁布政策是不是也都先Pending呢?
回复: 321新政,按照官网上的说法,似乎目前还处于pending阶段???顶下先
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