加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民给移民局的一封信


大家的论坛帮大家!论坛也需要您的帮助,您一定能帮得上![进度报到] 给移民局的信Dear Sir or Madam, My name is ***.I am the principal applicant for Permanent Residents as Federal Skilled Workers.My date of birth is, ** June, 19**.My Immigration File Number is B05079****.I submitted my application forms in late 2006, and got to know that the Canadian Immigration Office started processing my application on June 8, 2007. Since then more than 50 months have passed, but I have no idea how and when to submit the documents you requested, because I have neither got any checklist nor any acknowledgement letters from your office.I checked my application status on line, and was told it is still in process and it may take 57 months for the processing. It is nearly the deadline but all the documents requested remain unposted.Some of my information has changed after I submitted the application form, with my son born.Could you please kindly provide me with some update of my case? I can be reached at my email address, ***@sohu.comor my cell number,136********. Hope to hear from you soon! Thank you very much. Sincerely, ***

When submitted, pregnant, now he is 6. 超赞 赏 xzh6339 0$(VIP 0) 5462012-05-07#2 回复: 给移民局的一封信这是我几个月前写的,至今石沉大海啊!

When submitted, pregnant, now he is 6. 超赞 赏 B Bye 0$(VIP 0) 6212012-05-07#3 回复: 给移民局的一封信支持。我正在写,快写完了。让世界看看Mr.kenney 想干什么?是谁违法?

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