加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民虽然希望渺茫,但是加拿大还是有人替咱们说话的。5月3日会议摘录


Mr. Mike Sullivan (York South―Weston, NDP): Mr. Speaker, on the issue of the assault on democracy, one could not even read this bill in 28.5 hours. The bill is enormous. It touches on more than just how much money we are going to tax Canadians, which is what a budget is about. It touches on the environment, fisheries, pensions and so many things that are not supposed to be part of a budget, but they are. I note the comments by my colleague for Winnipeg North about this being an “ominous” bill. I think that was a slip of the tongue as it is an omnibus bill, but I also think it is an ominous bill for Canadians. The bill is missing some things. There is nothing here for the burgeoning demand for public transit in this country. There is a huge infrastructure deficit, but the bill is completely silent on whether the government is going to attend to the problem. On immigration, my colleague for York Centre suggested that we are just getting rid of the people who are on the faint hope list. However, this has nothing to do with getting rid of people on a faint hope list. This has to do with people who have discovered that the government gives them faint hope because it changed the rules after their application was in. After a couple of years, it decided to cut them off the list and give them some of their money back. These people have spent countless sums on legal fees, tests, police checks, et cetera, that they will never get back. The Conservative government is completely uncaring about the huge devastation it is causing those would-be immigrants from other countries by leaving them on a list for 10 years and then cutting them off.

人生如梦,一樽还酹江月Homelife New World Realty安省地产经纪+开发咨询[email protected] 超赞 赏 F fukang 0$(VIP 0) 4,0592012-05-04#2 回复: 虽然希望渺茫,但是加拿大还是有人替咱们说话的。5月3日会议摘录1840 年鸦片战争前夕 还有英国人在议会替大清帝国说话呢 ! 结果呢 ? 作用有木有 ?

回复: 虽然希望渺茫,但是加拿大还是有人替咱们说话的。5月3日会议摘录1840 年鸦片战争前夕 还有英国人在议会替大清帝国说话呢 ! 结果呢 ? 作用有木有 ?点击展开...又出来了, 哥们,真闲不住啊。这回彻底撕下了你的伪善的面具,彻底地暴露出了反人类的、丑恶的嘴脸了。

回复: 虽然希望渺茫,但是加拿大还是有人替咱们说话的。5月3日会议摘录又出来了, 哥们,真闲不住啊。这回彻底撕下了你的伪善的面具,彻底地暴露出了反人类的、丑恶的嘴脸了。点击展开... 那孙子整个一社会阴暗面,甭理他

FN(BJ) 16/01/2008变5 24/02/2010s2妥投 10/06/2010变12 18/06/2010 超赞 赏 xiake712 0$(VIP 0) 6962012-05-05#5 回复: 虽然希望渺茫,但是加拿大还是有人替咱们说话的。5月3日会议摘录估计是个在国内享受俸禄,去了加拿大洗盘子,看到勤劳的技术移民过了好生活,那B就心里变态了。估计那天回家把他爹妈婆娘娃儿都要一个个奸杀完

北京07年7月FN.卡城成员之一真的猛士敢于面对扯淡的人生。Mr. Mike Sullivan (York South―Weston, NDP): Mr. Speaker, on the issue of the assault on democracy, one could not even read this bill in 28.5 hours. The bill is enormous. It touches on more than just how much money we are going to tax Canadians, which is what a budget is about. It touches on the environment, fisheries, pensions and so many things that are not supposed to be part of a budget, but they are. I note the comments by my colleague for Winnipeg North about this being an “ominous” bill. I think that was a slip of the tongue as it is an omnibus bill, but I also think it is an ominous bill for Canadians. The bill is missing some things. There is nothing here for the burgeoning demand for public transit in this country. There is a huge infrastructure deficit, but the bill is completely silent on whether the government is going to attend to the problem. On immigration, my colleague for York Centre suggested that we are just getting rid of the people who are on the faint hope list. However, this has nothing to do with getting rid of people on a faint hope list. This has to do with people who have discovered that the government gives them faint hope because it changed the rules after their application was in. After a couple of years, it decided to cut them off the list and give them some of their money back. These people have spent countless sums on legal fees, tests, police checks, et cetera, that they will never get back. The Conservative government is completely uncaring about the huge devastation it is causing those would-be immigrants from other countries by leaving them on a list for 10 years and then cutting them off.点击展开...

回复: 虽然希望渺茫,但是加拿大还是有人替咱们说话的。5月3日会议摘录劈柴你耐心比我好. 我基本上不会去认真看这类报告. Mr. Sullivan, 我记住这个名字了。

91被切, 51幸运通过, 奋战在大温的新的老移民。 超赞 赏 岁 岁月无声 0$(VIP 0) 2492012-05-05#8 回复: 虽然希望渺茫,但是加拿大还是有人替咱们说话的。5月3日会议摘录Thank you,Mr. Mike Sullivan !

FN(BJ) 16/01/2008变5 24/02/2010s2妥投 10/06/2010变12 18/06/2010 超赞 赏 D Dido2009 0$(VIP 0) 1422012-05-05#9 回复: 虽然希望渺茫,但是加拿大还是有人替咱们说话的。5月3日会议摘录Mr. Kevin Lamoureux (Winnipeg North, Lib.): Mr. Speaker, when it comes to immigration, the Conservative government says that parents are no longer welcome. With regard to the economic immigrants in the backlogs, the minister hits the delete button, thereby affecting tens of thousands of people around the world. He says not to worry, “We're going to give you back your landing fees and your processing fees”. What about the other costs that those people who had a hope in coming to Canada would have incurred? What is the minister prepared to do for those individuals? [Table of Contents]Hon. Jason Kenney (Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, CPC): Madam Speaker, I think we can see how seriously the Liberal Party takes immigration. The only time it gives the critic a question is at noon on Friday. We can see that also in the fact that, when the Liberals were in government, they admitted 17,000 parents and grandparents a year. We have increased that by 60%, to 25,000, in order to cut in half the Liberal backlog in family reunification that they left behind. Speaking of backlogs, the Liberals left behind a backlog of 840,000 people waiting for up to seven and eight years. Yes, we have to take some difficult decisions这厮果然把问题怪罪给了他的前任,很不地道

终于毕业了 超赞 赏 F Freedog 0$(VIP 0) 3782012-05-05#10 回复: 虽然希望渺茫,但是加拿大还是有人替咱们说话的。5月3日会议摘录小样的狗屁逻辑,5年前还不叫backlog,都是新鲜的申请人,五年前的申请人绝大多数2年就有结果了,就算印度的也没等八年这么夸张。自己弄了C50,把新鲜申请人闷了这么多年活生生憋成了backlog,现在推一干二净。 屠掉28万还成大功一件了。能不能不要这么无耻啊

回复: 虽然希望渺茫,但是加拿大还是有人替咱们说话的。5月3日会议摘录唉~~保守党迟早要垮台的。我们还有机会

人生如梦,一樽还酹江月Homelife New World Realty安省地产经纪+开发咨询[email protected]小样的狗屁逻辑,5年前还不叫backlog,都是新鲜的申请人,五年前的申请人绝大多数2年就有结果了,就算印度的也没等八年这么夸张。自己弄了C50,把新鲜申请人闷了这么多年活生生憋成了backlog,现在推一干二净。 屠掉28万还成大功一件了。能不能不要这么无耻啊点击展开...

When submitted, pregnant, now he is 6. 超赞 赏 雾霾和计划生育都害人 0$(VIP 0) 2,6442012-05-06#13 回复: 虽然希望渺茫,但是加拿大还是有人替咱们说话的。5月3日会议摘录律师只是从移民权的角度考虑,移民权,这个你可以立法来违约,但不能不让诉讼和索赔!可是剥夺申请人的诉讼权、索赔权、追索权,这个已经是在侵犯人权!加拿大政府对广大申请人施虐,剥夺弱者的诉讼赔偿权利,从这点上看,是最大的侵犯人权,简直令人发指!

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